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    Abstract: LV8736V SSOP44K ccmk
    Text: 注文コード No.N A 1 7 8 5 B 半導体データシートNO.NA1785Aとさしかえてください。 Bi-CMOS 集積回路 LV8736V PWM定電流制御ステッピングモータドライバ 概要 LV8736Vは2W1-2相励磁に対応したマイクロステップ駆動ステッピングモータドライバと、正転/

    NA1785A LV8736V LV8736V2W1-2/ tw10ms O2710 SY/90110 SY/63010 20100614-S00002 A1785-1/26 LV8736 LV8736V SSOP44K ccmk PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Ordering number : ENA0438E LV8044LP LV8044LQ Bi-CMOS IC For Digital Still Camera 6-channel Motor Driver IC Overview The LV8044LP and LV8044LQ is a 6-channel motor driver IC for digital still camera. Functions • Two microstep drive H-bridge driver channels.

    ENA0438E LV8044LP LV8044LQ LV8044LQ A0438-26/26 PDF


    Abstract: LV8734V SSOP44K LV8734
    Text: Ordering number : ENA1824A LV8734V Bi-CMOS LSI PWM Constant-Current Control Stepping Motor Driver Overview The LV8734V is a 2-channel H-bridge driver IC that can switch a stepping motor driver, which is capable of micro-step drive and supports 2W 1-2 phase excitation, and two channels of a brushed motor driver, which supports forward, reverse,

    ENA1824A LV8734V LV8734V A1824-26/26 a1824 SSOP44K LV8734 PDF


    Abstract: A1859 LA72914V 6.5MHz Filter LA72914 SFSKA4M50 tx fm audio SSOP16 T12A T16A
    Text: Ordering number : ENA1859 Monolithic Linear IC LA72914V FM Modulator and Demodulator IC Overview The LA72914V is a FM modulation and demodulation IC for audio signals. And it is possible to use that for the data pulse or the control pulse, etc. Functions • Alignment-free FM modulator and demodulator of 4.5MHz.

    ENA1859 LA72914V LA72914V A1859-9/9 SFSKA4M50DF00 A1859 6.5MHz Filter LA72914 SFSKA4M50 tx fm audio SSOP16 T12A T16A PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Ordering number : ENA0438E LV8044LP LV8044LQ ht t p://onse m i.c om Bi-CMOS IC For Digital Still Camera 6-channel Motor Driver IC Overview The LV8044LP and LV8044LQ is a 6-channel motor driver IC for digital still camera. Functions • Two microstep drive H-bridge driver channels.

    ENA0438E LV8044LP LV8044LQ LV8044LP LV8044LQ A0438-26/26 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Ordering number : ENA1785B LV8736V Bi-CMOS LSI PWM Constant-Current Control Stepping Motor Driver Overview The LV8736V is a 2-channel H-bridge driver IC that can switch a stepping motor driver, which is capable of micro-step drive and supports 2W 1-2 phase excitation, and two channels of a brushed motor driver, which supports forward, reverse,

    ENA1785B LV8736V LV8736V A1785-26/26 PDF

    transistor d444

    Abstract: transistor d472 transistor d446 d235 transistor transistor d478 transistor D450 transistor d452 transistor D359 D362 TRANSISTOR transistor d471
    Text: Ordering number : EN6370B CMOS IC LC75808W 1/8 to 1/10 Duty LCD Display Driver with Key Input Function Overview The LC75808W is 1/8 to 1/10 duty LCD display driver that can directly drive up to 600 segments and can control up to four general-purpose output ports. This product also incorporates a key scan circuit that accepts input from up to 30 keys

    EN6370B LC75808W LC75808W 1/10dutyâ transistor d444 transistor d472 transistor d446 d235 transistor transistor d478 transistor D450 transistor d452 transistor D359 D362 TRANSISTOR transistor d471 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Ordering number : ENA0438E LV8044LP LV8044LQ Bi-CMOS IC For Digital Still Camera 6-channel Motor Driver IC Overview The LV8044LP and LV8044LQ is a 6-channel motor driver IC for digital still camera. Functions • Two microstep drive H-bridge driver channels.

    ENA0438E LV8044LP LV8044LQ LV8044LP LV8044LQ A0438-26/26 PDF


    Abstract: S-80W
    Text: Ordering number : ENA1817A SB80W10T Schottky Barrier Diode 100V, 8A, Low IR, Monolithic Dual TP Common Cathode Features • VF max=0.8V • IR max=0.1mA • Halogen free compliance Specifications Absolute Maximum Ratings at Ta=25°C Parameter

    ENA1817A SB80W10T A1817-7/7 a1817 S-80W PDF


    Abstract: Q117 SBM30-03
    Text: 注文コード No.N A 1 8 6 3 Bi-CMOS 集積回路 LV58082MX ステップダウン スイッチングレギュレータ 概要 LV58082MXは1chステップダウン・スイッチングレギュレータである。上側に0.3Ω FETを内蔵し大 きな出力電流に対し、高効率動作を実現した。低熱抵抗で小型パッケージのMFP8 200mil を採用。

    LV58082MX LV58082MX1ch0 200mil) 370kHz O2710 20101014-S00002 A1863-1/5 CDRH105RNP-330NC CDRH105RNP-330NC Q117 SBM30-03 PDF


    Abstract: tfx-03 SM3C LC88F40H0PA P143L tms 1035 LC88F P67AD P070H
    Text: 注文コード No.N A 1 8 5 3 LC88F40H0PA/PAU LC88F40F0PA/PAU LC88F40D0PA/PAU CMOS LSI カーオーディオ用 16ビットETRコントローラ ALL FLASH 概要 LC88F40H0PA/PAU,LC88F40F0PA/PAU,LC88F40D0PA/PAUはカーオーディオ用のシステムマイコンと

    LC88F40H0PA/PAU LC88F40F0PA/PAU LC88F40D0PA/PAU 16ETR LC88F40H0PA/PAU LC88F40F0PA/PAU 12PWM LC88F40 tfx-03 SM3C LC88F40H0PA P143L tms 1035 LC88F P67AD P070H PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Ordering number : ENA1785B LV8736V Bi-CMOS LSI PWM Constant-Current Control Stepping Motor Driver Overview The LV8736V is a 2-channel H-bridge driver IC that can switch a stepping motor driver, which is capable of micro-step drive and supports 2W 1-2 phase excitation, and two channels of a brushed motor driver, which supports forward, reverse,

    ENA1785B LV8736V LV8736V A1785-26/26 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Ordering number : ENA0438F LV8044LP Bi-CMOS IC 6-channel Motor Driver IC for Digital Still Camera Overview The LV8044LP is a 6-channel motor driver IC for digital still camera. Functions • Two microstep drive H-bridge driver channels.  Two microstep drive/PWM saturated drive switchable H-bridge driver channels.

    ENA0438F LV8044LP LV8044LP A0438-26/26 PDF


    Abstract: SBM30-03 CDRH105RNP-330NC
    Text: Ordering number : ENA1863 Bi-CMOS IC LV58082MX Step-down Switching Regulator Overview LV58082MX is a 1ch step-down switching regulator. 0.3Ω FET is incorporated on the upper side to achieve high-efficiency operation for large output current. Low-heat resistance and compact-package MFP8 200mil employed.

    ENA1863 LV58082MX LV58082MX 200mil) A1863-5/5 Q117 SBM30-03 CDRH105RNP-330NC PDF


    Abstract: LA72914V LA72914 SFSKA6M50CF00 AGC1213 SSOP16 T16A S-N220 FMC1 LA7291
    Text: 注文コード No.N A 1 8 5 9 モノリシックリニア集積回路 LA72914V FM変調/復調用IC 概要 LA72914Vは音声信号用FM変調/復調用ICである。またデータパルスや制御パルスなどにも使用が可 能である。 機能

    LA72914V LA72914VFM/IC O2710 20101008-S00006 A1859-1/10 A1859-9/10 SFSKA4M50DF00 LA72914V LA72914 SFSKA6M50CF00 AGC1213 SSOP16 T16A S-N220 FMC1 LA7291 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Ordering number : ENA1859B Monolithic Linear IC LA72914V FM Modulator and Demodulator IC Overview The LA72914V is a FM modulation and demodulation IC for audio signals. And it is possible to use that for the data pulse or the control pulse, etc. Functions

    ENA1859B LA72914V LA72914V A1859-9/9 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Ordering number : ENA1824A LV8734V Bi-CMOS LSI PWM Constant-Current Control Stepping Motor Driver Overview The LV8734V is a 2-channel H-bridge driver IC that can switch a stepping motor driver, which is capable of micro-step drive and supports 2W 1-2 phase excitation, and two channels of a brushed motor driver, which supports forward, reverse,

    ENA1824A LV8734V LV8734V A1824-26/26 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Ordering number : ENA1859B LA72914V Monolithic Linear IC FM Modulator and Demodulator IC Overview The LA72914V is a FM modulation and demodulation IC for audio signals. And it is possible to use that for the data pulse or the control pulse, etc.

    ENA1859B LA72914V LA72914V A1859-9/9 SFSKA4M50DF00 PDF


    Abstract: s80w
    Text: SB80W10T 注文コード No. N A 1 8 1 7 三洋半導体データシート N SB80W10T ショットキバリアダイオード ツインタイプ・カソードコモン 100V, 8A 整流素子 特長 ・ VF max=0.8V ・ IR max=0.1mA ・ ハロゲンフリー対応

    SB80W10T IT15887 1E-01 1E-04 IT15888 IT15889 IT15890 A1817-2/3 s-80w s80w PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SB80W10T Ordering number : ENA1817A SANYO Semiconductors DATA SHEET SB80W10T Schottky Barrier Diode Twin Type • Cathode Common 100V, 8A Rectifier Features • VF max=0.8V • IR max=0.1mA • Halogen free compliance Specifications Absolute Maximum Ratings at Ta=25°C

    SB80W10T ENA1817A A1817-7/7 PDF


    Abstract: D446 D-436 D434 D526 D436 D452 D472
    Text: Ordering number : EN6473A CMOS IC LC75878W 1/8 to 1/10 Duty General-Purpose LCD Display Driver Overview The LC75878W is 1/8 to 1/10 duty general-purpose LCD display driver used for character and graphics display. This product operates under the control of a microcontroller and can directly drive an LCD with up to 730 segments. It can

    EN6473A LC75878W LC75878W 1/10dutyâ D478 D446 D-436 D434 D526 D436 D452 D472 PDF


    Abstract: ccmk
    Text: Ordering number : ENA1824A LV8734V Bi-CMOS LSI PWM Constant-Current Control Stepping Motor Driver Overview The LV8734V is a 2-channel H-bridge driver IC that can switch a stepping motor driver, which is capable of micro-step drive and supports 2W 1-2 phase excitation, and two channels of a brushed motor driver, which supports forward, reverse,

    ENA1824A LV8734V LV8734V A1824-26/26 ccmk PDF


    Abstract: N0410 7 pin
    Text: Ordering number : ENA1859B Monolithic Linear IC LA72914V FM Modulator and Demodulator IC Overview The LA72914V is a FM modulation and demodulation IC for audio signals. And it is possible to use that for the data pulse or the control pulse, etc. Functions

    ENA1859B LA72914V LA72914V A1859-9/9 SFSKA4M50DF00 N0410 7 pin PDF


    Abstract: D446 Met d248 D480 D444 D482 D636 R D468 D529 OSCILLATOR ic d591
    Text: Ordering number : EN6473A CMOS IC LC75878W 1/8 to 1/10 Duty General-Purpose LCD Display Driver Overview The LC75878W is 1/8 to 1/10 duty general-purpose LCD display driver used for character and graphics display. This product operates under the control of a microcontroller and can directly drive an LCD with up to 730 segments. It can

    EN6473A LC75878W LC75878W 1/10duty D478 D446 Met d248 D480 D444 D482 D636 R D468 D529 OSCILLATOR ic d591 PDF