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    MC14554 Search Results

    MC14554 Datasheets (20)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Curated Datasheet Type PDF
    MC14554 Motorola 2-Bit by 2-Bit Parallel Binary Multiplier Original PDF
    MC14554 Motorola European Master Selection Guide 1986 Scan PDF
    MC145540 Freescale Semiconductor ADPCM Codec Filter Data Sheet Original PDF
    MC145540 Motorola ADPCM Codec Original PDF
    MC145540 Motorola ADPCM Codec Filter Data Sheet Original PDF
    MC145540DW Motorola Original PDF
    MC145540P Motorola Original PDF
    MC145541 Motorola 2V ADPCM Codec Original PDF
    MC14554B Motorola 2-Bit by 2-Bit Parallel Binary Multiplier Original PDF
    MC14554B Unknown The CMOS Device Manual (Japanese) 1993 Scan PDF
    MC14554BAL Unknown Historical semiconductor price guide (US$ - 1998). From our catalog scanning project. Historical PDF
    MC14554BALD Unknown Historical semiconductor price guide (US$ - 1998). From our catalog scanning project. Historical PDF
    MC14554BCL Motorola 2-bit by 2-bit parallel binary multiplexer Original PDF
    MC14554BCL Unknown Historical semiconductor price guide (US$ - 1998). From our catalog scanning project. Historical PDF
    MC14554BCLD Unknown Historical semiconductor price guide (US$ - 1998). From our catalog scanning project. Historical PDF
    MC14554BCP Motorola 2-bit by 2-bit parallel binary multiplexer Original PDF
    MC14554BCP Unknown Historical semiconductor price guide (US$ - 1998). From our catalog scanning project. Historical PDF
    MC14554BCPD Unknown Historical semiconductor price guide (US$ - 1998). From our catalog scanning project. Historical PDF
    MC14554BD Motorola 2-bit by 2-bit parallel binary multiplexer Original PDF
    MC14554BD Unknown Historical semiconductor price guide (US$ - 1998). From our catalog scanning project. Historical PDF

    MC14554 Datasheets Context Search

    Catalog Datasheet MFG & Type Document Tags PDF

    IC to design 2 by 2 binary multiplier

    Abstract: MC14554B MC14XXXBCL MC14XXXBCP MC14XXXBD binary multiplier circuit binary multiplier
    Text: MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA MC14554B 2-Bit by 2-Bit Parallel Binary Multiplier The MC14554B 2 x 2–bit parallel binary multiplier is constructed with complementary MOS CMOS enhancement mode devices. The multiplier can perform the multiplication of two binary numbers and simultaneously add

    MC14554B MC14554B MC14554B/D* MC14554B/D IC to design 2 by 2 binary multiplier MC14XXXBCL MC14XXXBCP MC14XXXBD binary multiplier circuit binary multiplier PDF

    71001 EB

    Abstract: EIA 481-E "8 bc" regulator 1297 4701 dr 8538 BR11-BR14 Transistor AC 51 0865 75 834 940 629 MOTOROLA 220 BB 8615 an 7591 power amp
    Text: MOTOROLA Order this document by MC145540/D SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA MC145540 Advance Information MC145540 ADPCM Codec This document contains information on a new product. Specifications and information herein are subject to change without notice. REV 0

    MC145540/D MC145540 MC145540 71001 EB EIA 481-E "8 bc" regulator 1297 4701 dr 8538 BR11-BR14 Transistor AC 51 0865 75 834 940 629 MOTOROLA 220 BB 8615 an 7591 power amp PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MC145540DW Linear ICs CODEC Circuit statusû Military/High-RelN Nom. Supp V 5.0 Minimum Operating Temp (øC)-40 Maximum Operating Temp (øC)85 Package StyleSO Mounting StyleS Pinout Equivalence Code28-577 # Pins28 Ckt. (Pinout) NumberLN02800577 DescriptionCODEC Filter/ADPCM Encoder/Decoder

    MC145540DW Code28-577 Pins28 NumberLN02800577 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MC145540P Linear ICs CODEC Circuit statusû Military/High-RelN Nom. Supp V 5.0 Minimum Operating Temp (øC)-40 Maximum Operating Temp (øC)85 Package StyleDIP Mounting StyleT Pinout Equivalence Code28-577 # Pins28 Ckt. (Pinout) NumberLN02800577 DescriptionCODEC Filter/ADPCM Encoder/Decoder

    MC145540P Code28-577 Pins28 NumberLN02800577 PDF

    PCM encoder circuit

    Abstract: MC145541 comfort noise CCITT Companding
    Text: MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA Order this document by MC145541TS/D MC145541 Product Preview 2 V ADPCM Codec The MC145541 ADPCM Codec is a single chip implementation of a PCM Codec–Filter and an ADPCM encoder/decoder. This device provides an efficient solution for applications requiring the digitization and compression of

    MC145541TS/D MC145541 MC145541 PCM encoder circuit comfort noise CCITT Companding PDF

    5 tone Encoder/Decoder

    Abstract: Companding MC145540DW motorola mc145540 application circuit MC145537EVK mc145540 microphone low-noise ti PCM encoder circuit description MC145540P MC14LC5540
    Text: MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA MC145540 Technical Summary ADPCM Codec This technical summary provides a brief description of the MC145540 ADPCM Codec. A complete data book for the MC145540 is available and can be ordered from your local Motorola sales office. The data book number is

    MC145540 MC145540 MC145540/D. MC145540/D MC145537EVK MC145540P MC145540DW 5 tone Encoder/Decoder Companding MC145540DW motorola mc145540 application circuit microphone low-noise ti PCM encoder circuit description MC145540P MC14LC5540 PDF


    Abstract: MC145480 AN2031 DD11 MC145532 MC145540 MC68360 e3 frame formatter SLC-96 bank
    Text: Freescale Semiconductor Order this document by AN2031 MC68360 Applications Information Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Interfacing the 68360 QUICC to T1/E1 Systems By: Al Chame’, Technical Sales Engineer San Jose, CA Communications controllers are becoming increasingly sophisticated systems which are integrated on a single

    AN2031 MC68360 MC68360 DRG-30 MC145480 AN2031 DD11 MC145532 MC145540 e3 frame formatter SLC-96 bank PDF


    Abstract: MC145537EVK MC145540 MC14LC5540 MC14LC5540DW MC14LC5540FU MC14LC5540P
    Text: MOTOROLA Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Order this document by MC14LC5540TS/D SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA MC14LC5540 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Technical Summary ADPCM Codec This technical summary provides a brief description of the MC14LC5540 ADPCM Codec. A complete data book for the MC14LC5540 is available and

    MC14LC5540TS/D MC14LC5540 MC14LC5540 MC145540/D. M68HC05 MC145537EVK MC145540 MC14LC5540DW MC14LC5540FU MC14LC5540P PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MOTOROLA Order this document by MC14LC5540TS/D SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA MC14LC5540 Technical Summary ADPCM Codec This technical summary provides a brief description of the MC14LC5540 ADPCM Codec. A complete data book for the MC14LC5540 is available and

    MC14LC5540TS/D MC14LC5540 MC14LC5540 MC145540/D. PDF


    Abstract: MC145480 MC145532 MC145540 MC68360 68360
    Text: MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL INFORMATION MC68360 Applications Information Interfacing the 68360 QUICC to T1/E1 Systems By: Al Chame’, Technical Sales Engineer San Jose, CA Communications controllers are becoming increasingly sophisticated systems which are integrated on a single

    MC68360 MC68360 DD11 MC145480 MC145532 MC145540 68360 PDF

    BFU 450

    Abstract: DSCA 114 communication board 98 UTA ING bfu 450 c Resistor Network Rpack 10K TDMA simulation ADS 4e saw 433 lg lcd monitor circuit diagram mpc860 users manual rpack 10k
    Text: MPC860 Table of Contents Welcome! Getting Started CHAPTER 1: MPC860 Architecture, Part 1 CHAPTER 2: EPPC Programming CHAPTER 3: Accessing Operands in Memory CHAPTER 4: Using the Caches CHAPTER 5: Memory Management Unit CHAPTER 6: EPPC Exception Processing

    MPC860 860MH BFU 450 DSCA 114 communication board 98 UTA ING bfu 450 c Resistor Network Rpack 10K TDMA simulation ADS 4e saw 433 lg lcd monitor circuit diagram mpc860 users manual rpack 10k PDF


    Abstract: M68HC05 MC145537EVK MC14LC5540 MC14LC5540FU MC14LC5540P
    Text: MOTOROLA Order this document by MC14LC5540TS/D SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA MC14LC5540 Technical Summary ADPCM Codec This technical summary provides a brief description of the MC14LC5540 ADPCM Codec. A complete data book for the MC14LC5540 is available and

    MC14LC5540TS/D MC14LC5540 MC14LC5540 MC145540/D. MC14LC5540DW M68HC05 MC145537EVK MC14LC5540FU MC14LC5540P PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: M O TO R O LA SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA M C14 5 5 4 0 Technical Summary ADPCM Codec This technical sum m ary provides a brief d escription of the M C 145540 ADPCM Codec. A com plete data book for the MC145540 is available and can be ordered from your local Motorola sales office. The data book number is

    OCR Scan
    MC145540 MC145540/D. MC145540/D MC145537EVK MC145540P MC145540DW MC145540DW PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MOTOROLA MC14554B CMOS MSI 2-BIT BY 2-BIT PARALLEL BINARY MULTIPLIER LOW -POW ER C O M P L E M E N T A R Y MOS T h e M C 1 4 5 i> 4 B 2 x 2 -b it p a ra lle l b in a ry m u ltip lie r is c o n s tru c te d w it h c o m p le m e n ta r y M O S (C M O S ) e n h a n c e m e n t m o d e devices. T h e

    OCR Scan
    MC14554B PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MOTOROLA SC í L O G I C } Tö 6367252 M OTOROLA SC DE | k 3 b 7 2 S 2 980 L O G IC _ M O T O R O L 0 07 ^ 03 0 5 | 79838 - y D t ' Y S ' - e MC14554B A CMOS MSI 2-BIT B Y 2rBIT P A R A L L E L BIN A R Y M U LTIPLIER (LO W -P O W E R C O M P L E M E N T A R Y M O S)

    OCR Scan
    MC14554B PDF

    G.723 ic codec

    Abstract: speech compression standard g721 g.723 codec chip ir 2901
    Text: MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA M C14 5 5 4 0 Technical Summary ADPCM Codec This technical summary provides a brief description of the MC145540 ADPCM Codec. A complete data book for the MC145540 is available and can be ordered from your local Motorola sales office. The data book number is MC145540/D.

    OCR Scan
    MC145540 MC145540/D. C145540 G.723 ic codec speech compression standard g721 g.723 codec chip ir 2901 PDF


    Abstract: mc145541 T1303
    Text: MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA MCI45541 Product Preview 2 V ADPCM Codec The MC145541 ADPCM Codec is a single chip implementation of a PCM C o d e c-F ilte r and an ADPCM encoder/decoder. This device provides an efficient solution for applications requiring the digitization and compression of

    OCR Scan
    MCI45541 MC145541 44-pin MCI455 T1303 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MOTOROLA 2-BIT BY 2-BIT PARALLEL BINARY MULTIPLIER The MC14554B 2 x 2-bit parallel binary m u ltip lie r is constructed w ith com plem entary MOS CMOS enhancement mode devices. The m u ltip lie r can perform the m u ltip lica tio n o f tw o binary numbers

    OCR Scan
    MC14554B PDF


    Abstract: MC14035 MC14032 mc14161
    Text: Master Index 1 Product Selection Guide 2 i The “Better” Program 3 B and UB Series Family Data K CMOS Handling and Design Guidelines Data Sheets CMOS Reliability Equivalent Gate Count Packaging Information Including Surface Mounts E 8 i 9 DATA CLASSIFICATION

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: lt 232d PAIRGAIN
    Text: ISDN Voice/Data Circuits Integrated Services Digital Network ISDN is the revolutionary concept of converting the present analog telephone networks to an end-to-end global digital network. ISDN standards make possible a wide variety of services and capabilities that are revolutionizing communica­

    OCR Scan
    MC145472 MC145474/75 MC145488 MC68302 MC145480 MC145532 MC145540 MC145500 MC145475 MC14LC5472 lt 232d PAIRGAIN PDF


    Abstract: mc145542
    Text: MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA M C14 5 5 4 2 Product Preview CT2 Speech and Framing 1C This specification describes a device to be used in a CT2 CAI handset or a single or multi-line base station. It provides three key functions of a CT2 system: voice conversion from analog-to-digital, ADPCM encoding of the voice data, and

    OCR Scan
    MC145540 MPT1375 64-Pin MC145542 HANDSET MOTOROLA CT2 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: g M O TO R O LA 2-BIT BY 2-BIT PAR ALLEL B IN A R Y M U LT IP L IE R L SU FFIX T h e M C 1 4 5 5 4 B 2 x 2 -b it pa ra lle l b in a ry m u ltip lie r is c o n s tru c te d C E R A M IC CA S E 620 w ith c o m p le m e n ta ry MOS (CM O S) e n h ancem ent m o d e devices. T he

    OCR Scan

    binary multiplier

    Abstract: 4554B KT 210 HD14554B MC14554B
    Text: 190 - - 4554B 2 X 2 B it Parallel Binary Multiplier n >v • Af4 m. : 1 -h V , 1- l t '- y h 4 3 X r - b >f * - 7 7 U M0 2 M, 3 - •14 X e C .4 - •13 X, M j S- ? K ., k mm •1 2 K o c,:Sj 6- - f - 1 1 S, S, 7- 10 K. V_ 8- • X 't - v + v r VDD fft - 2x2t'-y

    OCR Scan
    190-4554B HD14554B MC14554B binary multiplier 4554B KT 210 HD14554B MC14554B PDF


    Abstract: MC880P MC9713P mc2257 1N4003 germanium diode specification 2N1256 S P 1N4465 MC9802P MC9718P 3N214
    Text: Semiconductor Data Library Master Index prepared by Technical Information Center The information in this book has been carefully checked and is believed to be reliable; however, no responsibility is assumed for inaccuracies. Furthermore, this information does not convey to the

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