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    DEWAR Datasheets Context Search

    Catalog Datasheet MFG & Type Document Tags PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MCT photoconductive detectors P2748/P5274 series Dewar type detector with high sensitivity and high-speed response in long wavelength range Features Applications Choice of spectral response range up to 25 m The band gap can be adjusted by controlling the composition

    P2748/P5274 KIRD1021E09 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MCT photoconductive detectors P2748/P5274 series Dewar type detector with high sensitivity and high-speed response in long wavelength range Features Applications Choice of spectral response range up to 25 m The band gap can be adjusted by controlling the composition

    P2748/P5274 KIRD1021E10 Dewar PDF


    Abstract: metal detector P7751-02 P7752-10 E3630A G7754-01 G7754-03 P7751-01 HR10-7P-4P 4-Pin HIROSE
    Text: Infrared detector modules with preamp Metal dewar type High sensitivity modules of easy-to-use These devices combine a dewar type detector with a compatible preamplifier, and easily operate to detect infrared radiation just by connecting to a DC power supply. InGaAs, InSb and MCT HgCdTe detectors are provided as standard devices (liquid nitrogen cooling).

    SE-171 KIRD1024E06 HgCdTe metal detector P7751-02 P7752-10 E3630A G7754-01 G7754-03 P7751-01 HR10-7P-4P 4-Pin HIROSE PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: INFRARED DETECTOR Infrared detector module with preamp Metal dewar type High sensitivity modules of easy-to-use These devices combine a dewar type detector with a compatible preamplifier, and easily operate to detect infrared radiation just by connecting to

    SE-171 KIRD1024E03 PDF

    high range METAL detector circuit

    Text: INFRARED DETECTOR MCT photoconductive detector P2748/P5274 series, P3257-50 Dewar type detector with high sensitivity and high-speed response in long wavelength range Features Applications l Choice of spectral response range up to 25 µm The band gap can be adjusted by controlling the composition

    P2748/P5274 P3257-50 SE-171 KIRD1021E04 high range METAL detector circuit METAL DETECTOR CIRCUIT PDF


    Abstract: IGA-003/TE2 S-010 S-025 S-050 S-050UV M2510 K243
    Text: VIS-NIR PHOTODIODE COMPONENTS EOS offers a line of Silicon, Germanium, Indium Gallium Arsenide, and Indium Gallium Arsenide Antimonide photodiodes for use in the 0.3 µm to 2.4 µm spectrum. Diodes operating at room temperature or TE cooled are offered in a variety of standard TO packages. Dewar packages for use with liquid nitrogen are also available.

    S-025/TE2 S-050 T0-18 IGA-030/TE2 IGA-020 G-030/TE2 G-020 G-020/TE2 G030 IGA-003/TE2 S-010 S-025 S-050 S-050UV M2510 K243 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MCT photoconductive detectors P2748/P5274 series Dewar type detector with high sensitivity and high-speed response in long wavelength range Features Applications Choice of spectral response range up to 25 m The band gap can be adjusted by controlling the composition

    P2748/P5274 KIRD1021E10 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: INFRARED DETECTOR MCT photoconductive detector P2748/P5274 series, P3257-50 Dewar type detector with high sensitivity and high-speed response in long wavelength range Features Applications l Choice of spectral response range up to 25 µm The band gap can be adjusted by controlling the composition

    P2748/P5274 P3257-50 SE-171 KIRD1021E02 PDF

    high range METAL detector circuit

    Abstract: C5185 Dewar cdte infrared detector A3515 C3871 P2748-40 P2748-41 P2748-42
    Text: INFRARED DETECTOR MCT photoconductive detector P2748/P5274 series, P3257-50 Dewar type detector with high sensitivity and high-speed response in long wavelength range Features Applications l Choice of spectral response range up to 25 µm The band gap can be adjusted by controlling the composition

    P2748/P5274 P3257-50 SE-171 KIRD1021E03 high range METAL detector circuit C5185 Dewar cdte infrared detector A3515 C3871 P2748-40 P2748-41 P2748-42 PDF

    mct 12

    Abstract: Dewar
    Text: Infrared detector modules with preamp Metal dewar type High sensitivity modules of easy-to-use These devices combine a dewar type detector with a compatible preamplifier, and easily operate to detect infrared radiation just by connecting to a DC power supply. InGaAs, InSb and MCT HgCdTe detectors are provided as standard devices (liquid nitrogen cooling). Custom-designed devices with different active areas, FOV or amplifier gain, etc. are also available to meet your specific needs.

    SE-171 KIRD1024E08 mct 12 Dewar PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Infrared detector modules with preamp Metal dewar type High sensitivity modules of easy-to-use These devices combine a dewar type detector with a compatible preamplifier, and easily operate to detect infrared radiation just by connecting to a DC power supply. InGaAs, InSb and MCT HgCdTe detectors are provided as standard devices (liquid nitrogen cooling).

    SE-171 KIRD1024E05 Dewar PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: INFRARED DETECTOR MCT photoconductive detector P2748/P5274 series, P3257-50 Dewar type detector with high sensitivity and high-speed response in long wavelength range Features Applications l Choice of spectral response range up to 25 µm The band gap can be adjusted by controlling the composition

    P2748/P5274 P3257-50 SE-171 KIRD1021E02 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Standard optics A8110 series for the Picosecond fluorescence lifetime measurement system C11200 Including optics, base plate, sample holder and dewar unit *The A8110 used in combination with Sample holder for Organic chemistry sample A8114 Features Overview

    A8110 C11200 A8114 C11200. A8111. B1201 SHSS0009E03 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MCT photoconductive detectors P2748/P5274 series Dewar type detector with high sensitivity and high-speed response in long wavelength range Features Applications Choice of spectral response range up to 25 m The band gap can be adjusted by controlling the composition

    P2748/P5274 B1201, KIRD1021E13 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Infrared detector modules with preamps Metal dewar type High sensitivity modules of easy-to-use These devices combine a dewar type detector with a compatible preamplifier, and easily operate to detect infrared radiation just by connecting to a DC power supply. InGaAs and InSb detectors are provided as standard devices liquid nitrogen cooling . Customdesigned devices with different active areas, FOV or amplifier gain, etc. are also available to meet your specific needs.

    B1201, KIRD1024E10 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Infrared Detectors with Built-in Preamplifiers Dewar Types Easy-to-use, high performance de­ vices with the ultimate in responsivity These devices combine a dewar type detector with a matched pream­ plifier into a metal case. Simply by connecting to a DC power supply,

    OCR Scan
    P3357-02) P3226-02 P394A, P3207-04 P791-11 P4115 P3981-01, K3413-01, K1713-01, KIRDA0041EA PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MCT HgCdTe Photoconductive Detectors (Dewar Types) Spectral Response Range: 2 to 1 6 ¡im High sensitivity in the long wavelength range and high-speed response •Various options response t-? *' ;r . i *1 •. - s. . ' :' > " !}. T h e band-gap of H gC dT e can b e m odified by controlling th e com posi­

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: G Ge pn, pin Detectors CAPACITANCE vs. REVERSE BIAS Special Options High response at short wavelength available BNC connectors Thermoelectric coolers Dewars Neutral density filters Reflective filters AR-coated lenses/windows Custom devices including arrays

    OCR Scan
    GEP600 GEP700 GEP800 MIL-45208 MIL-S-19500 MIL-S-19500. MIL-STD-883, PDF

    thermistor inas

    Abstract: INSB PHOTODIODE 101 thermistor InSb spectral response insb detector preamplifier c4159
    Text: InAs, InSb Photovoltaic Detectors Photovoltaic detectors with high­ speed response and low noise • Long cooling hold time: 8 hours A large capacity glass dewar cooled by liquid nitrogen is used for standard detector package. It allows for 8-hour continuous cooling.

    OCR Scan
    KI80A0055EA 0G0470 P394A, P3226-02 P791-11 P3207-04 P4115 K1713-01, K3413-01, P3981-01, thermistor inas INSB PHOTODIODE 101 thermistor InSb spectral response insb detector preamplifier c4159 PDF

    lead selenide

    Abstract: Photoconductor dewar 12-hour
    Text: 6564348 03E NEW ENGLAND NEU ENGLAND N.E.P. T-m-m 00026 03 DE |b5L.434fl □□□□02b S NEW ENGLAND PHOTOCONDUCTOR S E R IE S DEWAR COOLED LEAD SULFIDE LEAD SELENIDE E EM Electrical H HM 2 x 1011 1 x 1011 2 x 1010 1 x 1010 R esistance M egohm s 1-15 1-25

    OCR Scan
    b5b434fl 2x1010 lead selenide Photoconductor dewar 12-hour PDF


    Abstract: IR DETECTOR all Metal Detector New England Research center metal detector high metal detector Dewar New England Research manufacturer metal detector
    Text: NEU ENGLAND RESEARCH S1E D b5b4=i34 OG D O D b S 4 Thermoelectrically Cooled TEC IR Detector Dewar • Photoconductive HgCdTe H Rugged Metal Dewar ■ 3-5/im Wavelength Custom Designs H Large Element Size ® Convenient to Use This thermoelectrically cooled single element

    OCR Scan
    10KHz, 1010cmHz1 100-1KQ 1-12/isec HgCdTe IR DETECTOR all Metal Detector New England Research center metal detector high metal detector Dewar New England Research manufacturer metal detector PDF

    Infrared Preamplifiers

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Infrared Detectors with Built-in Preamplifiers Dewar Types Easy-to-Use, High Performance Devices with The Ultimate in Responsivity T h e se d e v ic e s c o m b in e a d e w a r ty p e d e te c to r w ith a m a tc h e d p re a m p lifie r in to a m e ta l ca se . S im p ly by c o n n e c tin g to a D C p o w e r su p p ly ,

    OCR Scan
    2X106 KIR0B0076EA Infrared Preamplifiers PDF

    Infrared Preamplifiers

    Abstract: C3871 metal detectors circuit C4159 A3262-02 C4696
    Text: Accessories for Infrared Detectors A3262-02 Housing for Glass Dewar D ew ar type detectors can be supplied w ith the whole case potted w ithin a metal housing for more ruggedness and easier handling. However, when handling this type o f detectors, as with glass dewar

    OCR Scan
    A3262-02 A3515 KIRDA0020EA KIRDA0021EA C3871 C3871-03 C3871 Infrared Preamplifiers metal detectors circuit C4159 C4696 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MCT HgCdTe PhotOCOndllCtive DetectorS(Dewar Types) High sensitivity in the long wavelength range and high-speed response • C h o ice of spectral response T he band gap o f H gC dT e can be m odified by controlling the com po­ sition ratio o f H gT e and C dT e. U tilizing this fact, various types are

    OCR Scan