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    MSC1685 Search Results

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    TVS RS422

    Abstract: TVS diode line voltage Application Note EIA-RS422 S12C SMS03C SMS05C SMS12C SMS15C SMS24C EIA-RS-423
    Text: SMS03C thru SMS24C 4 LINE BIDIRECTIONAL TVSarray SCOTTSDALE DIVISION PRODUCT PREVIEW W W W . Microsemi . COM T V S arrayâ„¢ S E R I E S DESCRIPTION This 6 pin 4 line bi-directional array is designed for use in applications where protection is required at the board level from voltage transients caused by

    SMS03C SMS24C SMS24C MSC1685 TVS RS422 TVS diode line voltage Application Note EIA-RS422 S12C SMS05C SMS12C SMS15C EIA-RS-423 PDF