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    Bourns Inc SP5274-55RF

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    Mouser Electronics SP5274-55RF
    • 1 $14.99
    • 10 $11.62
    • 100 $9.17
    • 1000 $8.95
    • 10000 $8.95
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    Vishay Intertechnologies CMF55287K00FHEB

    Metal Film Resistors - Through Hole 1/2watt 287Kohm 1% 50ppm
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    TTI CMF55287K00FHEB Reel 1,000
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    • 1000 $0.176
    • 10000 $0.154
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    P5274 Datasheets (4)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Curated Datasheet Type PDF
    P5274 Hamamatsu MCT photoconductive detector Original PDF
    P5274 Hamamatsu MCT Photoconductive Detector Scan PDF
    P5274-01 Hamamatsu MCT photoconductive detector Original PDF
    P5274-50 Hamamatsu MCT photoconductive detector Original PDF

    P5274 Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MCT photoconductive detectors P2748/P5274 series Dewar type detector with high sensitivity and high-speed response in long wavelength range Features Applications Choice of spectral response range up to 25 m The band gap can be adjusted by controlling the composition

    P2748/P5274 KIRD1021E09 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MCT photoconductive detectors P2748/P5274 series Dewar type detector with high sensitivity and high-speed response in long wavelength range Features Applications Choice of spectral response range up to 25 m The band gap can be adjusted by controlling the composition

    P2748/P5274 KIRD1021E10 Dewar PDF


    Abstract: A3515 C5185 P2748-40 P2748-41 P2748-42 P3257-50 P5274 P5274-01 P7752-10
    Text: INFRARED DETECTOR MCT光導電素子 P2748/P5274シリーズ, P3257-50 長波長域で高感度高速応答を実現したデュワ型検出素子 特長 用途 l さまざまな感度波長範囲 ~25 µm l FTIR l 分光光度計 l サーマルイメージング

    P2748/P5274, P3257-50 A3515 C5185 P7752-10 P2748-40 P2748-41 P2748-42 P5274 P5274-01 P3257 A3515 C5185 P2748-40 P2748-41 P2748-42 P3257-50 P5274 P5274-01 P7752-10 PDF

    high range METAL detector circuit

    Text: INFRARED DETECTOR MCT photoconductive detector P2748/P5274 series, P3257-50 Dewar type detector with high sensitivity and high-speed response in long wavelength range Features Applications l Choice of spectral response range up to 25 µm The band gap can be adjusted by controlling the composition

    P2748/P5274 P3257-50 SE-171 KIRD1021E04 high range METAL detector circuit METAL DETECTOR CIRCUIT PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MCT photoconductive detectors P2748/P5274 series Dewar type detector with high sensitivity and high-speed response in long wavelength range Features Applications Choice of spectral response range up to 25 m The band gap can be adjusted by controlling the composition

    P2748/P5274 KIRD1021E10 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: INFRARED DETECTOR MCT photoconductive detector P2748/P5274 series, P3257-50 Dewar type detector with high sensitivity and high-speed response in long wavelength range Features Applications l Choice of spectral response range up to 25 µm The band gap can be adjusted by controlling the composition

    P2748/P5274 P3257-50 SE-171 KIRD1021E02 PDF

    high range METAL detector circuit

    Abstract: C5185 Dewar cdte infrared detector A3515 C3871 P2748-40 P2748-41 P2748-42
    Text: INFRARED DETECTOR MCT photoconductive detector P2748/P5274 series, P3257-50 Dewar type detector with high sensitivity and high-speed response in long wavelength range Features Applications l Choice of spectral response range up to 25 µm The band gap can be adjusted by controlling the composition

    P2748/P5274 P3257-50 SE-171 KIRD1021E03 high range METAL detector circuit C5185 Dewar cdte infrared detector A3515 C3871 P2748-40 P2748-41 P2748-42 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: INFRARED DETECTOR MCT photoconductive detector P2748/P5274 series, P3257-50 Dewar type detector with high sensitivity and high-speed response in long wavelength range Features Applications l Choice of spectral response range up to 25 µm The band gap can be adjusted by controlling the composition

    P2748/P5274 P3257-50 SE-171 KIRD1021E02 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MCT photoconductive detectors P2748/P5274 series Dewar type detector with high sensitivity and high-speed response in long wavelength range Features Applications Choice of spectral response range up to 25 m The band gap can be adjusted by controlling the composition

    P2748/P5274 B1201, KIRD1021E13 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MCT photoconductive detectors P2748/P5274 series Dewar type detector with high sensitivity and high-speed response in long wavelength range Features Applications Choice of spectral response range up to 25 m The band gap can be adjusted by controlling the composition

    P2748/P5274 KIRD1021E11 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MCT photoconductive detectors P2748/P5274 series Dewar type detector with high sensitivity and high-speed response in long wavelength range Features Applications Choice of spectral response range up to 25 m The band gap can be adjusted by controlling the composition

    P2748/P5274 SE-171 KIRD1021E07 P5274-01 PDF

    high range METAL detector circuit

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: INFRARED DETECTOR MCT photoconductive detector P2748/P5274 series, P3257-50 Dewar type detector with high sensitivity and high-speed response in long wavelength range Features Applications l Choice of spectral response range up to 25 µm The band gap can be adjusted by controlling the composition

    P2748/P5274 P3257-50 SE-171 KIRD1021E05 high range METAL detector circuit PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MCT光導電素子 P2748/P5274シリーズ 長波長域で高感度高速応答を実現したデュワ型 検出素子 特長 用途 さまざまな感度波長範囲 ~25 m HgTeとCdTeの組成比によってバンドギャップが変わります。

    P2748/P5274ã A3515 P2748-41 KIRDA0129JC KIRD1021J13 PDF


    Abstract: photoconductive MCT dewar Metal Detector A3515 P2748-40 P2748-41 P2748-42 P3257-50 P5274
    Text: INFRARED DETECTOR MCT photoconductive detector P2748/P5274 series, P3257-50 Dewar type detector with high sensitivity and high-speed response in long wavelength range Features Applications l Choice of spectral response range up to 25 µm The band gap can be adjusted by controlling the composition

    P2748/P5274 P3257-50 SE-171 KIRD1021E06 C5185 photoconductive MCT dewar Metal Detector A3515 P2748-40 P2748-41 P2748-42 P3257-50 P5274 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 化合物光半導体 受光素子 1 InGaAs/GaAs PINフォトダイオード 1-1 1-2 特性 使い方 2 InGaAs APD 2-1 2-2 2-3 動作原理 特性 使い方 第 章 6 8 MCT HgCdTe 光起電力素子 8-1 8-2 特性 使い方 9 複合素子 10 オプション


    bcm 4330

    Abstract: telemecanique contactor catalogue A5 GNC mosfet philips ecg master replacement guide Elektronikon II keltron electrolytic capacitors PART NO SELEMA DRIVER MOTOR AC 12v dc EIM Basic MK3 lenze 8600 Atlas copco rc universal 60 min
    Text: NEED IT NOW? BUY REMAN! SEE PAGE lxx xx xvi SOLUTIONS, SOLUTIONS. Q A r e q u a l i t y, c o s t , a n d t i m e i m p o r t a n t to you? A ELECTRICAL SOUTH! Q Do you spend too much of your valuable time dealing with too m a n y d i ff e r e n t r e p a i r v e n d o r s ?



    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: セレクションガイド 2014.12 赤外線検出素子 赤 外 域 の さま ざ ま な 感 度 波 長 範 囲 に 対 応 INFRARED DETECTOR 赤外線検出素子 赤外線検出素子は計測・分析・工業・通信・農業・医 学・理 化 学・天 文 学・宇 宙 などの 分 野に幅 広く利 用


    Infrared detectors

    Abstract: dark detector application ,uses and working
    Text: Compound semiconductor photosensors 1 InGaAs/GaAs PIN photodiodes 1-1 Characteristics 1-2 How to use 2 InGaAs APD 2-1 Operating principle 2-2 Characteristics 2-3 How to use CHAPTER 06 8 MCT HgCdTe photovoltaic detectors 8-1 Characteristics 8-2 How to use



    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MCT HgCdTe Photoconductive Detectors (Dewar Types) Spectral Response Range: 2 to 1 6 ¡im High sensitivity in the long wavelength range and high-speed response •Various options response t-? *' ;r . i *1 •. - s. . ' :' > " !}. T h e band-gap of H gC dT e can b e m odified by controlling th e com posi­

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: B5170-05 G3476-01 G3476-10 P2682-01 B 1403 N P3226-02 B5170-02 G5125-10 P903
    Text: Applications of Infrared Detectors I n frared rad iatio n is u tilized in a w i d e ra n g e o f te c h n ic a l a n d sc ien tif ic fields, i n clu din g in d u str y , ag r i c u l t u re , m e d i c i n e , a s t r o n o m y , c o m m u n i c a t i o n s a n d r e m o t e s e n s i n g f ro m

    OCR Scan
    B1710-02 B1918-01 B1720-05 G5125-10 P394A P3258-02 P394A P3982 P2750 P5138 B5170 B5170-05 G3476-01 G3476-10 P2682-01 B 1403 N P3226-02 B5170-02 G5125-10 P903 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MCT HgCdTe PhotOCOndllCtive DetectorS(Dewar Types) High sensitivity in the long wavelength range and high-speed response • C h o ice of spectral response T he band gap o f H gC dT e can be m odified by controlling the com po­ sition ratio o f H gT e and C dT e. U tilizing this fact, various types are

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: G5853-01 G5125-10 G5832-05 G5832-02 G5832-03 G7233 B1919-01 g7233-256 B1920-01
    Text: Applications of Infrared Detectors Infrared radiation is utilized in a wide range of technical and scientific fields, including industry, agriculture, medicine, astronomy, com­ munications and remote sensing from space. Hamamatsu infrared detectors are used in many applications as listed in the table below.

    OCR Scan
    G5125-10 G3476-03 B1720-02 B1918-01 P3258-02 P791-11 P6606-310 P2750 P3981 P3982 G5832-01 G5853-01 G5832-05 G5832-02 G5832-03 G7233 B1919-01 g7233-256 B1920-01 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Dimensional Outlines Unit: mm G 5832-02/-03 G 3476-01, etc. G 5832-05, etc. _ < M 3 .9 ± 0 .2 _ jí> 5.4 ± 0.2_ ¡WIN DOW ! 3 .0 1 0 .1 p h o t o s e n s it iv e ® 1 2 .3 5 ± 0 .¿ 8.1 ± 0 .1^ ” W IN D O W * •P 5 .9 r 0.1 <M.7 = 0 1 ^ P H O T O S E N S IT IV E

    OCR Scan
    KIRDA0C34EA KIRDA0002EB P2750, P4115 PDF


    Abstract: XP1200 photoconductive MCT C5185 cdte mct 6 P3981 A3179-01 different types of block diagram C5185-01
    Text: MCT HgCdTe Photoconductive Detectors (TE-cooled Types) Spectral Response Range: 2 to 5 jim Thermoelectric cooling assures stable operation over extended time periods •Various options of spectral response T h e band-gap of HgCdTe can be modified by controlling the composi­

    OCR Scan
    TE-C00led HgCdTe XP1200 photoconductive MCT C5185 cdte mct 6 P3981 A3179-01 different types of block diagram C5185-01 PDF