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    MBRF4035PT Search Results

    MBRF4035PT Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MBRF4035PT AND MBRF4045PT SCHOTTKY RECTIFIER VOLTAGE RANGE - 35 and 45 Volts CURRENT - 40.0 Amperes FEATURES ♦ Dual rectifier conslrution, positive center-tap ♦ Isoated plastic package has Underwriters Labora­ tory Flammability Classifications ications 94V-U

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    MBRF4035PT MBRF4045PT 300ns MBRF4045 PDF


    Abstract: MBRF4045PT MBRF4045
    Text: MBRF4035PT AND MBRF4045PT SCHOTTKY RECTIFIER VOLTAGE RANGE - 35 and 45 Volts CURRENT - 40 Amperes FEATURES ♦ Dual rectifier construtlon, positive center-tap ♦ Isolated plastic package has Underwriters Laboratory Flammabiltiy Classifications 94V-0 94 ♦ Metal to silicon rectifier,

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    MBRF4035PT MBRF4045PT MIL-STD-202, MBRF4045PT MBRF4045 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MBRF4035PT AND MBRF4045PT SCHOTTKY RECTIFIER VOLTAGE RANGE - 35 and 45 Volts CURRENT - 40.0 Amperes FEATURES / T 0 -3 P ♦ Dual rectifier constitution, positive center-tap ♦ Isoated plastic package has Underwriters Labora­ tory Flammability Classifications

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    MBRF4035PT MBRF4045PT TD137 MBRF4045 PDF


    Abstract: S8360 S8140 220CT S8530 MBR20 S0241P S-8140
    Text: LOW CURRENT AXIAL SCHOTTKY RECTIFIERS TYPE PACKAGE m VR«20 V VR-30(V) VR-40(V) VR«50(V) VRm60(V) VR«90(V) SB020 thru SB040 MPG06 0.6 SB020 SB030 SB040 VR-100(V) 38120 thru SB1100 DO-41 1.0 SB120 SB130 S8140 SB150 SB160 SB190 SB1100 1N5817 thru 1N5819 DO-41

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    VR-30 VR-40 VRm60 VR-100 SB020 SB040 MPG06 SB030 1N581B S8360 S8140 220CT S8530 MBR20 S0241P S-8140 PDF


    Abstract: CA542 AP6KE91A CGJ-1 DF06S 214 H AG 48 2KBP10M I1404 P6KE200 602 CA-592 BZWO4P
    Text: NUMERICAL INDEX 1.5KA6.8.A .564 1.5KE22C.CA. 592 1.5KE170.A. 592 1N4383GP. 1.5KA7.5.A.564 1.5KE24.A.592 1ÆKE170C.CA.592 1N4384GP.244

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    5KA10 5KA11 5KA12 5KA13 5KA15 5KA16 5KA18 5KA20 5KA22 5KA24 1N5498 CA542 AP6KE91A CGJ-1 DF06S 214 H AG 48 2KBP10M I1404 P6KE200 602 CA-592 BZWO4P PDF


    Abstract: GENERAL INSTRUMENT b80c5000 BY207 S8360 BYX55-600 B80C1500M b40c3700 BY500 general instrument JJTX1N5615 BRIDGE RECTIFIERS b80c3700
    Text: INTRODUCTION General Instrument Corporation Is a major multinational company manufacturing a wide range of products from data systems, broadband communications, and components to semiconductor products. The cor­ poration, which has been in existence over 50 years, has manufacturing

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    sP10-1006 ZGPKM10 2GP1M10A ZGP10-110B ZGP10-12Û ZGP10-12QA ZGP10-1206 ZGP10-130 ZGP10-13QA ZGP10-130B BY27-150 GENERAL INSTRUMENT b80c5000 BY207 S8360 BYX55-600 B80C1500M b40c3700 BY500 general instrument JJTX1N5615 BRIDGE RECTIFIERS b80c3700 PDF