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    MC68A40CL Search Results

    MC68A40CL Datasheets Context Search

    Catalog Datasheet MFG & Type Document Tags PDF


    Abstract: MC6840P mc6840 R36W MC6840CL MC68B40 MC68B40P 68B40p mc68a40cl MC68A40C
    Text: M OTOROLA P ROGRAM MABLE TIMER MODULE PTM> The M C6840 is a program m ab le subsystem co m p o n e n t o f the M6800 fam ily designed to provide variable system tim e intervals. T he M C6840 has three 16-bit binary c oun ters, three c orre spondin g c o n tro l registers, and a status register. These co u n te rs are under s o ft­

    OCR Scan
    MC6840 M6800 C6840 16-bit iCR10 68B40 MC6840P R36W MC6840CL MC68B40 MC68B40P 68B40p mc68a40cl MC68A40C PDF