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    MSM27C2 Search Results

    MSM27C2 Datasheets (35)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Curated Datasheet Type PDF
    MSM27C2000-10 OKI Electronic Components 256 x 4 CMOS EPROM Memory Scan PDF
    MSM27C2000-12 OKI Electronic Components 262,144-word x 8-Bit UV EPROM Scan PDF
    MSM27C2000-12 OKI Electronic Components 256 x 4 CMOS EPROM Memory Scan PDF
    MSM27C2000-12AS OKI Electronic Components 262,144-word x 8-Bit UV EPROM Scan PDF
    MSM27C2000-15 OKI Electronic Components 262,144-word x 8-Bit UV EPROM Scan PDF
    MSM27C2000-15 OKI Electronic Components 256K x 8 CMOS EPROM Memory Scan PDF
    MSM27C2000-15AS OKI Electronic Components 262,144-word x 8-Bit UV EPROM Scan PDF
    MSM27C2000ZB12RS OKI Electronic Components 262,144-word x 8-Bit UV EPROM Scan PDF
    MSM27C201CZ OKI Electronic Components 262,144-Word x 8-Bit One Time PROM Original PDF
    MSM27C201ZB-NGS-K OKI Semiconductor 262,144-Word x a-Bit One Time PROM Scan PDF
    MSM27C201ZB-NRS OKI Semiconductor 262,144-Word x a-Bit One Time PROM Scan PDF
    MSM27C201ZB-NTS-K OKI Semiconductor 262,144-Word x a-Bit One Time PROM Scan PDF
    MSM27C2048-10 OKI Electronic Components 2Mbit (128K x 16) CMOS 3-STATE UV-Erasable EPROM in 40-pin DIP package. Scan PDF
    MSM27C2048-10AS OKI Electronic Components 2Mbit (128K x 16) CMOS 3-STATE UV-Erasable EPROM in 40-pin DIP package. Scan PDF
    MSM27C2048-12 OKI Electronic Components 2Mbit (128K x 16) CMOS 3-STATE UV-Erasable EPROM in 40-pin DIP package. Scan PDF
    MSM27C2048-12AS OKI Electronic Components 2Mbit (128K x 16) CMOS 3-STATE UV-Erasable EPROM in 40-pin DIP package. Scan PDF
    MSM27C2048-15 OKI Electronic Components 2Mbit (128K x 16) CMOS 3-STATE UV-Erasable EPROM in 40-pin DIP package. Scan PDF
    MSM27C2048-15AS OKI Electronic Components 2Mbit (128K x 16) CMOS 3-STATE UV-Erasable EPROM in 40-pin DIP package. Scan PDF
    MSM27C221ZB-NGS-K OKI Semiconductor 262,144-Word x 8-Bit One Time PROM Scan PDF
    MSM27C221ZB-NRS OKI Semiconductor 262,144-Word x 8-Bit One Time PROM Scan PDF

    MSM27C2 Datasheets Context Search

    Catalog Datasheet MFG & Type Document Tags PDF

    eprom 27c256

    Abstract: 27C256 atmel 27C256 hitachi 27C256 27c256 intel WSI Cross Reference 27c256 toshiba ti 27c256 hitachi 27c256 oki cross
    Text: EPROM CROSS REFERENCE AMD WSI OKI WSI Am27C128 Am27C256 Am27H256 WS57C128FB WS57C256F WS57C256F MSM27C256 WS57C256F SANYO WSI LA7620 WS57C64F ATMEL WSI AT27HC256/L AT27HC256R/R WS57C256F WS57C256F SGS-T WSI M27128/A M27256 WS57C128FB WS57C256F CATALYST WSI

    Am27C128 Am27C256 Am27H256 WS57C128FB WS57C256F MSM27C256 LA7620 WS57C64F eprom 27c256 27C256 atmel 27C256 hitachi 27C256 27c256 intel WSI Cross Reference 27c256 toshiba ti 27c256 hitachi 27c256 oki cross PDF


    Abstract: DIP32-P-600-2
    Text: ¡ 電子デバイス 1A MSM27C201CZ 262,144-Wordx8-Bit One Time PROM n 概要 MSM27C201CZは2Mビットの電気的書込可能なワンタイムPROMです。 メモリ容量は262,144 ワード×8ビットで、5Vの単一電源で使用できます。

    MSM27C201CZ 144Word MSM27C201CZ2MPROM MSM27C201CZCMOS 32DIP32SOP32TSOP 32DIP DIP32P6002 32SOP OP32P5251 32TSOP 7a176 DIP32-P-600-2 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ¡ Semiconductor 1A MSM27C201CZ 262,144-Word x 8-Bit One Time PROM DESCRIPTION The MSM27C201CZ is a 2Mbit electrically Programmable Read-Only Memory organized as 262,144 word x 8bit. The MSM27C201CZ operates on a single +5V power supply and is TTL compatible.

    MSM27C201CZ 144-Word MSM27C201CZ 32-pin D-41460 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 5ÖE D • b 7 5 4 2 4 0 G G 1 3 3 3 b BbO « O K I J O K I S E M I C O N D U C T O R GROUP O K I semiconductor MSM27C256HZB -r-^/s-as" 32,768-Word x 8-Bit ONE TIME PROM GENERAL DESCRIPTION The MSM27C256HZB is a 32,768-word x 8-bit electrically programmable read-only memory.

    OCR Scan
    MSM27C256HZB 768-Word MSM27C256HZB MSM27G256HZB 28-pin 32-lead MAX525 MAX184 DD13337 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: O K I Semiconductor MSM27C201ZB 262,144-Word x 8-Bit One Time PROM DESCRIPTION The MSM27C201ZB is a 2 Mb electrically Programmable Read-Only Memory organized as 262,144 w ord x 8 bits. The MSM27C201ZB operates on a single 5 V pow er supply and is TTL compatible. Since the

    OCR Scan
    MSM27C201ZB 144-Word MSM27C201ZB 32pin 32-pin PDF


    Abstract: 27C256H-70 MAX184 MAX525 MSM27C256 MSM27C256H MSM27C256H-55 MSM27C256H-70
    Text: O K I semiconductor MSM27C256H 32,768-Word x 8-Bit UV EPROM G E N E R A L D ESC R IPTIO N The M S M 27C 256H is a 32,768-w ord x 8-bit ultraviolet erasable and electrically program m able read-only m em ory. T he M S M 27C 256H is m anufactured by the CM O S double silicon gate

    OCR Scan
    MSM27C256H 768-Word MSM27C256H 28-pin MAX525 MAX184 MSM27C256H-55) 27C256H-55 27C256H-70 MSM27C256 MSM27C256H-55 MSM27C256H-70 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: O K I Semiconductor MSM27C201ZB 2 62,144-W ord x 8-B it O ne Tim e PROM DESCRIPTION The M SM 27C201ZB is a 2 Mb electrically Program mable Read-Only M em ory organized as 262,144 word x 8 bits. The M SM 27C201ZB operates on a single 5 V pow er supply and is TTL com patible. Since the

    OCR Scan
    MSM27C201ZB 27C201ZB 32pin 32-pin PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: O K I semiconductor MSM27C256H 32,768-Word x 8-Bit UV EPROM GENERAL DESCRIPTION The MSM27C256H is a 32,768-word x 8-bit ultraviolet erasable and electrically programmable read-only memory. The MSM27C256H is manufactured by the CMOS double silicon gate technology and is contained in the 28-pin package.

    OCR Scan
    MSM27C256H 768-Word MSM27C256H 28-pin MSM27C256H-55) MSM27C256H-70) MAX525 PDF

    27C256 wsi

    Abstract: WSI Cross Reference TMM27128
    Text: EPROM CROSS REFERENCE AMD WSI OKI WSI Am27C128 Am27C256 Am27C64 Am27H256 WS57C128FB WS57C256F WS57C64F WS57C256F MSM27C256 W S57C256F SANYO WSI LA7620 WS57C64F ATMEL WSI SGS-T WSI AT27HC256/L AT27HC256R/R AT27HC64/L AT27HC64R/RL WS57C256F WS57C256F WS57C64F

    OCR Scan
    Am27C128 Am27C256 Am27C64 Am27H256 WS57C128FB WS57C256F WS57C64F WS57C256F MSM27C256 S57C256F 27C256 wsi WSI Cross Reference TMM27128 PDF


    Abstract: MAX120 MAX150 MAX28 MAX550 MSM27C2048-10 MSM27C2048-12 MSM27C2048-15
    Text: OKI semiconductor MSM27C2048 131072 x 16 BIT UV ERASABLE ELECTRICALLY PROGRAMMABLE READ-ONLY MEMORY GENERAL DESCRIPTION The MSM27C2048 is a 131072 words x 16 bit ultraviolet erasable and electrically programmable read-only memory. The MSM27C2048 is manufactured by CMOS double

    OCR Scan
    MSM27C2048 MSM27C2048 MAX100 MSM27C2048-10) MAX120 MSM27C2048-12) MAX150 MSM27C2048-15) MAX550 MAX28 MSM27C2048-10 MSM27C2048-12 MSM27C2048-15 PDF


    Abstract: MAX525 MSM27C256HZB
    Text: 5ÖE D • b754240 O K I O K I s e m GG1333b BbO H O K I J SEM ICONDUCTOR GROUP ic o n d u c to r - r - ^ / s - a s " MSM27C256HZB 32,768-Word x 8-Bit ONE TIME PROM GENERAL DESCRIPTION The MSM27C256HZB is a 32,768-word x 8-bit electrically programmable read-only memory.

    OCR Scan
    242M0 001333b MSM27C256HZB 768-Word MSM27C256HZB 28-pin 32-tead MAX184 MAX525 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: O K I Semiconductor MSM27C231ZB_ 262,144-W ord x 8-B it L o w -V oltage O n e T im e PROM DESCRIPTION The MSM27C231ZB is a 2 Mb electrically Program mable Read-Only Memory organized as 262,144 words x 8 bits. The M SM 27C231ZB operates on a single 3.3 V power supply and is TTL com patible. Since the

    OCR Scan
    MSM27C231ZB_ MSM27C231ZB 27C231ZB 32-pin MSM27C231ZB PDF


    Abstract: MSM27C231ZB
    Text: O K I Semiconductor MSM27C231ZB 262,144-Word x 8-Bit Low-Voltage One Time PROM d e s c r ip t io n T aIly Pr°S “ able Read' ° nly Memory organized as 262,144 words * T 3 Smgle 3 3 V P °Wer “ PP1? and is TTL compatible. Since the o S e T “ 1 d ° CkS 316 ^

    OCR Scan
    MSM27C231ZB_ 144-Word l8\teSTeMSM27C2i MSM27C2 MSM27cXCi MSM27C231ZB 32-pin MSM27C221ZB) DIP32-P-600) NZ14 MSM27C231ZB PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: O K I Semiconductor M S M 2 7C 2 2 1ZB 262,144-Word x 8-Bit One Time PROM DESCRIPTION The MSM27C221ZB is a 2 Mb electrically Programmable Read-Only Memory organized as 262,144 words x 8 bits. The MSM27C221ZB operates on a single 5 V power supply and is TTL compatible. Since the

    OCR Scan
    MSM27C221ZB 144-Word MSM27C221ZB 32-pin PDF

    oki m27256

    Abstract: 27C256 TMS27C128
    Text: EPROM CROSS REFERENCE AMD WSI OKI WSI Am27C128 Am27C256 Am27C64 Am27H256 WS57C128FB WS57C256F WS57C64F WS57C256F MSM27C256 WS57C256F SANYO WSI LA7620 WS57C64F ATMEL WSI SGS-T WSI AT27HC256/L AT27HC256R/R AT27HC64/L AT27HC64R/RL WS57C256F WS57C256F WS57C64F

    OCR Scan
    Am27C128 Am27C256 Am27C64 Am27H256 WS57C128FB WS57C256F WS57C64F WS57C256F MSM27C256 oki m27256 27C256 TMS27C128 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: O K I semiconductor MSM27C2000ZB 262,144-Word x 8-Bit ONE TIME PROM GENERAL DESCRIPTION The M S M 27C 1000ZB is a 262,144-w ord x 8-bit electrically program m able read-only memory. The M S M 27C 1000ZB is m anufactured by C M O S double silicon gate technology and is

    OCR Scan
    MSM27C2000ZB 144-Word 1000ZB 144-w 32-pin AX275 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: O K I Semiconductor MSM27C221ZB 262,144-Word x 8-Bit One Time PROM DESCRIPTION The MSM27C221ZB is a 2 Mb electrically Programmable Read-Only Memory organized as 262,144 words x 8 bits. The MSM27C221ZB operates on a single 5 V power supply and is TTL compatible. Since the

    OCR Scan
    MSM27C221ZB 144-Word MSM27C221ZB 32-pin PDF

    12.75V PGM

    Abstract: 27C2000-15 j727 27c2000-12 MAX275 MAX28 MSM27C2000-12 MSM27C2000-15 27c2000
    Text: O K I semiconductor MSM27C2000 262,144-Word x 8-Bit UV EPROM GENERAL DESCRIPTION The M SM 27C 2000 is a 262,144-w ord x 8-bit ultraviolet erasable and electrically program m able read-only m em ory. The M S M 27C 2000 is m anufactured by CM O S double silicon gate technology

    OCR Scan
    MSM27C2000 144-Word MSM27C2000 32-pin MSM27C2000-12) MSM27C2000-15) MAX275 12.75V PGM 27C2000-15 j727 27c2000-12 MAX28 MSM27C2000-12 MSM27C2000-15 27c2000 PDF

    27C TVS

    Abstract: AX28 27c2000
    Text: O K I semiconductor MSM27C2000 262,144-Word x 8-Bit UV EPROM GENERAL DESCRIPTION The M SM 27C 2000 is a 262,144-w ord x 8-bit ultraviolet erasable and electrically program m able read-only m em ory. The M SM 27C 2000 is m anufactured by CM O S double silicon gate technology

    OCR Scan
    MSM27C2000 144-Word 144-w 32-pin AX275 -------------------------------MSM27C2000 MSM27C2000 MSM27C2000« 27C TVS AX28 27c2000 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: O K I Semiconductor MSM27C221ZB 262,144-Word x 8-Bit One Time PROM D ESCRIPTIO N l 8 \k s T h T M S M 2 7 C 2 2 1 Z B T ProSra mable Read-Only Memory organized as 262,144 w ords T MSM27C221ZB rmprat * ^ P° WCr and is TTL com patible. Since the easy-to-useT h e

    OCR Scan
    MSM27C221ZB 144-Word Pr08raTmable MSM27C221ZB 32-pin DIP32-P-600) PDF

    umt block diagram

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: O K I Semiconductor MSM27C201ZB 262,144-Word x 8-Bit One Time PROM DESCRIPTION I T h e CM0SM27C2m 7H elfiCtliCally Progra^ mable Read-Only Memory organized as 262,144 word MSM27C201ZB ooeraipc! ^ The Lrm ir° 1 TK ^ T , * 18 7 * Smg 5 V P° W6r SUpply 3nd is TTL com PatiWe. Since the

    OCR Scan
    MSM27C201ZB 144-Word TheCMSM27C2017R 262J44 MSM5c201zTo MSM27C201ZB 32pinSOT 32-pin DiP32 umt block diagram PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: O K I semiconductor MSM27C256HZB 32,768-Word x 8-Bit ONE TIME PROM GENERAL DESCRIPTION The M S M 27C 256H ZB is a 32,768-w ord x 8-bit electrically program m able read-only memory. The M S M 27C 256H ZB is m anufactured by the CM O S double silicon gate technology and is

    OCR Scan
    MSM27C256HZB 768-Word 768-w 28-pin 32-lead AX525 AX184 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: O K I Semiconductor MSM27C231ZB_ 262,144-Word x 8-Bit Low-Voltage One Time PROM DESCRIPTION The MSM27C231ZB is a 2 Mb electrically Programmable Read-Only Memory organized as 262,144 words x 8 bits. The MSM27C231ZB operates on a single 3.3 V power supply and is TTL compatible. Since the

    OCR Scan
    MSM27C231ZB_ 144-Word MSM27C231ZB MSM27C231ZB 32-pin PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: O K I semiconductor MSM27C256HZB 32,768-Word x 8-Bit ONE TIME PROM GENERAL DESCRIPTION The MSM27C256HZB is a 32,768-word x 8-bit electrically programmable read-only memory. The MSM27C256HZB is manufactured by the CMOS double silicon gate technology and is

    OCR Scan
    MSM27C256HZB 768-Word MSM27C256HZB 28-pin 32-lead MAX525 MAX184 PDF