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    ATMEL 644

    Abstract: PL22V10-10N GAL20V8B PL22V10-15N AMPAL22V10AJC GAL22V10B-10LP GAL16V8B-25LP GAL16V8B ATF16V8B-15PC PAL22V10-7PC
    Text: SGYT104 April 1998           CROSS REFERENCE GUIDE Texas Instruments remains fully committed to the bipolar PLD market. TI has been a constant and reliable supplier to this market for over 18 years. Our commitment to this

    SGYT104 PAL16xx-5JC PAL16xx-5PC PAL16xx-7DC PAL16xx-7JC PAL16xx-7PC PAL16xxACJ PAL16xxACN PAL16xxACNL PAL16xxBCJ ATMEL 644 PL22V10-10N GAL20V8B PL22V10-15N AMPAL22V10AJC GAL22V10B-10LP GAL16V8B-25LP GAL16V8B ATF16V8B-15PC PAL22V10-7PC PDF


    Abstract: TAM fuse PAL20L8A ep147 pal2010 P12C PAL20R6A PAL20R8A S41C PAL20L8
    Text: T E X A S INSTRUM ENTS FIELD PRO GRAM M ABLE LOGIC D EPARTM EN T p r o g r a m m in g DEVICE f a m il y D E V IC E S IN CLU D ED a l g o r it h m s p e c if ic a t io n PAL20XXA P A L2 0 L8 A . PA L20R 4A . PA120R6A, PA L20R 8A PROGRAMMING PROCEDURE: A rro y fu s e s o re p ro g ra m m e d u sin g o lin eo r s e le c t m e th o d E a c h

    OCR Scan
    PA120XXA PAL20L8A, PA120R4A, PAL20R6A, PAL20R8A PAL24002 pal20r6a PAL20XXA PAL20-9 PAL20LBA TAM fuse PAL20L8A ep147 pal2010 P12C PAL20R6A PAL20R8A S41C PAL20L8 PDF

    Pal programming 22v10

    Abstract: TI GAL22V10 GAL20V8 GAL22V10 22V10PLD GAL22V10 National
    Text: April 1994 Semiconductor S C A N 22C V10-10 10 ns B oundary-Scan 2 2 V 10 PLD General Description Features The EECMOS SCAN22CV10 device is fabricated using electrically erasable floating gate technology. This programĀ­ mable memory technology applied to array logic provides

    OCR Scan
    SCAN22CV10-10 SCAN22CV10 24-pin PAL20XX GAL20V8, PAL/GAL22V10. SCAN22CV10 Pal programming 22v10 TI GAL22V10 GAL20V8 GAL22V10 22V10PLD GAL22V10 National PDF