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    Bristol Electronics OP283GS 133
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    Quest Components OP283GS 106
    • 1 $10.764
    • 10 $10.764
    • 100 $6.6378
    • 1000 $6.6378
    • 10000 $6.6378
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    OP283GS 20
    • 1 $49.96
    • 10 $47.462
    • 100 $44.964
    • 1000 $44.964
    • 10000 $44.964
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    OP283GS Datasheets (4)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Curated Datasheet Type PDF
    OP283GS Analog Devices 5 MHz Single-Supply Operational Amplifier Original PDF
    OP283GS Analog Devices 5 MHz Single-Supply Operational Amplifiers Original PDF
    OP283GS-REEL Analog Devices 5 MHz Single-Supply Operational Amplifier Original PDF
    OP283GS-REEL7 Analog Devices 5 MHz Single-Supply Operational Amplifier Original PDF

    OP283GS Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: OP283GS Linear ICs Dual General Purpose Op Amp statusû Military/High-RelN Input Bias Current Max. A 750n Unity Gain BW (Hz) V(io) Max. (V)1.5m I(io) Max. (A)50n Com Mode Inp Range (VICR) Input Resistance Typ. (Ohms) Temp Coef. of VIO3u P(D) Max. (W) Nom. Supp (V)15ñ

    OP283GS Code8-1073 NumberLN00801073 PDF


    Abstract: electret condenser mic Electret Condenser Microphone ECM Analog Pre-amplifiers
    Text: a 5 MHz Single-Supply Operational Amplifiers OP183/OP283 PIN CONNECTIONS FEATURES Single-Supply – +3 Volts to +36 Volts Wide Bandwidth – 5 MHz Low Offset Voltage – <1 mV High Slew Rate – 10 V/␮s Low Noise – 10 nV/√Hz Unity-Gain Stable Input and Output Range Includes GND

    OP183/OP283 OP183 OP183 OP283 C1858a OP283GP electret condenser mic Electret Condenser Microphone ECM Analog Pre-amplifiers PDF

    electret condenser mic

    Abstract: condenser mic OP283S twin-t OP283 OP283GS AD1868 OP183 OP183GS differential electret condenser microphone preamp
    Text: a FEATURES Single-Supply – 3 V to 36 V Wide Bandwidth – 5 MHz Low Offset Voltage – 1 mV High Slew Rate: 10 V/␮s Low Noise: 10 nV/√ Hz Unity-Gain Stable Input and Output Range Includes GND No Phase Reversal APPLICATIONS Multimedia Telecom ADC Buffers

    OP183/OP283 OP183 OP283 OP183 OP283 C00292 electret condenser mic condenser mic OP283S twin-t OP283GS AD1868 OP183GS differential electret condenser microphone preamp PDF


    Abstract: EZ132 OP183S electret condenser mic differential electret condenser microphone preamp 60 hz notch filter OP183 2jb1
    Text: BACK a FEATURES Single-Supply – +3 Volts to +36 Volts Wide Bandwidth – 5 MHz Low Offset Voltage – <1 mV High Slew Rate – 10 V/␮s Low Noise – 10 nV/√Hz Unity-Gain Stable Input and Output Range Includes GND No Phase Reversal APPLICATIONS Multimedia

    OP183/OP283 OP183 OP183 C1858a EZ-132 EZ132 OP183S electret condenser mic differential electret condenser microphone preamp 60 hz notch filter 2jb1 PDF

    differential electret condenser microphone preamp

    Abstract: electret condenser mic twin-t OP183 OP183GP OP183GS OP283 OP283GP OP283GS microphone Preamp schematic TRANSISTOR
    Text: a FEATURES Single-Supply – +3 Volts to +36 Volts Wide Bandwidth – 5 MHz Low Offset Voltage – <1 mV High Slew Rate – 10 V/␮s Low Noise – 10 nV/√Hz Unity-Gain Stable Input and Output Range Includes GND No Phase Reversal APPLICATIONS Multimedia

    OP183/OP283 OP183 OP183 differential electret condenser microphone preamp electret condenser mic twin-t OP183GP OP183GS OP283 OP283GP OP283GS microphone Preamp schematic TRANSISTOR PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 5 MHz Single-Supply Operational Amplifiers 0P183/0P283 ANALOG DEVICES PIN CONNECTIONS FEATURES Single-Supply - +3 Volts to +36 Volts Wide Bandwidth - 5 MHz Low Offset Voltage - <1 mV High Slew Rate - 10 V /^ s Low Noise - 10 nV/VHz Unity-Gain Stable Input and Output Range Includes GND

    OCR Scan
    0P183/0P283 OP183 1858a-3-2/96 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ANALOG ► DEVICES 5 MHz Single-Supply Operational Amplifier 0P183/0P283 PIN CONNECTIONS 8-Lead Narrow-Body SO 8-Lead Epoxy DIP S Suffix (P Suffix) FEATURES Single-Supply - +3 Volts to +36 Volts Wide Bandwidth - 5 MHz Low Offset Voltage - <1 mV High Slew Rate - 10 V /|is

    OCR Scan
    0P183/0P283 OP183 OP183 14E-3 075E-3 PDF


    Abstract: QP283 microphone Preamp schematic TRANSISTOR
    Text: ANALOG DEVICES 5 MHz Single-Supply Operational Amplifiers 0P183/0P283 FEATURES Single-Supply - +3 Volts to +36 Volts Wide Bandwidth - 5 MHz Low Offset Voltage - <1 mV High Slew Rate -1 0 V/|xs Low Noise -1 0 nV/Vfiz Unity-Gain Stable Input and Output Range Includes GND

    OCR Scan
    0P183/0P283 OP183 h83/0P283 14E-3 14E-3 075E-3 1E-15 40man 0P283A QP283 microphone Preamp schematic TRANSISTOR PDF

    SE 135

    Abstract: dp283 twin-t OP183 OP183GBC OP183GP OP183GS OP283 OP283GBC OP283GP
    Text: ANALO G 5 MHz Single-Supply Operational Amplifiers DEVICES 0P183/0P283 FEATURES S in g le -S u p p ly - +3 V o lts to +36 V o lts W id e B an d w id th - 5 M H z L o w O ffset V o lta g e - <1 m V H igh S le w Rate - 10 V / ^ s L o w N o ise - 10 nV/VH z U n ity-G ain S tab le

    OCR Scan
    0P183/0P283 OP183 OP283 075E-3 0050Q77 SE 135 dp283 twin-t OP183GBC OP183GP OP183GS OP283GBC OP283GP PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 5 MHz Single-Supply Operational Amplifiers A N A LO G D E V IC E S 0P183/0P283 PIN CONNECTIONS FEATURES Single-Supply - +3 Volts to +36 Volts Wide Bandwidth - 5 MHz Low Offset Voltage - <1 mV High Slew Rate - 10 V/|is Low Noise - 10 nV/VHz Unity-Gain Stable

    OCR Scan
    0P183/0P283 OP183 0P183/0P 14E-3 075E-3 1E-15 PDF