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    MSM699210 Search Results

    MSM699210 Datasheets (2)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Curated Datasheet Type PDF
    MSM699210 OKI Semiconductor High Performance Digital Signal Processor Family Original PDF
    MSM699210-021GS-V1K OKI Semiconductor High Performance Digital Signal Processor Family Original PDF

    MSM699210 Datasheets Context Search

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    LC1 D25 004

    Abstract: stk 0241 LC1 D27 LC1 D10 LC1 D25 10 sft 43 MSM699210 LC1 D09 10 stk 022 stk 023
    Text: O K I semiconductor MSM699210 HIGH PERFORMANCE DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSOR FAM ILY 1. GENERAL OUTLINE The M S M 6 9 9 2 1 0 is a DSP same in architecture as th e M S M 6 992, b u t has doub led th e in tern al m em o ry size and reduced th e nu m b er o f pins by shared use o f th e external

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    MSM699210 MSM699210 MSM6992, MSM6992 16-bit 10OnS 32-bit LC1 D25 004 stk 0241 LC1 D27 LC1 D10 LC1 D25 10 sft 43 LC1 D09 10 stk 022 stk 023 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: O K I semiconductor_ _ _ _ _ _ _ MSM699215_ HIGH PERFORMANCE DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSOR FAMILY GENERAL OUTLINE The MSM699215 is a digital signal processor Same in architecture as the MSM699210, but has serial ports. The MSM699215 is capable of high speed execution of floating-point arithmetic operations

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    MSM699215_ MSM699215 MSM699210, 16-bit 32-bit 256-word 22-bit PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: O K I s e m ic o n d u c t o r MSM699210 HIGH PERFORMANCE DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSOR FAMILY 1. GENERAL OUTLINE The MSM699210 is a DSP with the same architecture as the MSM6992, but with doubled internal memory size and a reduced number of pins by shared use of the external program

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    MSM699210 MSM699210 MSM6992, MSM6992 16-bit PROCESSOR-MSM699210 -F-106 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: O K I semiconductor MSM699210_ HIGH PERFORMANCE DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSOR FAMILY 1. GENERAL OUTLINE Th e M SM 699210 is a DSP sam e in a rch itectu re as th e M SM 6992, but has d o u bled th e in tern al m em o ry size and red uced th e n u m b er of pins by shared use o f th e external

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    MSM699210_ 16-bit PDF

    STK 407 040

    Abstract: STK 407 240 nz22 LT 8233 mark d23 STK 407 A1PL MSM699210 SCR60
    Text: OKI semiconductor MSM699215_ HIGH PERFORMANCE DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSOR FAMILY GENERAL OUTLINE The MSM699215 is a digital signal processor same in architecture as the MSM699210, but has serial ports. T h e M SM 699215 is cap ab le of high speed execution of floating-point arithm etic

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    MSM699215_ MSM699215 MSM699210, 16-bit 32-bit 256-word 22-bit STK 407 040 STK 407 240 nz22 LT 8233 mark d23 STK 407 A1PL MSM699210 SCR60 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: O K I semiconductor MSM699210_ HIGH PERFORMANCE DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSOR FAMILY 1. G ENERAL OUTLINE The MSM699210 is a DSP in the same architecture as the MSM6992, but has doubled the interna! memory size and reduced the number of pins by shared use of the externa!

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    MSM699210_ MSM699210 MSM6992, MSM6992 16-bit IV-F-105 MSM699210 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: /O K I sem iconductor ^ MSM6 9 9 2 1 5 HIGH PERFORMANCE DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSOR FAM ILY GENERAL OUTLINE The MSM699215 is a d ig ita l signal processor w ith the same architecture as the MSM699210, b u t w ith serial ports. The MSM699215 is capable o f high speed execution o f flo a tin g -p o in t a rith m e tic operations 16-bit

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    MSM699215 MSM699210, 16-bit 32-bit 256-word 22-bit PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: OKI semiconductor MSM699215_ HIGH PERFORMANCE DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSOR FAM ILY GENERAL OUTLINE The M SM 699215 is a digital signal processor sam e in architecture as the MSM 699210, but has serial ports. T h e M S M 6 9 9 2 1 5 is c a p a b le o f h ig h s p e e d e x e c u tio n o f flo a tin g -p o in t a rith m e tic

    OCR Scan
    MSM699215_ 32-bit 256-word 22-bit PDF