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    intel 27c512 eprom

    Abstract: W27c256 f29c51002t 27cxxx programming 27c080 transistor N100 ti 27c256 TI 27c010 27C64 EPROM programmer eprom 27c512
    Text: LEAPER-3D USB HANDY FLASH IC WRITER LEAPER-3D is a compact and light programmer, very suitable for the development and servicing or the hobby environment. Combining EPROM and FLASH memory devices programming, LEAPER-3D FLASH IC WRITER supports various 8-Bit devices by its 32-pin ZIF socket.

    32-pin 9x/2000/XP MX29F040 PM29F004B PM29LV004T PM29F004T PM29LV002B SST39SF010A SST39LF010 SST39VF020 intel 27c512 eprom W27c256 f29c51002t 27cxxx programming 27c080 transistor N100 ti 27c256 TI 27c010 27C64 EPROM programmer eprom 27c512 PDF


    Abstract: f29c51002t LEAPER-3 W27e256 27CXX W27f512 W49V020 W29EE010 en29f002nt MX29F004B
    Text: LEAPER-3C Stand-Alone Handy Flash IC Writer Programmer Series A16 Introduction LEAPER-3C, a compact, user friendly handy stand-alone writer that is specially designed for FLASH EPROM series. It can be powered by power adaptor or batteries. Together with the slave ZIF socket, LEAPER3C is able to process programming without

    2V/500mA PLCC-32/TSOP-32/VSOP-32 characte10A SST29LE020 SST29LE020A SST29VE512 SST29VE512A SST29VE010 SST29VE010A SST29VE020 W27c256 f29c51002t LEAPER-3 W27e256 27CXX W27f512 W49V020 W29EE010 en29f002nt MX29F004B PDF


    Abstract: 74189 7489 sram 4N34 89C51 interfacing with lcd display ic 74192 pin configuration interfacing 20x4 LCD with 89c51 IC 74189 DATA LEAP-U1 LEAPER-10 driver
    Text: COMPANY PROFILE 1 Leap Electronic was established in 1980 located in Taipei Taiwan. With great experienced employees, Leap has dedicated on test equipment and provided a whole and perfect environment of development. Additional, the Company has been qualified by major IC manufacturer such as ATMEL, AMD, MICROCHIP, WINBOND,etc.

    PIC16C52/54/54A PIC16C55/56/57/57A/58A PIC12C508/509 PIC16C61 PIC16C620/621/622 PIC16C71/710 PIC16C62/63/64/65 PICC16C72/73/74/74A PIC16C83/84 PIC17C42/42A/43/44 LEAPER-3 74189 7489 sram 4N34 89C51 interfacing with lcd display ic 74192 pin configuration interfacing 20x4 LCD with 89c51 IC 74189 DATA LEAP-U1 LEAPER-10 driver PDF


    Abstract: 27C64 W27c256 W27F512 W27F010 TI 27c010 27C256 27C040 27C128 Q100
    Text: EPP-3 Device List The EPP-3 can program 27xxx devices by means of the list of general devices. In order to program 27xxx devices the programming specs of the device which are no a days provided freely on the internet can be usefull (just follow the links on our WebSite:

    27xxx 27C64 27C128 27C256 27C512 27C010 27C020 27C040 27C080 27C080 27C64 W27c256 W27F512 W27F010 TI 27c010 27C256 27C040 27C128 Q100 PDF


    Abstract: MBM29F010 29C101T15 intel 28F020 intel 28F010 28F010T AM29F010 28F020T 28F001BX-B 28F001BX-T
    Text: Created in DoubleCAD XT, 17.78 mm 6.42 mm 32 pin TSOP to 32 pin DIP 22.04 mm Part Number W9759 Product Group Programmer Adapters Top Package TSOP Top Pitch 0.5mm Bottom Package DIP Bottom Pitch 0.6" Top Pins 32 Bottom Pins 32 15.24 mm 2.54 mm

    W9759 AM29F010/040 28F010T 28F020T MBM29F010/40 29C101T15 28F001BX-B 28F001BX-T 28F010 28F020 MBM29F010 intel 28F020 intel 28F010 AM29F010 PDF