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    ML4644 Search Results

    ML4644 Datasheets (3)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Curated Datasheet Type PDF
    ML4644 Micro Linear 4 Port AUI Multiplexer Original PDF
    ML4644 Unknown Shortform Semicon, Diode, and SCR Datasheets Short Form PDF
    ML4644CQ Micro Linear 4 Port AUI Multiplexer Original PDF

    ML4644 Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: ML4642 ML4644 ML4644CQ mau aui
    Text: April 1997 ML4644* 4 Port AUI Multiplexer GENERAL DESCRIPTION FEATURES The ML4644 AUI Multiplexer contains all the necessary drivers/receivers and control logic to implement a 4 port MAU when used in conjuction with a transceiver chip which has a standard 802.3 AUI interface. Several

    ML4644* ML4644 ML4644s DS4644-01 jabber ML4642 ML4644CQ mau aui PDF


    Abstract: HTRB ML4409 ML40019 ML4626 ml4558 ML4661P ML456 ml4627 ML4405
    Text: Space Qualified Diodes ML4000 Series V2.00 GaAs Gunn Diodes Operating Frequency 5 to 8GHz 8 to 12.4GHz 12.4 to 18.0GHz 18.0 to 22.0GHz 22.0 to 27.0GHz 27.0 to 32.0GHz 32.0 to 40.0GHz 40.0 to 50.0GHz 50.0 to 60.0GHz 90.0 to 100.0GHz Minimum Output Power Po mW

    ML4000 ML4901 ML4902 ML4910 ML4903 ML4904 ML4911 ML4905) ML4202 ML4204 ML40150 HTRB ML4409 ML40019 ML4626 ml4558 ML4661P ML456 ml4627 ML4405 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: July 1994 3^ . Micro Linear ML4644 4 Port AUI Multiplexer Transmit, receive, collision, and jabber LED drivers indicate network activity and faults. The ML4644 is available in a 68 pin PLCC package. GENERAL DESCRIPTION The ML4644 AUI Multiplexer contains all the necessary

    OCR Scan
    ML4644 ML4644s ML4642 DTEs360 ML4644 ML4644CQ N53C PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: July 1994 Micro Linear _ M L4644 4 Port AUI Multiplexer GENERAL DESCRIPTION The ML4644 AUI Multiplexer contains all the necessary drivers/receivers and control logic to implement a 4 port M AU when used in conjuction with a transceiver chip

    OCR Scan
    L4644 ML4644 ML4644s ML4642 ------10MHz ML4644_ ML4644CQ DG03S71 68-Pin PDF

    mau aui

    Abstract: laf 001
    Text: April 1997 % M i c o L in e a r ML4644 4 Port. AU I Multiplexer GENERAL DESCRIPTION FEATURES The ML4644 AUI Multiplexer contains all the necessary drivers/receivers and control logic to implement a 4 port MAU when used in conjuction with a transceiver chip

    OCR Scan
    ML4644 ML4644S ML4644 L4644CQ 68-Pin mau aui laf 001 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: April 1997 M icro Linear M L4644 4 Port A U I Multiplexer GENERAL DESCRIPTION FEATURES The ML4644 A U I Multiplexer contains all the necessary drivers/receivers and control logic to implement a 4 port M A U when used in conjuction with a transceiver chip which has a standard 802.3 A U I interface. Several

    OCR Scan
    L4644 ML4644 ML4644s PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: we 4 M June 1993 ic r o L in e a r preliminary ML4644 4 Port AU I Multiplexer GENERAL DESCRIPTION The ML4644 AUI Multiplexer contains all the necessary drivers/receivers and control logic to implement a 4 port MAU when used in conjuction with a transceiver chip

    OCR Scan
    ML4644 ML4644 ML4644s ML4642 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: April 1997 Micro Linear _ ML4644 4 Port AUI Multiplexer GENERAL DESCRIPTION FEATURES The ML4644 AUI Multiplexer contains all the necessary drivers/receivers and control logic to implement a 4 port M A U when used in conjuction with a transceiver chip

    OCR Scan
    ML4644 ML4644s PDF


    Abstract: Skynet Electronic
    Text: jmcxm SPACE QUALIFIED PARTS INTRODUCTION M /A -C O M L T D has developed and m anufactured advanced m icrow ave sem iconductors, com ponents and sub-system s for space, com m unications and military applications in the U K since 1967, and has supplied parts qualified to E S A and project specifications for space payloads since 1976.

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: L4613 ml041 ML46481 ML668 ML4557 MLA2170-102 L4910 MLM6518-301D L0522
    Text: * LL • • • : • • : ■ >tr bt r . , ’ ’ ll £5 Li ‘ f i n . C/D CO C/5 CO CO c o c o c o c o c o c o c o c o c o c o c o c o c o c o c o c o c o c o c o c o c o c o > 5 ^ s ? > > > > > > > > > 5 CvI C M C M C M C M C M C M C M C M C M C M C M C M C M C M C M C N C M C M C M C M C M C M C M C M C M C M C M C M C M C M C M C M C M C M C M C M

    OCR Scan
    MLYOM-0204C MLYOM-0204M. MLYOM-0206C MLYOM-0206M. MLYOM-0208C MLYOM-0208M. MLYOM-0408C MLYOM-0408M. MLYCIM-0612C. MLYOM-0612M. 10YD L4613 ml041 ML46481 ML668 ML4557 MLA2170-102 L4910 MLM6518-301D L0522 PDF


    Abstract: ML40150
    Text: M MOM m an A M P com pany Space Qualified Diodes ML4000 Series GaAs Gunn Diodes Operating Frequency 5 to 8GHz 8 to 12.4GHz 12.4 18.0 22.0 27.0 32.0 40.0 50.0 90.0 to to to to to to to to Maximum Operating Current Minimum Output Power Po mW 18.0GHz 22.0GHz

    OCR Scan
    ML4000 ML4901 ML4910 ML4903 ML4911 ML4905 ML4921 ML4931 ML4941 ML4951 ODS-119 ML40150 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ML 4000 SERIES HIGH POWER PIN DIODES ML 4640 and 4650 high breakdown PIN diodes exhibit low thermal resistance and are designed for use in high power switches, receiver protectors and phase shifters from 0.1 to 18GHz. SPECIFICATIONS @ +25°C Type Number Breakdown

    OCR Scan
    18GHz. ML4640 ML4641 ML4642 ML4643 ML4644 ML4645 ML4646 ML4647 ML4648 PDF


    Abstract: diodes chart ML40150 ML4923 ML40019
    Text: M an AMP com pany Space Qualified Diodes ML4000 Series V2.00 GaAs Gunn Diodes Minimum Output Power Po mW Operating Frequency 5 to 8GHz 8 to 12.4GHz 12.4 18.0 22.0 27.0 32.0 40.0 50.0 90.0 to to to to to to to to 18.0GHz 22.0GHz 27.0GHz 32.0GHz 40.0GHz 50.0GHz

    OCR Scan
    ML4000 ML4901 ML4910 ML4903 ML4911 ML4905 ML4921 ML4931 ML4941 ML4951 diodes chart ML40150 ML4923 ML40019 PDF


    Abstract: 84 pin plcc ic base ML4663 40 pin plcc ic base ic base for 40 pin DIP ic 10BASE-TMAU
    Text: Micro Linear Networking Products Selection Guide ETHERNET Part Number Description LED Outputs Autopolarity Package Types ML2652 10BASE-T Physical Layer with AUI Port 6 Yes 44 Pin PLCC ML2653 10BASE-T Physical Layer 2 Yes 28 Pin PLCC M L2653EVAL Evaluation Kit for ML2653

    OCR Scan
    ML2652 10BASE-T ML2653 L2653EVAL ML4642 ML4644 ML4652 4-1 MULTIPLEXER IC 84 pin plcc ic base ML4663 40 pin plcc ic base ic base for 40 pin DIP ic 10BASE-TMAU PDF