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    Abstract: t638 ic t638 MCI45574 EM8471 ka 2186 79C30A T5042 vn580 T5043
    Text: ISDN S-INTERFACE TRANSFORMERS Surface Mount, Dual, 3 KVrms Meets the pulse waveform template of CCITT I.430, using recommended transformer and chip pair 3 KV, reinforced to EN60950 BABT approval pending Transfer-molded (IC grade) package 5 mA ∆ IDC — suitable for Terminal, PBX and

    EN60950 T5042 T5043 F-39270 MCI455 t638 ic t638 MCI45574 EM8471 ka 2186 79C30A T5042 vn580 T5043 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ISDN S-INTERFACE TRANSFORMERS Surface Mount, Dual, 3 KVrms Meets the pulse waveform template of CCITT I.430, using recommended transformer and chip pair 3 KV, reinforced to EN60950 BABT approved Transfer-molded (IC grade) package 5 mA ∆ IDC — suitable for Terminal, PBX and

    EN60950 T5042 T5043 T5042T) PDF


    Abstract: t638 t638 ic MCI455 T5043 79C30A T5042 T5042T T7234 T7250
    Text: ISDN S-INTERFACE TRANSFORMERS Surface Mount, Dual, 3 KVrms Meets the pulse waveform template of CCITT I.430, using recommended transformer and chip pair 3 KV, reinforced to EN60950 BABT approved Transfer-molded (IC grade) package 5 mA ∆ IDC — suitable for Terminal, PBX and

    EN60950 T5042 T5043 VN580 t638 t638 ic MCI455 T5043 79C30A T5042 T5042T T7234 T7250 PDF

    c5088 transistor

    Abstract: transistor C3207 TLO84CN sec c5088 IN5355B D2817A C3207 transistor toshiba f630 TLO81CP MC74HC533N
    Text: Transistor - Diode Cross Reference - H.P. Part Numbers to JEDEC Numbers Part Num. 1820-0225 1820-0240 1820-0352 1820-1804 1821-0001 1821-0002 1821-0006 1850-0062 1850-0064 1850-0075 1850-0076 1850-0093 1850-0099 1850-0126 1850-0137 1850-0150 1850-0151 1850-0154

    1853IMPATT c5088 transistor transistor C3207 TLO84CN sec c5088 IN5355B D2817A C3207 transistor toshiba f630 TLO81CP MC74HC533N PDF

    for 4x4 keyboard

    Abstract: 4x4 keyboard keyboard to DTMF MC145412 3x4 keyboard keyboard 4x4 MC145413 keyboard 3x4 pin 7 MC145512 dtmf
    Text: M MOTOROLA MC145412 MC145413 MCI45512 Advance Information Pulse/Tone Repertory Dialer Low Power Silicon-Gate C M O S The MC145412/13 and MC145512 are silicon gate, monolithic C M O S integrated circuits which convert keyboard inputs into either pulse or DTM F outputs. They are packaged in a

    OCR Scan
    MC145412/13 MC145512 MC145413 MCI45412 MCI45512 MC146 SG407/D for 4x4 keyboard 4x4 keyboard keyboard to DTMF MC145412 3x4 keyboard keyboard 4x4 keyboard 3x4 pin 7 dtmf PDF


    Abstract: CW49-2 MC145572
    Text: CONNOR—WINFIELD CORPORATION H C 4 9 /U CRYSTAL UNIT AURORA, IL. 6 0 5 0 5 PHONE 6 3 0 8 5 1 - 4 7 2 2 FAX (6 3 0 ) 8 5 1 - 5 0 4 0 FOR MOTOROLA MCI45572 ISDN U—INTERFACE TRANSCEIVER SPECIFICATIONS Frequency Frequency Tolerance (a t 25‘ C) Tem perature S tability

    OCR Scan
    HC49/U MC145572 CW49-1 CW49-2 20MHz 26MHz 26MHz 15ppm CW49-2 PDF


    Abstract: I-039 15PPM
    Text: CONNOR—WINFIELD CORPORATION H C 49/U CRYSTAL UNIT AURORA, IL. 6 0 5 0 5 PHONE 6 3 0 8 5 1 - 4 7 2 2 FAX (6 3 0 ) 8 5 1 - 5 0 4 0 FOR MOTOROLA MCI45572 ISDN U—INTERFACE TRANSCEIVER LT MODE CW49GLS— 1 CW49GLS— 2 20MHz to 26MHz ± 1 5ppm ±5 0 p p m

    OCR Scan
    HC49/U MC145572 CW49GLSâ 20MHz 26MHz 26MHz 15ppm I-039 15PPM PDF


    Abstract: MCI455 MC145413 CI45413 MC146412
    Text: MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA MC145412 M CI45413 MCI45512 Advance Information Pulse/Tone Repertory Dialer Low Power Silicon-Gate C M O S The MC145412/13 and MC145512 are silicon gate, monolithic CM O S integrated circuits which convert keyboard inputs into either pulse or DTM F outputs. They are packaged in a

    OCR Scan
    MC145412/13 MC145512 MC145413 MC146412, MC146413, MC146612 MC145412 MCI455 CI45413 MC146412 PDF


    Abstract: g.721 MC145532 T-13011 g721 5volt power supply
    Text: ffi MOTOROLA MCI45532 Product Preview AD PCM Transcoder Conforms to G.721 and T1.301-1987 The MC145532 Adaptive Differential Pulse Code Modulation (A D PC M ) Transcoder pro­ vides a low-cost, full-duplex, single-channel transcoder to (from) a 64 kbps PC M channel

    OCR Scan
    MC145532 MC145532 16-Pin SG407/D transcoder g.721 T-13011 g721 5volt power supply PDF


    Abstract: mc145541 T1303
    Text: MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA MCI45541 Product Preview 2 V ADPCM Codec The MC145541 ADPCM Codec is a single chip implementation of a PCM C o d e c-F ilte r and an ADPCM encoder/decoder. This device provides an efficient solution for applications requiring the digitization and compression of

    OCR Scan
    MCI45541 MC145541 44-pin MCI455 T1303 PDF


    Abstract: Crystal 26mhz MC145572
    Text: CONNOR—WINFIELD CORPORATION H C 4 9 /U CRYSTAL UNIT AURORA, IL. 60505 PHONE 630 8 5 1 -4 7 2 2 FAX (63 0) 8 5 1 -5 0 4 0 FOR MOTOROLA MCI45572 ISDN U—INTERFACE TRANSCEIVER SPECIFICATIONS Frequency Frequency Tolerance (a t 25‘ C) Tem perature S tability

    OCR Scan
    HC49/U MC145572 CW49GLâ 20MHz 26MHz 26MHz 15ppm Crystal 26mhz PDF


    Abstract: mc145502m 145502-M 145502 MC14404 MC 2871
    Text: MOTOROLA • SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA MC145500 MC145501 MC145502 MC145503 MC145505 Advance Information PCM C o d e c -F ilte r M o n o -C ircu it The MC145500, MC145501, M C 145502, MC145503, and MC145505 are all per channel PCM codec-filler mono-circuits These devices perform the voice

    OCR Scan
    MC145500, MC145501, MC145503, MC145505 MC145500 MC145503 16-pin MC145501 18-pin MCI455 mc145502m 145502-M 145502 MC14404 MC 2871 PDF

    vogt transformer s3

    Abstract: A43AB VOGT A8 vogt f6 MC145575FU VOGT B1 vogt transformer k2 TQ3330 BC860C Motorola ti01 sot23
    Text: MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA Order this document by MC145575/D M C 14 5 5 7 5 ISDN S/T Transceiver w ith PCI In te rfa c e CASE 983A ORDERING INFORMATION MC145575FU Quad Flat Package I EEPROM Optional All brand names and product names appearing in this document are registered trademarks or trademarks of their respective holders.

    OCR Scan
    MC145575/D MC145575FU TN98121000 MC14557E vogt transformer s3 A43AB VOGT A8 vogt f6 VOGT B1 vogt transformer k2 TQ3330 BC860C Motorola ti01 sot23 PDF

    transistor cross reference

    Abstract: MPT3N40 Westinghouse SCR handbook LT 8224 ZENER DIODE sje389 N9602N npn transistor RCA 467 TFK 7 segment displays PUT 2N6027 delco 466

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: Companding MC1466 MC145567 rc bandpass filter MC145554 MC145557 MC145564 MC14665 VPLI
    Text: ffi MOTOROLA PCM C odec-Filter The MC145554, MC145557, MC145564, and MC145567 are all per channel PCM codec-filters. These devices perform the voice digitization and reconstruction as well as the band limiting and smoothing required for PCM systems. They are designed to

    OCR Scan
    MC145554, MC145557, MC145564, MC145567 MC145564 MC145557 16-pin MC146564 MC145567 20-pin MCI455 Companding MC1466 rc bandpass filter MC145554 MC145557 MC145564 MC14665 VPLI PDF