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    OKI Semiconductor MSM5299AGS-K

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    Bristol Electronics MSM5299AGS-K 134
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    OKI Semiconductor MSM5299AGS

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    Bristol Electronics MSM5299AGS 134
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    MSM5299A Datasheets (11)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Curated Datasheet Type PDF
    MSM5299A OKI Electronic Components Segment driver for multiplexed configurations Original PDF
    MSM5299A OKI Electronic Components 80-DOT LCD SEGMENT DRIVER Original PDF
    MSM5299A OKI Electronic Components Dot matrix LCD 80 dot segment driver. Scan PDF
    MSM5299A-01 OKI Electronic Components Displays, 80-DOT Matrix LCD Segment Driver Original PDF
    MSM5299A-01 OKI Electronic Components Segment driver for multiplexed configurations Original PDF
    MSM5299A-01TS-K OKI Electronic Components Displays, 80-DOT Matrix LCD Segment Driver Original PDF
    MSM5299AGS OKI Semiconductor Dot Matrix LCD 80 Dot Segment Driver Scan PDF
    MSM5299AGS-BK OKI Electronic Components Displays, 80-DOT Matrix LCD Segment Driver Original PDF
    MSM5299AGS-BK OKI Semiconductor Displays, 80-DOT Matrix LCD Segment Driver Scan PDF
    MSM5299AGS-K OKI Electronic Components Displays, 80-DOT Matrix LCD Segment Driver Original PDF
    MSM5299AGS-K OKI Semiconductor Displays, 80-DOT Matrix LCD Segment Driver Scan PDF

    MSM5299A Datasheets Context Search

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    m 5299a

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Semiconductor O KI MSM5299A 8O-DOT SEGMENT DRIVER GENERAL DESCRIPTION The MSM5299A is a dot matrix LCD segment driver LSI which is fabricated by CMOS low power metal gate technology. This LSI consists of an 80-bit bidirectional shift register, 80-bit latch, 80bit level shifter and 80-bit 4-level driver.

    OCR Scan
    MSM5299A MSM5299A 80-bit 80bit MSM5299A, m 5299a PDF


    Abstract: MSM5298A MSM5299A MSM6255 QFP100 M5299A OKI
    Text: J2B0020-27-Y4 ¡ 電子デバイス 作成:1998年 1月 MSM5299Al 前回作成:1997年 8月 MSM5299A 80ドットLCDセグメントドライバ n 概要 MSM5299AはLCDドットマトリックスセグメントドライバで、80ビット双方向シフトレジスタと

    J2B0020-27-Y4 MSM5299Al MSM5299A 80LCD MSM5299ALCD80 804CMOS MSM62554 LCDMSM6255 LCDMSM5298A68 100QFP M5299A MSM5298A MSM5299A MSM6255 QFP100 M5299A OKI PDF


    Abstract: MSM5299AGS-BK MSM5299AGS-K MSM6255 QFP100-P-1420-BK QFP100-P-1420-K oki display LCD OKI 19 lcd circuit X9116WM8I-2.7T1
    Text: O K I Semiconductor MSM5299A 8Q-D0T SEGMENT DRIVER GENERAL DESCRIPTION The M SM 5299A is a dot m atrix LC D segm ent d river LSI w hich is fabricated b y C M O S low pow er m etal gate technology. This LSI consists o f an 80-bit bidirectional shift register, 80-bit latch, 80b it level shifter and 80-bit 4-level driver.

    OCR Scan
    MSM5299A 80-DQT MSM5299A 80-bit 2424D MSM5299AGS-BK MSM5299AGS-K MSM6255 QFP100-P-1420-BK QFP100-P-1420-K oki display LCD OKI 19 lcd circuit X9116WM8I-2.7T1 PDF


    Abstract: M5299A OKI M5299A M5299 QFP100-P-1420-0 oki m5299A MSM6255 MSM5298A MSM5299AGS-BK MSM5299AGS-K
    Text: E2B0020-27-Y2 ¡ Semiconductor MSM5299A ¡ Semiconductor This version: MSM5299A Nov. 1997 Previous version: Mar. 1996 80-DOT LCD SEGMENT DRIVER GENERAL DESCRIPTION The MSM5299A is a dot matrix LCD segment driver LSI which is fabricated using CMOS low power metal gate technology. This LSI consists of an 80-bit bidirectional shift register, 80-bit

    E2B0020-27-Y2 MSM5299A 80-DOT MSM5299A 80-bit 80-bit MSM6255, M5299A OKI M5299A M5299 QFP100-P-1420-0 oki m5299A MSM6255 MSM5298A MSM5299AGS-BK MSM5299AGS-K PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: O K I Semiconductor MSM5299A 8O-DOT SEGMENT DRIVER GENERAL DESCRIPTION T he M SM 5299A is a d o t m atrix LCD se g m e n t d riv e r LSI w h ich is fab ricated b y CM O S lo w p o w e r m etal g ate technolog y . T his LSI consists of an 80-bit b id irectio n al sh ift register, 80-bit latch, 80b it level sh ifter a n d 80-bit 4-level d riv er.

    OCR Scan
    MSM5299A 80-bit 5299AGS 5299As MSM5299A MSM5299B 2424D PDF


    Abstract: MSM5299A MSM5299AGS MSM5299BGS MSM6255GS QFP100-P-1420-K INI LCD
    Text: OKI semiconductor MSM5299A_ DOT MATRIX LCD 80 DOT SEGMENT DRIVER GENERAL DESCRIPTION The O K I M SM 5299AG S is a d o t m a trix LC D 's segment d rive r LSI w h ich is fa b rica te d b y CMOS lo w p o w e r m etal gate te c h n o lo g y . T his LSI consists o f 8 0 - b it b id ire c tio n a l s h ift register, 8 0 -b it latch,

    OCR Scan
    MSM5299A MSM5299AGS 80-bit MSM5299AGS, GFP100-P-1420-VIK MSM5299A MSM5299BGS MSM6255GS QFP100-P-1420-K INI LCD PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: O K I Semiconductor MSM5299A 8O-DOT SEGMENT DRIVER GENERAL DESCRIPTION The M SM 5299A is a dot m atrix LCD segm ent driver LSI which is fabricated by CMOS low pow er metal gate technology. This LSI consists of an 80-bit bidirectional shift register, 80-bit latch, 80bit level shifter and 80-bit 4-level driver.

    OCR Scan
    MSM5299A 80-bit 80bit 5299AGS 5299As DFF4 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: OKI semiconductor MSM5299A_ DOT MATRIX LCD 80 DOT SEGMENT DRIVER GENERAL DESCRIPTION Th e O K I M S M 5 299A G S is a d o t m a trix L C D 's segm ent d riv e r LSI w h ic h is fa b ric a te d b y C M OS lo w p o w e r m e ta l gate te c h n o lo g y . T h is LSI consists o f 8 0 - b it b id ire c tio n a l s h ift register, 8 0 -b it la tch ,

    OCR Scan
    MSM5299A_ M5299A PDF

    M5299A OKI

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: E2B0020-27-Y2 O K I Semiconductor MSM5299A This version: Nov. 1997 Previous version: Mar. 1996 8Q-DOT LCD SEGMENT DRIVER G E N ER AL DE S C R IP TIO N The MSM5299A is a dot matrix LCD segment driver LSI which is fabricated using CMOS low power metal gate technology. This LSI consists of an 80-bit bidirectional shift register, 80-bit

    OCR Scan
    E2B0020-27-Y2 MSM5299A MSM5299A 80-bit MSM6255, QFP100-P-1420-0 M5299A OKI PDF

    ic el 434

    Abstract: MSM5299A MSM6255 QFP100-P-1420-K QFP100-P-1420-V1K
    Text: O K I Sem icon d u cto r M SM 5299A 8O-DOT SEGMENT DRIVER G EN ER A L D ESCR IPTIO N T he M SM 5299A is a dot m atrix LC D segm ent d river LSI w hich is fabricated b y C M O S low pow er m etal gate technology. T his LSI con sists o f an 80-bit bid irectional shift register, 80-bit latch, 80b it level shifter and 80-bit 4-lev el driver.

    OCR Scan
    MSM5299A MSM5299A 80-bit 80bit TheMSM5299A MSM5299AGS ic el 434 MSM6255 QFP100-P-1420-K QFP100-P-1420-V1K PDF


    Abstract: MSM5299A MSM5299AGS MSM6255GS QFP100-P-1420-K QFP100-P-1420-VIK INI LCD LV124
    Text: OKI semiconductor M SM5299A_ DOT MATRIX LCD 80 DOT SEGMENT DRIVER G ENER AL DESCRIPTION T h e O K I M S M 5 2 9 9 A G S is a d o t m a t r ix L C D 's s e g m e n t d r iv e r L S I w h ic h is fa b r ic a te d b y C M O S lo w p o w e r m e ta l g a te te c h n o lo g y . T h is L S I c o n s is ts o f 8 0 - b i t b id ir e c t io n a l s h if t re g is te r, 8 0 - b it la tc h ,

    OCR Scan
    MSM5299A MSM5299AGS 80-bit MSM5299AGS, aahb MSM5299A MSM6255GS QFP100-P-1420-K QFP100-P-1420-VIK INI LCD LV124 PDF


    Abstract: msm5299b MSM5278 MSM5219 7 segment display LTS 543 80C49 MSM5260 80C51 MSM5259GS MSM5839CGS
    Text: OKI semiconductor MSM6262-01 DOT MATRIX LCD CONTROLLER WITH 48 DOT COMMON DRIVER G E N E R A L DESCRIPTIO N T h e O K I M SM 6262G S is a d o t m a trix LC D c o n tro lle r w h ic h is fa b rica te d b y O K I's lo w pow er co n ­ s u m p tio n CMOS silico n gate te c h n o lo g y . In c o m b in a tio n w ith 8 -b it m ic ro c o n tro lle r, th e MSM 6262G S

    OCR Scan
    MSM6262-01 MSM6262GS MSM5259GS MSM5839CGS. 10ki2 50ki2 MSM5219B msm5299b MSM5278 MSM5219 7 segment display LTS 543 80C49 MSM5260 80C51 MSM5839CGS PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: O K I Semiconductor M SM5299A 8Q-D0T SEGMENT DRIVER GENERAL DESCRIPTION T h e M S M 5 2 9 9 A is a d o t m a trix L C D se g m e n t d riv e r L SI w h ich is fa b rica te d b y C M O S lo w p o w e r m e ta l g a te te ch n o lo g y . T h is L S I c o n sists o f an 8 0 -b it b id ir e c tio n a l s h ift re g iste r, 8 0 -b it la tc h , 80 b it le v e l sh ifte r a n d 8 0 -b it 4 -le v e l d riv er.

    OCR Scan
    SM5299A MSM5299A PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: E2B0021-27-Y2 O K I Semiconductor MSM5299C This version: Nov. 1997 Previous version: Mar. 1996 8Q-DOT LCD SEGMENT DRIVER G EN ER A L D ESC R IPT IO N The M SM 5299C is a dot m atrix LCD segment driver LSI which is fabricated using CMOS low power metal gate technology. This LSI consists of an 80-bit bidirectional shift register, 80-bit

    OCR Scan
    E2B0021-27-Y2 MSM5299C 5299C 80-bit SM6255, MSM5299A. 200ns PDF


    Abstract: display lcd 4x20 M5299C 581 EL OKI M5299C MSM6255 MSM5298A MSM5299A MSM5299C MSM5299CGS-BK
    Text: E2B0021-27-Y2 O K I Semiconductor MSM5299C This version: Nov. 1997 Previous version: Mar. 1996 8Q-DOT LCD SEGMENT DRIVER GENERAL DESCRIPTION The MSM5299C is a dot m atrix LCD segm ent driver LSI which is fabricated using CMOS low pow er m etal gate technology. This LSI consists of an 80-bit bidirectional shift register, 80-bit

    OCR Scan
    E2B0021-27-Y2 MSM5299C MSM5299C 80-bit MSM6255, MSM5299A. 200ns M5299 display lcd 4x20 M5299C 581 EL OKI M5299C MSM6255 MSM5298A MSM5299A MSM5299CGS-BK PDF

    WZ 061

    Abstract: QFP100-P-1420-BK QFP100-P-1420B MSM6255 MSM5299A MSM5299C MSM5299CGS-BK MSM5299CGS-K QFP100-P-1420-K
    Text: O K I Semiconductor MSM5299C 8Q-D0T SE G M E N T DRIVER GENERAL DESCRIPTION The MSM5299C is a dot matrix LCD segment driver LSI which is fabricated by CMOS low power metal gate technology. This LSI consists of an 80-bit bidirectional shift register, 80-bit latch, 80bit level shifter and 80-bit 4-level driver.

    OCR Scan
    MSM5299C 80-DQT MSM5299C 80-bit MSM5299A. 200ns WZ 061 QFP100-P-1420-BK QFP100-P-1420B MSM6255 MSM5299A MSM5299CGS-BK MSM5299CGS-K QFP100-P-1420-K PDF

    M5298A OKI

    Abstract: M5298A M5298 oki m5298A oki lcd driver QFP80 cpfi MSM5299C OKI LCD MSM5298A
    Text: Dear customers, About the change in the name such as "Oki Electric Industry Co. Ltd." and "OKI" in documents to OKI Semiconductor Co., Ltd. The semiconductor business of Oki Electric Industry Co., Ltd. was succeeded to OKI Semiconductor Co., Ltd. on October 1, 2008.

    MSM5298A QFP80-P-1420-0 80-BK M5298A OKI M5298A M5298 oki m5298A oki lcd driver QFP80 cpfi MSM5299C OKI LCD MSM5298A PDF

    M5299A OKI

    Abstract: M5299A oki m5299A MSM5298A MSM5299A MSM6255 QFP100 M5299 V413
    Text: お客様各位 資料中の「沖電気」「OKI」等名称の OKI セミコンダクタ株式会社への変更について 2008 年 10 月 1 日を以って沖電気工業株式会社の半導体事業は OKI セミコン ダクタ株式会社に承継されました。 従いまして、本資料中には「沖電気工業株

    J2B0020-27-Y4 MSM5299Al MSM5299A 80LCD MSM5299ALCD80 804CMOS MSM62554 LCDMSM6255 LCDMSM5298A68 100QFP M5299A OKI M5299A oki m5299A MSM5298A MSM5299A MSM6255 QFP100 M5299 V413 PDF


    Abstract: M5299 OKI M5299C M5299c OKI MSM6255 MSM5298A MSM5299A MSM5299C MSM5299CGS-BK MSM5299CGS-K
    Text: Dear customers, About the change in the name such as "Oki Electric Industry Co. Ltd." and "OKI" in documents to OKI Semiconductor Co., Ltd. The semiconductor business of Oki Electric Industry Co., Ltd. was succeeded to OKI Semiconductor Co., Ltd. on October 1, 2008.

    MSM5299C QFP100-P-1420-0 65-BK M5299C M5299 OKI M5299C M5299c OKI MSM6255 MSM5298A MSM5299A MSM5299C MSM5299CGS-BK MSM5299CGS-K PDF


    Abstract: M5299A
    Text: O K I Semiconductor MSM5298A 68-DOT COMMON DRIVER GENERAL DESCRIPTION The M SM 5298A G S is a dot m atrix LC D com m on d river LSI w hich is fabricated b y low pow er C M O S m etal gate technology. This LSI consists o f 68 -bit b idirectional shift register, 68 -bit level

    OCR Scan
    MSM5298A 68-DOT MSM5299A MSM5299A 5298A M5299A PDF


    Abstract: display lcd 4x20 -40 CE055
    Text: E2B0021-27-Y2 O K I Semiconductor MSM5299C This version: Nov. 1997 Previous version: Mar. 1996 80-DOT LCD SEGMENT DRIVER GENERAL DESCRIPTION The MSM5299C is a dot matrix LCD segment driver LSI which is fabricated using CMOS low pow er metal gate technology. This LSI consists of an 80-bit bidirectional shift register, 80-bit

    OCR Scan
    E2B0021-27-Y2 MSM5299C 80-DOT MSM5299C 80-bit MSM6255, MSM5299A. M5299C display lcd 4x20 -40 CE055 PDF

    oki lcd driver

    Abstract: laptop lcd circuits msm5221 MSM5299A-01 lcd monitor ic lists ROM80 led matrix 5x7 using microcontroller MSC5301B-01 MSM5260 MSM6544
    Text: • ■ –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

    MSM666501 MSM6665B oki lcd driver laptop lcd circuits msm5221 MSM5299A-01 lcd monitor ic lists ROM80 led matrix 5x7 using microcontroller MSC5301B-01 MSM5260 MSM6544 PDF


    Abstract: M5298A OKI m5298A M5298 oki m5298A QFP80 MSM5298AGS-BK MSM5298AGS-K MSM5299A MSM5299C
    Text: E2B0028-27-Y2 ¡ Semiconductor MSM5298A ¡ Semiconductor This version: MSM5298A Nov. 1997 Previous version: Mar. 1996 68-DOT COMMON DRIVER GENERAL DESCRIPTION The MSM5298A is a dot matrix LCD common driver LSI which is fabricated using low power CMOS metal gate technology. This LSI consists of 68-bit bidirectional shift register, 68-bit level

    E2B0028-27-Y2 MSM5298A 68-DOT MSM5298A 68-bit MSM5298As MSM5299A M5298A OKI m5298A M5298 oki m5298A QFP80 MSM5298AGS-BK MSM5298AGS-K MSM5299A MSM5299C PDF


    Abstract: m5299c M5299 M5299C OKI MSM5298A MSM5299A MSM5299CGS-BK MSM5299CGS-K MSM6255 QFP100-P-1420-0
    Text: E2B0021-27-Y2 ¡ Semiconductor MSM5299C ¡ Semiconductor This version: MSM5299C Nov. 1997 Previous version: Mar. 1996 80-DOT LCD SEGMENT DRIVER GENERAL DESCRIPTION The MSM5299C is a dot matrix LCD segment driver LSI which is fabricated using CMOS low power metal gate technology. This LSI consists of an 80-bit bidirectional shift register, 80-bit

    E2B0021-27-Y2 MSM5299C 80-DOT MSM5299C 80-bit 80-bit MSM6255, m5299c M5299 M5299C OKI MSM5298A MSM5299A MSM5299CGS-BK MSM5299CGS-K MSM6255 QFP100-P-1420-0 PDF