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    MPD8282 Search Results

    MPD8282 Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: UPD8282
    Text: Preliminary User’s Manual µP82821 2-PORT 25M ATM PHY LSI Document No. U14840EE1V0UM00 Date Published Mai 2000 NEC Corporation 2000 µPD82821 Notes for CMOS Devices 1 Precaution against ESD for Semiconductors Note: Strong electric field, when exposed to a MOS device, can cause destruction of the gate

    P82821 U14840EE1V0UM00 PD82821 containe/9044 PD8282 UPD8282 PDF


    Abstract: PB8282 HPB8282C HPB8283C ST 83 duc uPB8282 UPB8283
    Text: NEC /¿PB8282/83 8-BIT LATCHES NEC Electronics Inc. Description Pin C o nfiguration s The nPB8282 and jjPB8283 are 8 -bit latches with threestate output buffers. The ^PB8282 is non-inverting and the ¿PB8283 inverts the input data. These d evices are ideal for dem ultiplexing the address/data b u se s on

    OCR Scan
    uPB8282 uPB8283 085A/8086 piPB8282/83 PB8282/83 13imits mPD8282I83 3-003665A PB8282C PB8282 HPB8282C HPB8283C ST 83 duc PDF

    nec 8048

    Abstract: HPB8282C mPD8282
    Text: SEC yuPB8282/83 8-BIT LATCHES NEC Electronics Inc. Pin Configurations Description T h e iP B 82 82 an d nP B 82 83 a re 8 -b it la tc h e s w ith th re es ta te o u tp u t b u ffe rs . T h e fiP B 8282 is n o n -inverting and th e fjP B 8 2 8 3 in verts th e in p u t d a ta . T h e s e d e v ic e s a re

    OCR Scan
    uPB8282 uPB8283 nec 8048 HPB8282C mPD8282 PDF