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    N-CHANNEL BJT Search Results

    N-CHANNEL BJT Result Highlights (5)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    TLP293-4 Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation Photocoupler (phototransistor output), DC input, 3750 Vrms, 4 channel, SO16 Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TLP294-4 Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation Photocoupler (phototransistor output), AC input, 3750 Vrms, 4 channel, SO16 Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TLP295-4 Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation Photocoupler (phototransistor output), DC input, 3750 Vrms, 4 channel, SO16 Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TLP292-4 Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation Photocoupler (phototransistor output), AC input, 3750 Vrms, 4 channel, SO16 Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TLP291-4 Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation Photocoupler (phototransistor output), DC input, 2500 Vrms, 4 channel, SO16 Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation

    N-CHANNEL BJT Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: "curve tracer" ZERO VOLTAGE SWITCH
    Text: SYNC POWER CORP. Technical Review of N-Channel MOSFET Measurement 576 Curve Tracer Testing Report April 2005 Ver.1 MOSFET Products AN002 1 Measuring N-Channel MOSFET Characteristics Table of Contents Page 1. General Information. 3

    AN002 AN002 "curve tracer" ZERO VOLTAGE SWITCH PDF

    2933 Voltage Regulator

    Abstract: 2933
    Text: LTC2933 Programmable Hex Voltage Supervisor with EEPROM FEATURES DESCRIPTION Supervises 6 Power Supplies n I2C Adjustable UV and OV Trip Points n Guaranteed Threshold Accuracy: ±1% n I2C/SMBus Interface n Internal EEPROM n 256 Programmable Thresholds per Channel

    LTC2933 16-Lead LTC2977 16-Bit LTC2974 LTC2970 2933f com/LTC2933 2933 Voltage Regulator 2933 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: LTC2974 4-Channel PMBus Power System Manager Featuring Accurate Output Current Measurement Features Description Sequence, Trim, Margin and Supervise Four Power Supplies n Manage Faults, Monitor Telemetry and Create Fault Logs n PMBus Compliant Command Set

    LTC2974 14-Bit 16-Bit 2974fc com/LTC2974 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: LTC2974 4-Channel PMBus Power System Manager Featuring Accurate Output Current Measurement FEATURES DESCRIPTION Sequence, Trim, Margin and Supervise Four Power Supplies n Manage Faults, Monitor Telemetry and Create Fault Logs n PMBus Compliant Command Set

    LTC2974 14-Bit LTC2977 16-Bit LTC3880 LTC3883 2974fb com/LTC2974 PDF


    Abstract: ltc2974cup 017VL L16 eeprom
    Text: LTC2974 4-Channel PMBus Power System Manager Featuring Accurate Output Current Measurement FEATURES DESCRIPTION Sequence, Trim, Margin and Supervise Four Power Supplies n Manage Faults, Monitor Telemetry and Create Fault Logs n PMBus Compliant Command Set

    LTC2974 14-Bit 16-Bit 2974fa com/LTC2974 LTC2974UP ltc2974cup 017VL L16 eeprom PDF


    Abstract: Si3215 si3201 Si321xM ProSLIC AN34 AN35 GR-909 Si3050 Si3210
    Text: S i 321 X S I N G L E -C H A N N E L P R O S L IC FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS Rev. 0.2 1/07 Copyright 2007 by Silicon Laboratories Si321x FAQ 2 Rev. 0.2 S i 3 2 1 x FA Q Si321X SINGLE-CHANNEL PROSLIC—FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS Table of Contents Design and Layout

    Si321x Si3201 Si3215 Si321xM ProSLIC AN34 AN35 GR-909 Si3050 Si3210 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Si3232 D UAL P R O G R A M M A B L E C M O S S L I C WITH L I N E M O N I T O R I N G Features  Ideal for customer premise applications  Low standby power consumption: <65 mW per channel   Internal balanced ringing to 65 Vrms   Software programmable parameters:

    Si3232 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: RF2513 UHF TRANSMITTER Typical Applications • Single- or Dual-Channel LO Source • 433/868/915MHz ISM Band Systems • FM/FSK Transmitter • Wireless Security Systems • Wireless Data Transmitters U F pg O ra R de d N P E ro W du ct D R ES F2 51 IG 4/ N

    RF2513 433/868/915MHz RF2513 915MHz 433MHz 868MHz PIN CONFIGURATION OF THREE LEGS VARIABLE capacitor PDF


    Abstract: diode cross reference
    Text: RF2512 UHF TRANSMITTER Typical Applications • Single- or Dual-Channel LO Source • 433/868/915MHz ISM Band Systems • FM/FSK Transmitter • Wireless Security Systems • Wireless Data Transmitters U F pg O ra R de d N P E ro W du ct D R ES F2 51 IG 4/ N

    RF2512 433/868/915MHz RF2512 915MHz 433MHz 868MHz PIN CONFIGURATION OF THREE LEGS VARIABLE capacitor diode cross reference PDF

    Schematics AL 1450 DV

    Abstract: BAT54 COL 4560 pre amp "mw 137" AN-1229 what is THERMAL RUNAWAY IN RECTIFIER MOSFET 12V 10A BJT LM3743 LM3743MM-1000 LM3743MM-300
    Text: LM3743 N-Channel FET Synchronous Buck Controller for Low Output Voltages General Description The LM3743 is a voltage mode PWM buck controller which implements synchronous rectification. It provides a low cost, fault tolerant, and efficient point of load solution. To reduce

    LM3743 LM3743 Schematics AL 1450 DV BAT54 COL 4560 pre amp "mw 137" AN-1229 what is THERMAL RUNAWAY IN RECTIFIER MOSFET 12V 10A BJT LM3743MM-1000 LM3743MM-300 PDF


    Abstract: ZCN0545A
    Text: ZCN0545A N-CHANNEL ENHANCEMENT MODE VERTICAL IGBT ZCN0545A ISSUE 2 – MAY 94 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS at Tamb = 25°C unless otherwise stated . PARAMETER SYMBOL MIN. Forward Drain-Source Breakdown Voltage BVDSS 450 TYP. MAX. UNIT CONDITIONS. V VGS=0V Reverse Drain-Source

    ZCN0545A 500mA, 250mA, DMOSFET ZCN0545A PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Ordering number : ENA2174A LV8127T Monolithic Linear IC 3-phase Bipolar PWM Drive Pre-Driver IC for Brushless Motor Drive Overview LV8127T is a three-phase bipolar PWM drive pre-driver IC for N-channel High-side and Low-side FETs. This IC is

    ENA2174A LV8127T LV8127T A2174-20/20 PDF

    high frequency high power transistor 300mhz bjt n

    Abstract: RF2318
    Text: RF2318 LINEAR BROADBAND AMPLIFIER Typical Applications • CATV Amplifiers • Return Channel Amplifier • Cable Modems • Base Stations • Broadband Gain Blocks E S 0.196 0.189 W N E 8° MAX 0° MIN ! GaAs HBT SiGe HBT InGaP/HBT GaN HEMT 0.034 0.016 0.009

    RF2318 5000MHz high frequency high power transistor 300mhz bjt n RF2318 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: RF3857 DUAL CHANNEL LNA WITH BYPASS MODE   N/C VREF2 13 GAIN SEL1 1 Low Noise and High Intercept Point Adjustable Bias Current Power Down Control Low Insertion Loss Bypass Feature 1.8V to 4V Operation See “Bias Note” on Page 3 0.9GHz to 4.0GHz Operation

    RF3857 16-Pin, RF3857 DS110616 RF3857SR RF3857TR7 RF3857PCK-410 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: N-CHANNEL ENHANCEMENT MODE VERTICAL IGBT ZCN0545A ISSUE 2 - MAY 94 This IG BT com b in e s th e high in p u t im p e d a n c e of th e D M O S F E T w ith th e high c u rre n t d en sity o f th e BJT. FEATURES * Extrem ely low on state voltage * No need to derate for higher tem peratures

    OCR Scan
    ZCN0545A 300ns. PDF


    Abstract: 2sk5
    Text: HITACHI 2SK55-SILICON N-CHANNEL JUNCTION FET VHF AM PLIFIER, MIXER 5 o 1 ib:<2. ScuKe 3. Orín I I> i r ii i i 1 r ik it i JE D EC TO 92) MAXIMUM CHANNEL POWER DISSIPATION CURVE • ABSO LU TE MAXIMUM RATINGS (Tn=25°C) 2SK55 Symbol] Iiem Gate io drain voliate

    OCR Scan
    2SK55 2SK55 v25cC) 2sk5 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: N-CHANNEL ENHANCEMENT MODE VERTICAL IGBT ISSUE 2 - M A Y 94 _ This IGBT combines the high input impedance of the DMOSFET with the high current density of the BJT. FE A TU R E S * E x tre m e ly lo w on state v o lta g e * N o ne ed to d e ra te fo r h ig h e r te m p e ra tu re s

    OCR Scan
    001G35S PDF


    Abstract: MC2661 uart 2651 74ls161 counter signetics 2651 MC68652 2651 signetics MC68000 schematics uart 2651 registers MC68*61
    Text: M MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTORS MC2653/MC68653 3501 ED B L U E S T E IN B L V D ., A U S T IN , T E X A S 78721 A d v a n c e In fo rm atio n MOS (N-CHANNEL, SILICON-GATE) P O L Y N O M IA L G E N E R A T O R C H E C K E R The M C2653/M C68653 Polynomial G enerator Checker (PGC) is a

    OCR Scan
    MC2653/MC68653 MC2653/MC68653 U4570 B9801Ã MC2653/M C68653 A1-A23 MC68661 MC2661 uart 2651 74ls161 counter signetics 2651 MC68652 2651 signetics MC68000 schematics uart 2651 registers MC68*61 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: RF RF2320 Preliminary MICRO-DEVICES LINEAR GENERAL PURPOSE AM PLIFIER T y p ic a l A p p lic a tio n s • CATV Distribution Amplifiers • Laser Diode Driver • Cable Modems • Return Channel Amplifier • Broadband Gain Blocks • Base Stations P r o d u c t D e s c r ip tio n

    OCR Scan
    RF2320 RF2320 OP-16 1000MHz, RF2320PCBA 1000MHz PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: RF RF2360 Preliminary MICRO-DEVICES LINEAR GENERAL PURPOSE AM PLIFIER T y p ic a l A p p lic a tio n s • CATV Distribution Amplifiers • Laser Diode Driver • Cable Modems • Return Channel Amplifier • Broadband Gain Blocks • Base Stations P r o d u c t D e s c r ip tio n

    OCR Scan
    RF2360 RF2360 OP-16 1000MHz, RF2360PCBA 500MHz PDF

    RC30 resistor

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: R F RF2312 H MICRO DEVICES LINEAR GENERAL PURPOSE AM PLIFIER T y p ic a l A p p lic a tio n s • CATV Distribution Amplifiers • Laser Diode Driver • Cable Modems • Return Channel Amplifier • Broadband Gain Blocks • Base Stations P r o d u c t D e s c r ip tio n

    OCR Scan
    RF2312 RF2312 1000MHz, RC30 resistor PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available

    OCR Scan
    2SK415 --2SK415 2SK415 PDF

    BATWING sop-16

    Abstract: 990520
    Text: RF RF2360 Preliminary MICRO‘DEVICES LINEAR GENERAL PURPOSE AM PLIFIER T y p ic a l A p p lic a tio n s Laser Diode Driver • Cable Modems Return Channel Amplifier • Broadband Gain Blocks Base Stations LINEAR CATV AMPLIFIERS • CATV Distribution Amplifiers

    OCR Scan
    RF2360 RF2360 OP-16 1000MHz, RF2360PCBA 500MHz BATWING sop-16 990520 PDF


    Abstract: DTL or TTL integrated logic circuits MK1007 TMS3409 LTRT ic PIN-FOR-PIN REPLACEMENT 2S32B
    Text: s ig n o tic s QUAD 80 BIT S T A T IC SH IFT H w i r i a 2532 SILICON GATE MOS 2500 SERIES d e s c r ip t io n Th eSig n etits 2 532 Sta tic » ¡ f t Register consists of enhance­ ment mode P-Channel silicon gate MOS devices integrated on a single m onolithic chip. Each o f the fo ur 8 0 -b it reqisters

    OCR Scan
    80-BIT MK1007P DTL or TTL integrated logic circuits MK1007 TMS3409 LTRT ic PIN-FOR-PIN REPLACEMENT 2S32B PDF