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    2am smd transistor

    Abstract: ALP 102 B4 i386ex intel tc55v2325ff application note scr tic 106 TC55V2325FF ATM622 alps ALP 102
    Text: ICs for Communications ATM Layer Processor ALP PXB 4350 E Version 1.1 Data Sheet 08.2000 DS 1 3;%  5HYLVLRQ +LVWRU\ &XUUHQW 9HUVLRQ  Previous Version: Preliminary Data Sheet 09.98 (DS 2 Page Page Subjects (major changes since last revision)

    87OPIA 2am smd transistor ALP 102 B4 i386ex intel tc55v2325ff application note scr tic 106 TC55V2325FF ATM622 alps ALP 102 PDF


    Abstract: "64-Bit Microprocessor" toshiba tmp87pm40ang TMP93PW46AFG TMP86FS49AUG TMP92FD28AFG TMP87P809NG TMP88CP38BFG TMP87PH46NG TMP86C845UG TMP92FD28
    Text: Microcomputers 4-Bit Microcontrollers z 3 8-Bit Microcontrollers z 4 16-Bit Microcontrollers z 16 32-Bit Microcontrollers z 20 8-Bit Microcontrollers for Automotive z 21 DSP for Automotive z 23 16-Bit Microcontrollers for Automotive z 24 32-Bit Microcontrollers for Automotive z 24

    16-Bit 32-Bit 64-Bit PlCK128SE TX4964FG-120 "64-Bit Microprocessor" toshiba tmp87pm40ang TMP93PW46AFG TMP86FS49AUG TMP92FD28AFG TMP87P809NG TMP88CP38BFG TMP87PH46NG TMP86C845UG TMP92FD28 PDF


    Abstract: tmp89fw24 TMP93PW46AFG TMP89FW24FG TMP92FD28AFG TMP1940FDBFG TMP93CS40DFG TX4961XBG TMP91PW12FG TX4961XBG-240
    Text: 東芝半導体製品総覧表 2010 年 1 月版 マイクロコンピュータ 4 ビットマイクロコントローラ 8 ビットマイクロコントローラ 16 ビットマイクロコントローラ 32 ビットマイクロコントローラ 車載用 8 ビットマイクロコントローラ

    SCJ0004O 870/C 870/X 870/C1 900/L1 900/H1 900/L 900/H tmp89fw24dfg tmp89fw24 TMP93PW46AFG TMP89FW24FG TMP92FD28AFG TMP1940FDBFG TMP93CS40DFG TX4961XBG TMP91PW12FG TX4961XBG-240 PDF


    Abstract: PBGA456
    Text: JEITA Package Code P-BGA456-35x35-1.27 RENESAS Code PRBG0456DA-A B D Previous Code 456F7X-B A D1 MASS[Typ.] 5.0g A ZD b S AB e y S Index mark S ZE AF AE AD AC AB AA Y W V U T R P N M L K J H G F E D C B A E1 E e A1 Reference Symbol 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26

    P-BGA456-35x35-1 PRBG0456DA-A 456F7X-B PRBG0456DA-A PBGA456 PDF


    Abstract: FBGA1152 FBGA896 FBGA676 Actel PQFP208 Actel APA075 import 500k PQFP208 FBGA256 APA150 -TQ1001 datasheet
    Text: Application Note AC300 ProASIC to ProASICPLUS® Design Migration Introduction The ProASICPLUS family of FPGAs with FlashLock® combines the advantages of ASICs with the benefits of programmable devices through nonvolatile Flash technology. This enables engineers to create highdensity systems using existing ASIC or FPGA design flows and tools. In addition, the ProASICPLUS family

    AC300 FBGA-484 FBGA1152 FBGA896 FBGA676 Actel PQFP208 Actel APA075 import 500k PQFP208 FBGA256 APA150 -TQ1001 datasheet PDF


    Abstract: TC94A70FG TPD1047F TB2904 TB9065FG TB2926CHQ TB31371FNG TC94A70FG data sheet TB31370FNG TB9061FNG
    Text: システムカタログ 2009-5 システムカタログ 車載ソリューション SEMICONDUCTOR h t t p : / / w w w. s e m i c o n . t o s h i b a . c o . j p / C Information & Entertainment O 先駆者 快適で楽しいクルマ Safety/Drive Assist 安全

    SCJ0023D SCJ0023C TB2926 TC94A70FG TPD1047F TB2904 TB9065FG TB2926CHQ TB31371FNG TC94A70FG data sheet TB31370FNG TB9061FNG PDF


    Abstract: TMP92FD28 TMP93CS40DFG TX4961XBG-240 TMP91CW12AFG TMP93PW44ADFG tlcs-870 series instruction set TMP19A70FYFG tmp92fd28fg TMP92FD23AF
    Text: Microcomputers 4-Bit Microcontrollers z 3 8-Bit Microcontrollers z 4 16-Bit Microcontrollers z 12 32-Bit Microcontrollers z 16 8-Bit Microcontrollers for Automotive z 18 16-Bit Microcontrollers for Automotive z 21 32-Bit Microcontrollers for Automotive z 21

    16-Bit 32-Bit 64-Bit DIP16 DIP20 tmp92cd28 TMP92FD28 TMP93CS40DFG TX4961XBG-240 TMP91CW12AFG TMP93PW44ADFG tlcs-870 series instruction set TMP19A70FYFG tmp92fd28fg TMP92FD23AF PDF


    Abstract: atm recommendation availability
    Text: P R O D U C T B R I E F ATM Buffer Manager V2.1 The ABM PXB 4330 Traffic Management Device is well accepted in a variety of applications where extensive ATM Traffic Management capabilities are required in either distributed or centralized system architectures of Enterprise and CO

    B119-H7649-G1-X-7600 MOTOROLA SCR atm recommendation availability PDF

    PCR 406 J

    Abstract: marking w25 SMD transistor pcr 406 TRANSISTOR SMD MARKING CODE W25 SMD TRANSISTOR MARKING P2 PCR 406 J transistor smd marking K23 transistor pcr 405 Motorola transistor smd marking codes marking g23 SMD
    Text: Da ta Sh ee t, D S 2, D ec em be r 20 01 A B M P r e mi um A T M B uf f e r M a na ge r P XF 4 33 6 V e r s i on 1 . 1 W ir ed Co m mu n ic a ti o n s N e v e r s t o p t h i n k i n g . Edition 2001-12-17 Published by Infineon Technologies AG, St.-Martin-Strasse 53,

    D-81541 PCR 406 J marking w25 SMD transistor pcr 406 TRANSISTOR SMD MARKING CODE W25 SMD TRANSISTOR MARKING P2 PCR 406 J transistor smd marking K23 transistor pcr 405 Motorola transistor smd marking codes marking g23 SMD PDF

    marking w25 SMD

    Abstract: TRANSISTOR SMD MARKING CODE W25 smd marking g23 SMD CODE w25 SMD MARKING CODE E1H smd w25 66 2310 dhi TOP 242 PN SMD TRANSISTOR MARKING 9b marking g23 SMD
    Text: Da ta Sh ee t, D S 1, D ec em be r 20 01 ABM 3G A T M B uf f e r M a na ge r P XF 4 33 3 V e r s i on 1 . 1 W ir ed Co m mu n ic a ti o n s N e v e r s t o p t h i n k i n g . Edition 2001-12-17 Published by Infineon Technologies AG, St.-Martin-Strasse 53,

    D-81541 marking w25 SMD TRANSISTOR SMD MARKING CODE W25 smd marking g23 SMD CODE w25 SMD MARKING CODE E1H smd w25 66 2310 dhi TOP 242 PN SMD TRANSISTOR MARKING 9b marking g23 SMD PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Advanced v.2 ProASICTM 500K Family Features and Benefits • High Capacity • 98,000 to 1.1 Million System Gates • 14K to 138K Bit of Two-Port SRAM • 210 to 623 User I/Os • Performance • Corner-to-Corner Delay < 4 ns Typical • Clock-to-Out < 7 ns

    200MHz PDF


    Abstract: QFN-132 kl1-v1 208 pin rqfp drawing qfn132 RT3PE3000L CQ256 DIMENSIONS pqfp 100 actel package mechanical drawing Actel A40MX04 PBGA 23X23 0.8 pitch
    Text: v 11. 2 Package Mechanical Drawings Ceramic Pin Grid Array 84-Pin CPGA Top View 0.050" ± 0.010" Pin #1 ID 0.045" 0.055" 0.015" 0.018" ± 0.002" 0.100" BSC 1.100" ± 0.020" square 0.072" 0.088" L 0.120" 0.140" Side View K J H G F 1.000" BSC E D C B A 1 2 3

    84-Pin A1010B A1020B 100-Pin QFN108 QFN-132 kl1-v1 208 pin rqfp drawing qfn132 RT3PE3000L CQ256 DIMENSIONS pqfp 100 actel package mechanical drawing Actel A40MX04 PBGA 23X23 0.8 pitch PDF


    Abstract: TMP93CW41DFG tmp86fs49aug tmp93ps40dfg TMP93CS41dfg tmp96c141bfg TMP95C265FG TMP87PM40ANG TMP19A70CYFG TMP87CS71BFG
    Text: 2005-10 PART NUMBER LIST Microcomputer / Microcomputer Development System semiconductor � � � � PART NUMBER LIST Microcomputer / Microcomputer Development System Microcomputer Development System Selection Guide

    BCE0023C TMP19A70FYFG TMP93CW41DFG tmp86fs49aug tmp93ps40dfg TMP93CS41dfg tmp96c141bfg TMP95C265FG TMP87PM40ANG TMP19A70CYFG TMP87CS71BFG PDF


    Abstract: PBGA456 PRBG0456DD-A PBGA-456 bga456
    Text: JEITA Package Code P-BGA456-35x35-1.27 RENESAS Code PRBG0456DD-A D A D1 B Previous Code 456F7A MASS[Typ.] 4.1g A b ZD S AB e y S Index mark S ZE AF AE AD AC AB AA Y W V U T R P N M L K J H G F E D C B A E1 E e A1 Reference Symbol 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26

    P-BGA456-35x35-1 PRBG0456DD-A 456F7A P-BGA-456 PBGA456 PRBG0456DD-A PBGA-456 bga456 PDF


    Abstract: TMP93PW44ADF TMP86P807NG tmp89fw24dfg TMP19A33F20NG TMP47C443NG TX4964FG-120 TMP87PH46NG TMP87PM41FG TX4961
    Text: SEMICONDUCTOR GENERAL CATALOG Microcomputers 4-Bit Microcontrollers 8-Bit Microcontrollers 16-Bit Microcontrollers 32-Bit Microcontrollers 8-Bit Microcontrollers for Automotive 16-Bit Microcontrollers for Automotive 32-Bit Microcontrollers for Automotive 32-Bit Microcontrollers

    16-Bit 32-Bit 64-Bit 2010/9SCE0004K tmp89fw24 TMP93PW44ADF TMP86P807NG tmp89fw24dfg TMP19A33F20NG TMP47C443NG TX4964FG-120 TMP87PH46NG TMP87PM41FG TX4961 PDF

    Theta JC of FBGA

    Abstract: cpga dimensions cpga weight 84 pin plcc ic base
    Text: v3.0 Package Characteristics and Mechanical Drawings Pa c ka ge T he r m a l C ha r a ct e r i s t i c s Package Type Ceramic Pin Grid Array CPGA Ceramic Quad Flat Pack (CQFP) – cavity up – cavity up w/ heat sink Plastic Leaded Chip Carrier (PLCC) Plastic Quad Flat Pack (PQFP)



    Abstract: vaddis digital video recorder circuit ATA33 ZR35250 single chip dvd player zoran vaddis VADDIS V zoran vaddis 9 smart dvb-s
    Text: Activa 220 / Activa ® 230 + Activa ® 250 DVD Recorder System-on-a-Chip + RF Amplifier Product Brief Driving the Digital Lifestyle DVD Zoran Corporation 1390 Kifer Road Sunnyvale, CA 94086-5305 Digital Camera Digital TV Imaging IP Core Te l 408.523.6500

    ZR35220/ZR35230 ZR35250 zr36721 vaddis digital video recorder circuit ATA33 ZR35250 single chip dvd player zoran vaddis VADDIS V zoran vaddis 9 smart dvb-s PDF


    Abstract: TX4961 TMP89FM42AUG TMP92FD28AFG TMP95C265FG TMP87PM41FG TX4961XBG-240 TMP87PH46NG TX4939 TMP93CS40DFG
    Text: 製品カタログ 2009-5 9-5 23I 製品品番一覧表 マイクロコンピュータ・マイクロコンピュータ開発システム マイクロコンピュータ・マイクロコンピュータ開発システム SEMICONDUCTOR BCJ0023I_H1_H4.indd 2

    BCJ0023I 870/C 870/X 870/C1 900/L1 900/H1 900/L BCJ0023H TX4961XBG TX4961 TMP89FM42AUG TMP92FD28AFG TMP95C265FG TMP87PM41FG TX4961XBG-240 TMP87PH46NG TX4939 TMP93CS40DFG PDF


    Abstract: at3217 infineon b 58 468 la intel 80 sy 6551
    Text: D at a S h ee t , R e v . 2 , D ec . 20 0 3 ATM-LP ATM Layer Processor PXB 43 50 E, Version 1 .1 Wire d Co mmu nicat i on s N e v e r s t o p t h i n k i n g . ABM , ACE®, AOP®, ARCOFI®, ASM®, ASP®, DigiTape®, DuSLIC®, EPIC®, ELIC®, FALC®, GEMINAX®, IDEC®, INCA®, IOM®, IPAT®-2, ISAC®, ITAC®, IWE®, IWORX®,

    10BaseV® 10BaseVX® 10BaseSTM, J2534 at3217 infineon b 58 468 la intel 80 sy 6551 PDF


    Abstract: TMP86FS49BNG TMPM321 TMPM324F10FG TMP47C443NG TMP92FD28AFG TMP87PH46NG tmp95c265fg tmp89fw24dfg tmp89fw24
    Text: 東芝半導体製品総覧表 2011 年 1 月版 マイクロコンピュータ 4 ビットマイクロコントローラ 8 ビットマイクロコントローラ 16 ビットマイクロコントローラ 32 ビットマイクロコントローラ 車載用 8 ビットマイクロコントローラ

    SCJ0004R 870/C 870/X 870/C1 900/L1 900/H1 900/L 900/H TMPM321F10FG TMP86FS49BNG TMPM321 TMPM324F10FG TMP47C443NG TMP92FD28AFG TMP87PH46NG tmp95c265fg tmp89fw24dfg tmp89fw24 PDF


    Abstract: TMP95C265FG TX4961XBG TX4961 TMP92FD28AFG TX4966XBG-280 TMP89FW20UG TMP19A44F10XBG TMP93CS40DFG TMP87PH46NG
    Text: 製品カタログ 2010-7 製品品番一覧表 マイクロコンピュータ・マイクロコンピュータ開発システム h t t p : / / w w w. s e m i c o n . t o s h i b a . c o . j p / ⵾ຠຠ⇟৻ⷩ⴫ マイクロコンピュータセレクションガイド

    870/C 870/X 870/C1 900/L1 900/H1 900/L BCJ0023J BCJ0023I tmp89fw24dfg TMP95C265FG TX4961XBG TX4961 TMP92FD28AFG TX4966XBG-280 TMP89FW20UG TMP19A44F10XBG TMP93CS40DFG TMP87PH46NG PDF


    Abstract: TC94A70FG TB31371 TB9065FG TB2946 TB31371FNG TB2904 TB9065 TB31370FNG of TOSHIBA TB2926 ic
    Text: 2009-5 SYSTEM CATALOG Automotive Solutions SEMICONDUCTOR C Information & Entertainment O N T E N T S • 4-Channel Power Amplifier ICs 6 ■ CD/MP3 ICs for Car Audio Applications 8 ■ Bluetooth Chipset for Car Audio and Navigation Systems 9

    SCE0023B TB2926 TC94A70FG TB31371 TB9065FG TB2946 TB31371FNG TB2904 TB9065 TB31370FNG of TOSHIBA TB2926 ic PDF

    8bit pwm generator

    Abstract: TMP92CY23FG samtec FTSH-110 TMP87PH46NG TMP89FH42AUG FTSH-110-01-L-DV-K TX4961 TMP88CP38BFG TMP86PM49UG tmp87p809ng diagram
    Text: SEMICONDUCTOR GENERAL CATALOG Microcomputers 4-Bit Microcontrollers 8-Bit Microcontrollers 16-Bit Microcontrollers 32-Bit Microcontrollers 8-Bit Microcontrollers for Automotive 16-Bit Microcontrollers for Automotive 32-Bit Microcontrollers for Automotive 32-Bit Microcontrollers

    16-Bit 32-Bit 64-Bit SCE0004I 8bit pwm generator TMP92CY23FG samtec FTSH-110 TMP87PH46NG TMP89FH42AUG FTSH-110-01-L-DV-K TX4961 TMP88CP38BFG TMP86PM49UG tmp87p809ng diagram PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Advanced v .2 ProASIC 500K Famüy F e atu res and B enefits • High Capacity • 98,000 to 1.1 Million System Gates • 14K to 138K Bit of Two-Port SRAM • 210 to 623 User I/Os • Performance • Corner-to-Corner Delay < 4 ns Typical • Clock-to-Out < 7 ns

    OCR Scan
    200MHz PBGA272 PBGA456 A500K270 PDF