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    NJM250BM Search Results

    NJM250BM Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: HJM2508D NJM2508 NJM2508D NJM2508M NJM250BM SSOP16
    Text: NJM2508 3-IN PU T/2-IN PU T VIDEO SWITCH • G EN ERA L DESCRIPTIO N PA C KAG E OUTLINE The NJM2508 is video switch for video and audio signal. It contanins 3 input-1 output and 2 input-1 output video switch. One input terminal has clam p function and so is applied to fixed DC level of

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    NJM2508 10MHz. 43MHz) 10MHz DIP16, DMP16. SSOP16 NJM2508 DMP16 HJM2508D NJM2508D NJM2508M NJM250BM SSOP16 PDF