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    Abstract: ST33F1M NESCRYPT ST33F1M package ST33F768 MIFARE DESFire software Desfire ev1 implementation NFC Protocol ARM SecurCore SC300 iso 7816-2 ST33F896
    Text: ST33F1M, ST33F1M0, ST33F896, ST33F768, ST33F640, ST33F512 Secure MCU with 32-bit ARM SC300 CPU, SWP interface, NESCRYPT cryptoprocessor and high-density Flash memory Data brief Micromodule Wafer DFN8 package WLCSP package CSP Software features • Secure Flash Loader

    PDF ST33F1M, ST33F1M0, ST33F896, ST33F768, ST33F640, ST33F512 32-bit SC300 ST33F1M DocID18396 ST33F1M NESCRYPT ST33F1M package ST33F768 MIFARE DESFire software Desfire ev1 implementation NFC Protocol ARM SecurCore SC300 iso 7816-2 ST33F896


    Abstract: ARM SecurCore SC300 NESCRYPT ARM SC300 SC33F1M0 ST33F DATE code flash stmicroelectronics SC33F384 SC33F512
    Text: SC33F1M0, SC33F896, SC33F768, SC33F640, SC33F512, SC33F384 Secure MCU with 32-bit ARM SC300 CPU, NESCRYPT cryptoprocessor and high-density Flash memory Data brief Software features • Secure Flash Loader • Flash drivers Security features Micromodule

    PDF SC33F1M0, SC33F896, SC33F768, SC33F640, SC33F512, SC33F384 32-bit SC300 SC33F1M DocID024344 ARM SecurCore SC300 NESCRYPT ARM SC300 SC33F1M0 ST33F DATE code flash stmicroelectronics SC33F384 SC33F512


    Abstract: TV TRANSMITTER PROJECT stmicroelectronics eeprom ST23
    Text: ST23ZL48 Smartcard MCU with enhanced security, crypto-processor and 48 Kbyte EEPROM Data brief Features Hardware features • Enhanced 8/16-bit ST23 CPU core with 16 Mbytes of linear addressable memory Micromodule Wafer ■ 300 Kbytes of User ROM ■

    PDF ST23ZL48 8/16-bit 30-year ST23ZL48 TV TRANSMITTER PROJECT stmicroelectronics eeprom ST23

    mcu st23

    Text: ST23ZL34 Smartcard MCU with enhanced security, crypto-processor and 34 Kbyte EEPROM Data brief Features Hardware features • Enhanced 8/16-bit ST23 CPU core with 16 Mbytes of linear addressable memory Micromodule Wafer ■ 300 Kbytes of User ROM ■

    PDF ST23ZL34 8/16-bit 30-year AIS-31 mcu st23 ST23ZL34 TV TRANSMITTER PROJECT ST23


    Abstract: ST32F256 ST32F384 ST33F640 spi 7816 ARM SC300 ST33F1M ST32-M ST32F512-M ST32F256-M
    Text: Secure MCUs for mobile communications and M2M STMicroelectronics Flexibility and processing power for your SIM With over 20 years’ experience in the smartcard industry and a world-class manufacturing machine, STMicroelectronics offers a broad range of leadingedge semiconductor technologies

    PDF SC33F1M ST33F768 SM33F768 SC33F768 ST33F640 SM33F640 SC33F640 ST33F512 SM33F512 SC33F512 SM33F1M ST32F256 ST32F384 ST33F640 spi 7816 ARM SC300 ST33F1M ST32-M ST32F512-M ST32F256-M


    Abstract: ISO1443A iso7816-3 PASSPORT SMARTCARD ST19NR66 iso7816 contactless reader ST23YR ISO1443 ST23YR80
    Text: Smartcard ICs for ID, health cards and e-Passports A secure and flexible product range Today, governments across the world recognize smartcards as a key tool in protecting international security and improving service and information with citizens. Smartcards

    PDF 8/16-bit 2002/95/EC FLEGOV1106 ISO7816 ISO1443A iso7816-3 PASSPORT SMARTCARD ST19NR66 iso7816 contactless reader ST23YR ISO1443 ST23YR80


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ST23YL18 Smartcard MCU with enhanced security, crypto-processor and 18 Kbytes EEPROM Data Brief Features ST23YL18 major applications include: • Banking, IT and Pay TV applications Hardware features ■ Enhanced 8/16-bit ST23 CPU core with 16 Mbytes linear addressable memory

    PDF ST23YL18 ST23YL18 8/16-bit 10-year


    Abstract: iso 7816-3 ST33F1M NESCRYPT ST23YS08 ROM80 ST23YT66 7816 ARM SC300 iso 7816 ST23YL18
    Text: Smartcard ICs for pay-TV applications Conditional access and content protection STMicroelectronics is the world’s leading supplier of ICs for pay-TV and conditional access, and has extensive experience supplying 8- and 32-bit secure microcontrollers for conditional access to pay-TV providers.

    PDF 32-bit 8/16-bit SC300TM TSSOP20 200/95/EC ST23YLxx, ST23YTxx, ST33F1M FLPAYTV1009 iso 7816-3 ST33F1M NESCRYPT ST23YS08 ROM80 ST23YT66 7816 ARM SC300 iso 7816 ST23YL18


    Abstract: iso 3309 ST23YR mcu st23 AIS-31 ST23 DSASW0037395
    Text: ST23YR80 Dual contactless smartcard MCU with 80 Kbyte EEPROM, enhanced security, cryptoprocessor and optimized RF performance Data brief Features Hardware features • Enhanced 8/16-bit ST23 CPU core with 16 Mbytes linear addressable memory Micromodule

    PDF ST23YR80 8/16-bit 30-year st23yr80 iso 3309 ST23YR mcu st23 AIS-31 ST23 DSASW0037395

    ARM SC300

    Abstract: ISO/7816 ISO-7816 ST23YL18 cryptographic ST33F1M ST23YT66 SC300 SC300TM ST23
    Text: Secure MCUs for pay-TV applications STMicroelectronics Conditional access and content protection STMicroelectronics is the world’s leading supplier of ICs for pay-TV and conditional access, and has extensive experience supplying 8- and 32-bit secure microcontrollers for conditional

    PDF 32-bit 8/16-bit SC300TM TSSOP20 200/95/EC ST23YL/ZLxx, ST23YTxx ST33F1M FLPAYTV1010 ARM SC300 ISO/7816 ISO-7816 ST23YL18 cryptographic ST23YT66 SC300 ST23


    Abstract: ST23YR18 compatible innovatron ISO-7816-3 crc ST23 iso 3309 ST23YR
    Text: ST23YR18 Dual contactless smartcard MCU with 18 Kbytes EEPROM, enhanced security, cryptoprocessor and optimized RF performance Data Brief Features Hardware features • Enhanced 8/16-bit ST23 CPU core with 16 Mbytes linear addressable memory ■ 230 Kbytes User ROM

    PDF ST23YR18 8/16-bit 30-year ST23YR18 ST23YR18 compatible innovatron ISO-7816-3 crc ST23 iso 3309 ST23YR


    Abstract: mcu st23 ST23 epassport
    Text: ST23YR80 Dual contactless smartcard MCU with 80 Kbytes EEPROM, enhanced security, cryptoprocessor and optimized RF performance Data Brief Features ST23YR80 major applications include: • ePassport, eGovernment, and ID Hardware features ■ Enhanced 8/16-bit ST23 CPU core with 16

    PDF ST23YR80 ST23YR80 8/16-bit mcu st23 ST23 epassport


    Abstract: SMARTCARD ST23YR18 ST23YL18 ST23YL48 ST23YL80 ST23 ST23YR48 18KB iso 7816-3
    Text: Smartcard ICs for e-ID and e-government security documents A secure and flexible product portfolio Today, governments across the world recognize smartcards as a key tool in protecting international security, personal data, reducing fraud and improving service and information

    PDF 2002/95/EC FLSCEGOV1008 ST23YR80 SMARTCARD ST23YR18 ST23YL18 ST23YL48 ST23YL80 ST23 ST23YR48 18KB iso 7816-3


    Abstract: ST33F1M NESCRYPT ST19NA18 ST23YT ST33F1M RSA spi 7816 NESCRYPT ROM80 7816 SC300TM
    Text: Smartcard ICs for pay-TV applications Conditional access and content protection STMicroelectronics ST is the world’s leading supplier of ICs for pay-TV and conditional access, and has extensive experience supplying 8- and 32-bit secure microcontrollers

    PDF 32-bit 8/16-bit SC300TM 200/95/EC ST23YLxx, ST23YTxx, ST33F1M ST23YLxx ST23YT ST33F1M NESCRYPT ST19NA18 ST33F1M RSA spi 7816 NESCRYPT ROM80 7816 SC300TM


    Abstract: iso 7816 ST23YL18 ST23ZL48 SMARTCARD ST23ZL18 rsa SMARTCARD ST23YS08 ST23ZL34 ST23YR80
    Text: Smartcard ICs for banking Trusted technology for contact and contactless payment STMicroelectronics is a world leader in the development and delivery of smartcard ICs for the banking sector. For more than 10 years, ST’s smartcard technologies have been implemented in many of our partners’ products, and

    PDF 2002/95/EC FLBANKING1009 ST23YR18 iso 7816 ST23YL18 ST23ZL48 SMARTCARD ST23ZL18 rsa SMARTCARD ST23YS08 ST23ZL34 ST23YR80


    Abstract: ST23 ST23YR80 SMARTCARD ST23YL18 ST23YR18 ST23YL80 ST23YR48 ST23ZL48 rsa SMARTCARD
    Text: Smartcard ICs for e-ID and e-government security documents A secure and flexible product portfolio Today, governments across the world recognize smartcards as a key tool in protecting international security and personal data, reducing fraud and improving service and information

    PDF 2002/95/EC FLPASSPORT1009 crypto ST23 ST23YR80 SMARTCARD ST23YL18 ST23YR18 ST23YL80 ST23YR48 ST23ZL48 rsa SMARTCARD


    Abstract: mcu st23 TV TRANSMITTER PROJECT ST23 16615
    Text: ST23ZL18 Smartcard MCU with enhanced security, crypto-processor and 18 Kbyte EEPROM Data brief Features Hardware features • Enhanced 8/16-bit ST23 CPU core with 16 Mbytes of linear addressable memory Micromodule Wafer ■ 300 Kbytes of User ROM ■

    PDF ST23ZL18 8/16-bit 30-year AIS-31 ST23ZL18 mcu st23 TV TRANSMITTER PROJECT ST23 16615


    Abstract: ST23YR48 ST23YR SMARTCARD ISO 7816 ST23YR18 AES SHA USB ST23YL18 ST23ZL18 ST23 ST23YL80
    Text: Smartcard ICs for e-ID and e-government security documents A secure and flexible product portfolio Today, governments across the world recognize smartcards as a key tool in protecting international security and personal data, reducing fraud and improving service and information


    mcu st23

    Abstract: ST23YL80 ST23 ISO-7816-3 crc
    Text: ST23YL80 Smartcard MCU with enhanced security, crypto-processor and 80 Kbytes EEPROM Data Brief Features ST23YL80 major applications include: • Banking, IT and Pay TV applications Hardware features ■ Enhanced 8/16-bit ST23 CPU core with 16 Mbytes linear addressable memory

    PDF ST23YL80 ST23YL80 8/16-bit 10-year mcu st23 ST23 ISO-7816-3 crc


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ST23YL80 Smartcard MCU with enhanced security, crypto-processor and 80 Kbytes EEPROM Data Brief Features ST23YL80 major applications include: • ID and Pay TV applications Hardware features ■ Enhanced 8/16-bit CPU core with 16 Mbytes linear addressable memory

    PDF ST23YL80 ST23YL80 8/16-bit 10-year

    java card "iso 14443" "type a" "type b" "iso 7816"

    Abstract: payment ST23YR18 paypass
    Text: STPay-JS-D18-D VSDC, M/Chip and Interac applications Static Java Card platform with 18 Kbytes of EEPROM – Dual Data brief D70 Micromodule Wafer Features • Visa Smart Debit Credit VSDC SDA/DDA • MasterCard® M/Chip® 4 Lite/Select SDA/DDA • Interac Flash 1.3

    PDF STPay-JS-D18-D DocID024447 java card "iso 14443" "type a" "type b" "iso 7816" payment ST23YR18 paypass


    Abstract: Trusted Platform Module ST33TPM12LPC
    Text: ST33TPM12LPC Trusted Platform Module with LPC interface based on 32-bit ARM SecurCore® SC300 CPU Data brief Features TPM features • Single-chip Trusted Platform Module TPM ■ Compliant with Trusted Computing Group (TCG) Trusted Platform Module (TPM) Main

    PDF ST33TPM12LPC 32-bit SC300TM 33-MHz SERIRQ Trusted Platform Module ST33TPM12LPC

    ARM SC300

    Abstract: ST33 flash ST33F1M ST32-M ST33F1M NESCRYPT ST33F arm gsm SC300 ST21 ST32
    Text: Smartcard ICs for mobile communications and M2M Flexibility and processing power for your SIM With over 20 years’ experience in the smartcard industry and a world-class manufacturing machine, STMicroelectronics offers a broad range of leading-edge semiconductor

    PDF SC300 8/16-bit FLICSMOBIL1009 ARM SC300 ST33 flash ST33F1M ST32-M ST33F1M NESCRYPT ST33F arm gsm ST21 ST32

    NFC I2C

    Abstract: ST21NFCA ST33 MiFare ST33F1M st33 secure ST33 flash NFC RF protocols sim cards reader solution ST33F1M application notes
    Text: ST21NFCA and ST33F1M complete offer for NFC-enabled devices STMicroelectronics From NFC controller to SIM and secure element Following on from the ST21NFCA NFC controller, STMicroelectronics has extended its NFC-related product offer with the ST33 range for SWP-SIM and

    PDF ST21NFCA ST33F1M ST21NFCA FLNFCDEVIC1010 NFC I2C ST33 MiFare st33 secure ST33 flash NFC RF protocols sim cards reader solution ST33F1M application notes