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    NDL1102 Search Results

    NDL1102 Datasheets (1)

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    NDL1102 NEC LEDS Scan PDF

    NDL1102 Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: PHOTO DIODE Is'.'*' '•S IM NDL1102 OPTICAL FIBER C O M M U N IC A TIO N SILICON AVALANCHE PHOTO DIODE DESCRIPTION N D L 1 1 0 2 is a w idely used general purpose silicon avalanche photodiode detector. It is designed fo r moderate speed 4 to 3 0 M b/s , medium distance (0 .1 —5 km ) telecom m unication systems. N D L 1 102 has a high speed response tim e and a wide spectral

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    NDL1102 1987M PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: N E C ELECTRONICS 'INC 30E D NEC bH275S5 DOSSSb? OPTOELECTRONIC DEVICES T Light Emitting Diodes cont. Remote Control Typical Characteristics (Ta - 25°C) CL If typ. (pA) > Vf TYP. (V) (Ip—3 0 mA) 5* Absolute Maximum Ratings (Ta = 2» C) Pd(mW) Ip (mA) Tstg(°C)

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    bH275S5 SE301A SE302A SE303A-C SE304 SE306 SE307-C SE30B SE310 SE313 lp30 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: E C ELECTRONICS INC =iô] D • L.M27525 001ÔS0S E ■ -p_ Introduction We live in an age of information. This information is in the form of voice conversations, music, TV pictures, digital data, recorded messages—the list goes on and on. And as the amount of information increases, a transmission

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    M27525 NDL5102P NDL5500 NDL2102 NDL2104 NDL2208 NDL5200 NDL5405 NDL5004 PDF


    Abstract: LF50 bh27ss5 SE1003-C SE301A SE302A SE303A-C SE304 SE306 SE307-C
    Text: N E C ELECTRONICS INC 30E D bH27SS5 DOSSSb? T NEC OPTOELECTRONIC DEVICES L igh t Em itting D iodes cont. Remoie Control Absolute Maximum Ratings (Ta = 2» C) Ir TYP. (f/A) (V„=3V) -65 to +125 1.2 (lp=50 mA) 0.01 50 -30 to +80 1.2 150 100 1.25 -40 to +100

    OCR Scan
    bH27SS5 SE301A SE302A SE303A-C SE304 SE306 NDL5500 NDL5500C NDL5500P GI-50/125 NDL1102 LF50 SE1003-C SE307-C PDF