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    Stanley Electric Co NKG141PB

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    NKG141P Datasheets (4)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Curated Datasheet Type PDF
    NKG141PB Stanley Electric Display Modules - LED Character and Numeric, Optoelectronics, LED 7SEG DISP .40" GREEN CC BLK Original PDF

    NKG141P Datasheets Context Search

    Catalog Datasheet MFG & Type Document Tags PDF


    Abstract: NKR141 NAA141-B NAG141-PB NKR143-B NAG141PB
    Text: 141/143 Series Numeric Display/Case Size 12.5 x 19.0 mm Features Case Size Product features 12.5 x 19.0 mm W x H ・Each color has anode common and cathode common respectively. ・A black case and a gray case are available. ・Lead–free soldering compatible

    565nm 605nm 660nm NKR141-B NKR141 NAA141-B NAG141-PB NKR143-B NAG141PB PDF

    Display 7 segment sec 5101

    Abstract: 5101 7 Segment Display NARG161 NKA263 4201 numeric LED 5mm bi-color 3 pin common anode NAR261 3101 7 Segment Display NKR131S NKR143
    Text: TABLE OF CONTENTS Description of Terminology…………………………………………………………………………………2 Structural Drawing …………………………………………………………………………………………2

    NKR133S NSR141 NKR141 NSR143 NKR141S NSR145 NKR143 NSR147 NKR143S NSR161 Display 7 segment sec 5101 5101 7 Segment Display NARG161 NKA263 4201 numeric LED 5mm bi-color 3 pin common anode NAR261 3101 7 Segment Display NKR131S NKR143 PDF


    Abstract: NAR245
    Text: SUPER BRIGHT LED NUMERIC DISPLAY SEVEN SEGMENT DISPLAY Stanley’s Numeric Displays which incorporate super-bright LEDs produce vivid, brilliant displays. Available colors are red, pure green, green, yellow and orange. Display types include segment type (character heights 7.5mm to 25mm) and the alpha-numeric type

    10/15/25mm NARG141/143 NKRG141/143 NARG161/163 NKRG161/163 NARG105/107 G24P NAR245 PDF


    Abstract: NKR141 NKA141 NAA141 NAA143 NAG141P NAG143P NAR143 NKA143 NKG141P
    Text: 141/143 Series Numeric Display/Case Size 12.5 x 19.0 mm Features Case Size Product features 12.5 x 19.0 mm W x H ・Each color has anode common and cathode common respectively. ・A black case and a gray case are available. ・No lead package ・Lead–free soldering compatible

    565nm 605nm 660nm NAR141 NKR141 NKA141 NAA141 NAA143 NAG141P NAG143P NAR143 NKA143 NKG141P PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SUPER BRIGHT LED NUMERIC DISPLAY SEVEN SEGMENT DISPLAY Stanley’s Numeric Displays which incorporate super-bright LEDs produce vivid, brilliant displays. Available colors are red, pure green, green, yellow and orange. Display types include segment type (character heights 7.5mm to 25mm) and the alpha-numeric type

    10/15/25mm NARG141/143 NKRG141/143 NARG161/163 NKRG161/163 NARG105/107 PDF

    Display 7 segment sec 5101

    Abstract: ir 705H led 7 segment anode 5101 NAA161 3101 7 Segment Display Display 7 segment 5101 MU02-5202 MU91-5001 ir p 705h G24P
    Text: DESCRIPTION OF TERMINOLOGY Electro-optical characteristics Absolute Max. Ratings ITEMS SYMBOLS DEFINITION UNIT Power dissipation Pd Power dissipated by forward current and forward voltage (mW) Forward current (IF) Current from anode to cathode (mA) Peak forward current

    AAR101 AAA101 AAR121 AAA121 Display 7 segment sec 5101 ir 705H led 7 segment anode 5101 NAA161 3101 7 Segment Display Display 7 segment 5101 MU02-5202 MU91-5001 ir p 705h G24P PDF


    Abstract: MU02-5202 NKR163 NAG161P MU93-5001
    Text: INDEX PART NUMBER PAGE PART NUMBER PAGE PART NUMBER PAGE AAA101 16 MU08-2201 5 MU20-5105 7 AAA121 16 MU08-3201 5 MU91-2001 7 AAR101 16 MU08-4201 5 MU91-3001 7 AAR121 16 MU08-5201 5 MU91-4001 7 MU02-2201 4 MU08-9301 5 MU91-5001 7 MU02-2205 4 MU09-9101 6 MU92-2001

    AAA101 AAA121 AAR101 AAR121 MU02-2201 MU02-2205 MU02-3201 MU02-3205 MU02-4201 MU02-4205 MU16-5101 MU02-5202 NKR163 NAG161P MU93-5001 PDF


    Abstract: NKR143 NAR 141 NKA141 NAG141P NAG143P NAR143 NKG141P NKG143P NKR141
    Text: • SUPER BRIGHT LED NUMERIC DISPLAY 141 / 143 Series Square Shape Type 10mm ■ Absolute Maximum Ratings Ta = 25°C Red Green Orange NAR / NKR NAG / NKG NAA / NKA Unit Power Dissipation Pb 60 63 63 mW Forward Current IF 30 25 25 mA Peak Forward Current IFM

    10KHZ 100HZ NAR141 NKR143 NAR 141 NKA141 NAG141P NAG143P NAR143 NKG141P NKG143P NKR141 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SUPER BRIGHT LED NUMERIC DISPLAY SEVEN SEGMENT DISPLAY Stanley’s Numeric Displays which incorporate super-bright LEDs produce vivid, brilliant displays. Available colors are red, pure green, green, yellow and orange. Display types include segment type (character heights 7.5mm to 25mm) and the alpha-numeric type

    10/15/25mm NARG141/143 NKRG141/143 NARG161/163 NKRG161/163 NARG105/107 PDF


    Abstract: NKR141 NAR131 NAR261 NAR105 NAR145 NKA141 NKR131S NKA145 NKG241
    Text: SUPER BRIGHT LED NUMERIC DISPLAY SEVEN SEGMENT DISPLAY Stanley’s Numeric Displays which incorporate super-bright LEDs produce vivid, brilliant displays. Available colors are red, pure green, green, yellow and orange. Display types include segment type (character heights 7.5mm to 25mm) and the alpha-numeric type

    10/15/25mm NARG141/143 NKRG141/143 NARG161/163 NKRG161/163 NARG105/107 NAR141S/143S NKR141 NAR131 NAR261 NAR105 NAR145 NKA141 NKR131S NKA145 NKG241 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 141/143 Series Numeric Display/Case Size 12.5 x 19.0 mm Features Case Size Product features 12.5 x 19.0 mm W x H ・Each color has anode common and cathode common respectively. ・A black case and a gray case are available. ・No lead package ・Lead–free soldering compatible

    565nm 605nm 660nm PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 141/143 Series Numeric Display/Case Size 12.5 x 19.0 mm Features Case Size Product features 12.5 x 19.0 mm W x H ・Each color has anode common and cathode common respectively. ・A black case and a gray case are available. ・No lead package ・Lead–free soldering compatible

    565nm 605nm 660nm NAR141 PDF


    Abstract: NAY141S NKR141S NAY141 NKR141 NAG141 NAR145 NAR141 NKY141
    Text: ▼10mm TYPE Ta=25C Type No Case Stte WXH Anode ëommefn Cattisele Common , Arrow feather type NAR14ÏS/143S NKR141S/143S NAG141S/143S NKG141S/143S NAG141S P /143SPÍÑKG141SP/143SP NAY141S/143S 'NKY141S/143S NAA141S/143S NKA141S/143S NAR14 1 /1 4 3 NKR141/143

    OCR Scan
    NAR14 S/143S NKR141S/143S NAG141S/143S NKG141S/143S NAG141S /143SPÍ KG141SP/ 143SP NAY141S/143S NAY145 NAY141S NKR141S NAY141 NKR141 NAG141 NAR145 NAR141 NKY141 PDF


    Abstract: HG1131G HG1077G hg1133 DL7670 HG1075G HG-1133 NAG161 DL7670G IC N141
    Text: -7 3 i % 5ê £ it ñ íi a^y-r.'-Y fck GL9E100 =a> GL8K10 HG1075G HG1077G HG1Í05G H^xi Iu7<-i DL-7671G t !> -f nm n -r —v 1 >- > X DL-7673G HG1131G HG1133G N AG131 NKG131 N14 * ? > - it úíj ft tì T„ = 25’CÌ V n y GL8E100 GL9K10 DL-7670G £ AA

    OCR Scan
    25-Ci GL9E100 GL8E100 GL8K10 HG1075G HG1077G HG1I05G DL-7670G -35-Vâ P2X14-2BÂ HG1133G HG1131G HG1077G hg1133 DL7670 HG-1133 NAG161 DL7670G IC N141 PDF


    Abstract: NKR245 NAR241
    Text: •SUPER BRIGHT LED NUMERIC DISPLAY ▼10mm TYPE T a = Part No. Case Size WXH Luminous Intensity Iv Shape Anode Common Cathode Common Arrow feather type Square shape type 12.5 X 19.0 Arrow feather type I 12.5 X 19.0 mm ▼DIMENSIONS Emitted Color MIN. Rank B

    OCR Scan
    NAR141S/143S NKR141S/143S NAG141SP/ 143SP NKG141SP/143SP NAA141S/143S NAR14 NAG141P/143P NAA141/143 NKA141S/143S NKR141S NKR245 NAR241 PDF


    Abstract: PG3368S CN306 AR3432 LPG5374X AY5385X PG1101H PG3361X NSY101 KU107-01
    Text: •PRODUCT TABLE TYPE NO. AA1101H | PAGE 55 TYPE NO. AY1102W | PAGE 56 TYPE NO. BR2651K ! PAGE 44 AA1101W 56 AY2202S 41 BR3338S 38 AA1102W 56 AY2222S 41 BR3361X 39 AA2202S 41 AY2651K 44 BR3362X 39 AA2222S AA2651K 41 AY3365S 37 BR3363K 45 44 AY3402S 40 AA3365S

    OCR Scan
    AA1101H AA1101W AA1102W AA2202S AA2222S AA2651K AA3365S AA3402S AA3403S AA3432S EBR3432S PG3368S CN306 AR3432 LPG5374X AY5385X PG1101H PG3361X NSY101 KU107-01 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: For de ta iled c o m p a r i s o n , pl ease a l w a y s re fer to m a n u f a c t u r e r ' s specs. 1 18 remark: •V . . /g . Surface Silk-Scrren Ink Cbde: 0 = V!/hite, J=G*ay, 2 = Black, 3=tRed, - i '* ' . Segment Resin Color Code: *. •? j; 0 " 0 = G1ear, 1 = Whftfi, 2 = Red,ijfe0r3ngfr,

    OCR Scan
    R36BT TLUR366S TLUR366T TLUR367S R367T TLUR368 TLUR369 R369T KR105 PDF


    Abstract: NKY105 NKY131 133S
    Text: •SUPER BRIGHT LED NUMERIC DISPLAY S ta n le y 's a lp h a -n u m e ric d isp la ys in co rp orating s u p e r-b rig h t L E D s pro d u c e vivid, brilliant disp lays. E m itted colors a v a ila b le a re red, p u re g re e n , gre en , y e llo w a n d o ra n g e . D is p la y ty p e s In clude s e g m e n t ty p e c h a ra c te r heig hts 0 .3 " to 1.0" a n d th e a lp h a -n u m e ric ty p e (c h a ra c te r h eig hts 1.0" a n d 2 .0 ").

    OCR Scan
    00GEE74 NARG141/143 NKRG141 /143Green NKRG161, NARG105/107 NKRG105/107 0002E75 NAY145 NKY105 NKY131 133S PDF


    Abstract: SDB-205 SDB-505A-RD SDB505B-GD EBR5334S SDB-205B-GD AA735 SDB-505A-GD DNP1105W SDB-505A
    Text: •PRODUCT TABLE PART NO. PAGE PART NO. PAGE PART NO. PAGE AA1101F 58 BG2202S 39 BR5356K AA1101W 67 BG2222S 39 BR5362X 31 AA1102W 67 BG3365S 34 BR5363X 30 AA1111C 54 BG3822K 42 BR5364X 30 AA1111R 66 BG3889S 34 BR5373X 30 AA1112H 56 BG5304S 32 BR5374X 30 AA2202S

    OCR Scan
    AA1101F AA1101W AA1102W AA1111C AA1111R AA1112H AA2202S AA2222S AA3365S AA3822K SDB-505 SDB-205 SDB-505A-RD SDB505B-GD EBR5334S SDB-205B-GD AA735 SDB-505A-GD DNP1105W SDB-505A PDF