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    Plessey Semiconductors Ltd ML237B

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    Bristol Electronics ML237B 20
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    RF Micro Devices Inc ML2375CCQ

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    Quest Components ML2375CCQ 22
    • 1 $100
    • 10 $90
    • 100 $85
    • 1000 $85
    • 10000 $85
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    Others ML237B

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    Chip 1 Exchange ML237B 672
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    ML237 Datasheets (16)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Curated Datasheet Type PDF
    ML2375 Micro Linear Analog I/O Peripheral Original PDF
    ML2375BCP Micro Linear DSP Analog I/O Peripheral Original PDF
    ML2375BCQ Micro Linear DSP Analog I/O Peripheral Original PDF
    ML2375BCR Micro Linear DSP Analog I/O Peripheral Original PDF
    ML2375CCP Micro Linear DSP Analog I/O Peripheral Original PDF
    ML2375CCQ Micro Linear DSP Analog I/O Peripheral Original PDF
    ML2375CCR Micro Linear DSP Analog I/O Peripheral Original PDF
    ML2377 Micro Linear Analog I/O Peripheral Original PDF
    ML2377BCH Micro Linear DSP Analog I/O Peripheral Original PDF
    ML2377BCQ Micro Linear DSP Analog I/O Peripheral Original PDF
    ML2377CCH Micro Linear DSP Analog I/O Peripheral Original PDF
    ML2377CCQ Micro Linear DSP Analog I/O Peripheral Original PDF
    ML237B GEC Plessey Semiconductors 6-Channel Touch control Interface Scan PDF
    ML237B GEC Plessey Semiconductors Satellite, Cable and TV Integrated Circuit Handbook 1986 Scan PDF
    ML237B GEC Plessey Semiconductors Consumer Integrated Circuit Handbook Scan PDF
    ML237B Unknown Shortform IC and Component Datasheets (Plus Cross Reference Data) Short Form PDF

    ML237 Datasheets Context Search

    Catalog Datasheet Type Document Tags PDF


    Abstract: Varicap plessey ML237b plessey capacitor Neon ML237B ML237
    Text: PLESSEY SEMICONDUCTORS 1 2E D 7250513 OOQTBBb 1 PLESSEY Sem iconductors < ML237B T-n-o7-o£ 6-CHANNEL TOUCH CONTROL INTERFACE T h e M L237B is a six-channel sense circuit designed specifically for touch tuning In colour and m onochrom e television receivers. Using low threshold P -M O S technology,

    OCR Scan
    7220S13 ML237B BLOCK DIAGRAM OF TOUCH PLATE Varicap plessey ML237b plessey capacitor Neon ML237 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: M a y 1997 ^Ék Micro Linear ML2375, ML2377 DSP Analog I/O Peripheral GENERAL DESCRIPTION FEATURES The M L2377 is a complete analog I/O peripheral frontend for D SP based control system. It contains a high­ speed 10-bit A/D converter, a tw o channel simultaneous

    OCR Scan
    ML2375, ML2377 L2377 10-bit 10bit PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: F e b ru a ry Micro Linear ML2375, 2377 DSP Analog I/O Peripheral GENERAL DESCRIPTION FEATURES The ML2375 is an analog I/O peripheral for DSP based control systems. A fast 2 i.s 10-bit A/D converter, a 10-bit D/A converter, and an 8-bit D/A converter are provided

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    ML2375, ML2375 10-bit 10-bit PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: M ây 1997 3 ^ Micro Linear ML2375, ML2377 DSP Analog I/O Peripheral GENERAL DESCRIPTION FEATURES The ML2377 is a complete analog I/O peripheral frontend for DSP based control system. It contains a high­ speed 10-bit A/D converter, a two channel Simultaneous

    OCR Scan
    ML2375, ML2377 10-bit ML2377 M12375, M12377 L2375BCP L2375CCP PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: November 1998 ^Ék M icro Linear ML2375 DSP Analog I/O Peripheral GENERAL DESCRIPTION FEATURES The ML2375 is a complete analog I/O peripheral front-end for a DSP based control system. It contains a high-speed 10-bit A/D converter, a two channel simultaneous sample/

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    ML2375 10-bit PDF


    Abstract: DA10 ML2375 TMS320C14 VR10
    Text: May 1997 ML2375, ML2377 DSP Analog I/O Peripheral GENERAL DESCRIPTION FEATURES The ML2377 is a complete analog I/O peripheral frontend for DSP based control system. It contains a highspeed 10-bit A/D converter, a two channel simultaneous sample/hold circuit, a 6 channel input multiplexer, a 10bit D/A converter and a 8-bit D/A converter.

    ML2375, ML2377 ML2377 10-bit 10bit DA10 ML2375 TMS320C14 VR10 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: September 1994 P R E L IM IN A R Y M g L M ^ ic r o L in e a r l 4 l a w ML2375, ML2377 DSP Analog I/O Peripheral GENERAL DESCRIPTION FEATURES Th e M L2 3 7 7 is a com plete analog I/O peripheral frontend for D S P based control system . It contains a high­

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    ML2375, ML2377 10-bit L2377 ML2375BCP L2375CCP L2375BCQ PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: November 1998 ^Ék Micro Linear ML2377 DSP Analog I/O Peripheral GEN ERAL DESCRIPTION FEATURES The ML2377 is a complete analog I/O peripheral front-end for a DSP based control system. It contains a high-speed 10-bit A/D converter, a two channel simultaneous sample/

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    ML2377 ML2377 10-bit PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: N ovem b e r i 9 98 % M i c r o Linear ML2377 DSP Analog I/O Peripheral G EN ERAL D ESCR IPTIO N FEATURES T h e M L 2 3 7 7 is a com p ]e te a n a lo g I t p e r ip h e r a l f r o n t e n d f o r a D SP b a s ^ d c o n t r o l system . i t c o n t a in s a h i g h s p e e d

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    ML2377 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: A FLESSEY W S e m ic o n d u c to rs. ML237B 6-CHANNELTOUCH COIMTROLIIVTERFACE The ML237B is a six-channel sense circuit designed specifically fo r touch tuning in co lo u r and m onochrom e television receivers. Using low threshold P-MOS technology, the circuit can be driven directly from two-term inal touch

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    ML237B ML237B PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: PLESSEY SEMICONDUCTORS 7250513 OOQTBBb 12E D 1 PLESSEY Sem iconductors < M L237B T-n-o7-o£ 6-CHANNEL TOUCH CONTROL INTERFACE The ML237B is a six-channel sense circuit designed specifically for touch tuning In colour and monochrome television receivers. Using low threshold P-MOS technology,

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    L237B ML237B PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: July 1992 PRELIM IN ARY Micro Linear ML2375, ML2377 DSP Analog I/O Peripheral GENERAL DESCRIPTION FEATURES The M L2377 is a complete analog I/O peripheral frontend for DSP based control system. It contains a high­ speed 10-bit A/D converter, a two channel simultaneous

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    ML2375, ML2377 L2377 10-bit L2375 PDF

    MULTIPLEXER IC max 455

    Abstract: Analog to Digital Converter ADC 808 ML2377 ML2377BCH ML2377BCQ ML2377CCQ TMS320C14 VR10
    Text: November 1998 ML2377 DSP Analog I/O Peripheral GENERAL DESCRIPTION FEATURES The ML2377 is a complete analog I/O peripheral front-end for a DSP based control system. It contains a high-speed 10-bit A/D converter, a two channel simultaneous sample/ hold circuit, a 6 channel input multiplexer, a 10-bit D/A

    ML2377 ML2377 10-bit MULTIPLEXER IC max 455 Analog to Digital Converter ADC 808 ML2377BCH ML2377BCQ ML2377CCQ TMS320C14 VR10 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: N ovem b e r i 1 % M icro Linear ML2375 DSP Analog I/O Peripheral G EN ERAL D ESCR IPTIO N FEATURES The M L237 5 is a complete analog TO peripheral fion trend fora D SP based control system . it contains a highspeed 10-bitA/D converted a tw o channel sin ulaneous sam pie/

    OCR Scan
    ML2375 10-bitA/D 10-bitD L219A PDF


    Abstract: Neon ML237B ML237
    Text: M L237B A SFLE SSEY em icon d u ctors • ML237B 6-CHANNEL TOUCH CONTROL INTERFACE The ML237B is a six-channel sense circuit designed specifically fo r to u ch tun in g in co lo u r and m onochrom e television receivers. Using low threshold P-MOS technology,

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    ML237B ML237B Vss-29 Varicap Neon ML237 PDF


    Abstract: ML2375 ML2375BCP ML2375BCQ ML2375CCP ML2375CCQ ML2377 TMS320C14 ML237
    Text: November 1998 ML2375 DSP Analog I/O Peripheral GENERAL DESCRIPTION FEATURES The ML2375 is a complete analog I/O peripheral front-end for a DSP based control system. It contains a high-speed 10-bit A/D converter, a two channel simultaneous sample/ hold circuit, a 4 channel input multiplexer, a 10-bit D/A

    ML2375 ML2375 10-bit P28W ML2375BCP ML2375BCQ ML2375CCP ML2375CCQ ML2377 TMS320C14 ML237 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Ju ly 1 9 9 2 ugL Micro Linear P R E L IM IN A R Y ^ ML2375, ML2377 DSP Analog I/O Peripheral GENERAL DESCRIPTION FEATURES T h e M L 2 3 7 7 is a c o m p le te a n a lo g I/O p e rip h e ra l fro nte n d fo r D S P b ased c o n tro l sy s te m . It c o n ta in s a h ig hsp e e d 1 0 -b it A / D c o n v e rte r, a tw o c h a n n e l s im u lta n e o u s

    OCR Scan
    ML2375, ML2377 L2375 L2375, L2377 L2377 ML2377 L2377CCH 28-Pin PDF


    Abstract: ML232B ml232 ML237B 2 ch remote control circuit colour television block diagram
    Text: ML232B ELEC TRICA L CHARACTERISTICS Tot conditions unless otherwise stated : T«m b' = +25°C, Vdd - 0, V ss = Vsv = 3 0V to 36V Value Units Characteristic Min. \ 0.4Vss 0.1 4 50 125 0.5Vss 1 5.5 100 250 0.6V ss V ss-2 9 1 juA mA > o II c 42 2 Condition Max.

    OCR Scan
    ML232B Vss-29 ML237B ML237B Varicap ML232B ml232 2 ch remote control circuit colour television block diagram PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: sie d MICRO LINEAR " Micro Linear • bcnama 'T * '- S Z o o o 2S 3 b öe^ « m l n *3 S V July 1.992 ADVANCED INFORMATION ML4535 Area Detection Based Hybrid Sèrvo Demodulator GENERAL DESCRIPTION FEATURES The ML4535 is a bipolar monolithic hybrid servo circuit

    OCR Scan
    ML4535 ML2377 ML4535 ML2375 ML4402/6/8 ML4410/11 L4535CQ 14535CH 32-Pin PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: July 1992 A D V A N C ED IN FO RM ATIO N Micro Linear ML4535 Area Detection Based Hybrid Servo Demodulator GENERAL DESCRIPTION FEATURES The M L4535 is a bipolar monolithic hybrid servo circuit that provides area measurement demodulation of both the continuous servo surface dedicated servo and the

    OCR Scan
    ML4535 L4535 L2377 L4402/6/8 L4410/11 ML2375 ML4535CQ 32-Pin PDF

    TCA965 equivalent

    Abstract: ULN2283 capacitor 473j 100n UAF771 transistor GDV 65A pbd352303 cm2716 TAA2761 TAA4761 ULN2401
    Text: veryimpressivePrice. power drain. For the same low price astheTTL-compatible DG211. Very Impressive Performance. Low power, low source-drain ON resistance, low switching times, low current, low price. It all adds up to superstar performance for portable and battery-operated

    OCR Scan
    DG211. DG300 DG308 DG211 TCA965 equivalent ULN2283 capacitor 473j 100n UAF771 transistor GDV 65A pbd352303 cm2716 TAA2761 TAA4761 ULN2401 PDF

    LVDT Signal Conditioner techniques

    Abstract: linear variable displacement transformer schematic air conditioner when lvdt sensor piezoelectric actuator hepatitis b r-type transformer lvdt ML2264 ML2375
    Text: November 1995 Application Note 42003 by James C. Mutzabaugh Data Conversion Design Techniques for Process Control Applications INTRODUCTION Process control technology has developed and adapted from its earliest form of single channel, analog control loops, to enormously complex, multiple parameter control



    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: June 1996 3%,Micro Linear ML4535 Area Detection Based Hybrid Servo Demodulator GENERAL DESCRIPTION FEATURES The M L4535 is a bipolar monolithic hybrid servo circuit that provides area measurement demodulation of both the continuous servo surface dedicated servo and the

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    L4535 L2377 ML4535 ML2375 068trf| ML4535 ML4535CH 44-Pin ML237 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Septem ber 1994 Micro Linear ML4535 Area Detection Based Hybrid Servo Demodulator GENERAL DESCRIPTION FEATURES Th e M L4 5 3 5 is a bipo lar m on olithic hybrid servo circu it that provides area m easurem ent dem odulation of both the continuous servo surface dedicated servo and the

    OCR Scan
    ML4535 6800pF ML4535_ ML4535CH 44-Pin PDF