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    Abstract: MO-300B MO-300S resistor 0.1 Ohm 5w 400v 1 tolerance 2R20 MO-100 10W 0.1OHM C1225 MO-02 MO-300 3W
    Text: SYNTON-TECH CORPORATION METAL OXIDE FILM RESISTORS File No. : Version : Page : Date : MO-02 C 1/25 2010.11.19 1. INTRODUCTION These Metal Oxide Resistors offer excellent performance in applications where stability and uniformity of characteristics are desired. They provide lower cost alternatives to Carbon

    MO-02 MO-1000 MO-300B MO-300S resistor 0.1 Ohm 5w 400v 1 tolerance 2R20 MO-100 10W 0.1OHM C1225 MO-02 MO-300 3W PDF


    Abstract: MO-200 MO-300 78 mo 5 EIA-RS-279 RS-359 MO-100 5w resistor 0.1Ohm resistor 33 ohm 3w MO500s
    Text: 欣 統股 份有 限公 司 編號 : MO-01 版本 : B 金屬氧化皮膜固定電阻器規格 頁次 : 1/24 METAL OXIDE FILM RESISTOR 日期 : 2009.05.20 1.適用範圍 本規範僅適用於本廠所生產之金屬氧化皮膜固定電阻器成品規格。

    MO-01 MO-300B MO-200 MO-300 78 mo 5 EIA-RS-279 RS-359 MO-100 5w resistor 0.1Ohm resistor 33 ohm 3w MO500s PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SYNTON-TECH CORPORATION METAL OXIDE FILM RESISTORS File No. : Version : Page : Date : MO-02 B 1/22 2012.05.18 1. INTRODUCTION These Metal Oxide Resistors offer excellent performance in applications where stability and uniformity of characteristics are desired. They provide lower cost alternatives to Carbon

    MO-02 PDF


    Abstract: resistor 33 ohm 3w 5w resistor 0.1Ohm MO-200S MO-300B 78 mo 5 MO-300 22 Ohm resistor 5W 10W 0.1OHM MO-300S
    Text: 欣 統股 份有 限公 司 編號 : MO-01 版本 : C 金屬氧化皮膜固定電阻器規格 頁次 : 1/25 METAL OXIDE FILM RESISTOR 日期 : 2010.11.17 1.適用範圍 本規範僅適用於本廠所生產之金屬氧化皮膜固定電阻器成品規格。

    MO-01 MO-200 resistor 33 ohm 3w 5w resistor 0.1Ohm MO-200S MO-300B 78 mo 5 MO-300 22 Ohm resistor 5W 10W 0.1OHM MO-300S PDF


    Abstract: resistors UniOhm 100S mo 500s CR-25S diode ws UniOhm MF 1412
    Text: Miniature Style Resistors Uniohm Corporation Miniature Style Resistors CRS, MFS, MOS Series 1/4WS,1/2WS,1WS,2WS,3WS,5WS *CR-25SCR-50SCR-100SCR-200S *MF-25SMF-50SMF100SMF-200S *MO-50SMO-100SMO-200SMO-300SMO-500S INTRODUCTION

    CR-25SCR-50SCR-100SCR-200S MF-25SMF-50SMF100SMF-200S MO-50SMO-100SMO-200SMO-300SMO-500S UL-1412 resistors UniOhm 100S mo 500s CR-25S diode ws UniOhm MF 1412 PDF