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    Maxim Integrated Products MAX872CPA

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    DigiKey MAX872CPA Tube 50
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    Quest Components MAX872CPA 3
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    MAX872CPA Datasheets (3)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Curated Datasheet Type PDF
    MAX872CPA Maxim Integrated Products 10 uA, Low-Dropout, Precision Voltage Reference Original PDF
    MAX872CPA Maxim Integrated Products 10 uA, Low-Dropout, Precision Voltage Reference Original PDF
    MAX872CPA+ Maxim Integrated Products 10uA, Low-Dropout, Precision Voltage Reference Original PDF

    MAX872CPA Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: 10K SIP Resistor 3FW 94 lcd 2X20 RAM 62256 80C32MOD-ULE-DIP 3FW 59 80C32 MAX147EVC16-DIP MAX147EVC32-DIP
    Text: 19-4751; Rev 1; 1/97 MAX147 Evaluation System/Evaluation Kit _Component List DESIGNATION QTY DESCRIPTION C1, C7–C14 9 0.01µF ceramic capacitors C2, C4, C6, C15, C17–C20 8 0.1µF ceramic capacitors C3 C5 C16 J1 J18 JU1, JU2, JU5 R1-R8

    MAX147 10-pin MAX147BCPP MAX872CPA MAX393CPE MAX666CPA MAX495C3? 80C32 MC68HC16Z1CFC16 10K SIP Resistor 3FW 94 lcd 2X20 RAM 62256 80C32MOD-ULE-DIP 3FW 59 MAX147EVC16-DIP MAX147EVC32-DIP PDF

    IC 7404 7406

    Abstract: draw pin configuration of ic 7404 internal pin configuration of ic 7408 MAX872CSA MAX872 MAX872CPA MAX872EPA MAX872ESA MAX874 MAX874CPA
    Text: 19-0005; Rev 2; 6/97 10µA, Low-Dropout, Precision Voltage References Features The MAX872/MAX874 precision 2.5V and 4.096V micropower voltage references consume a maximum of only 10µA and operate from supply voltages up to 20V. The combination of ultra-low quiescent current and low

    MAX872/MAX874 200mV MAX872 MAX874 MAX872) MAX874) MAX872, 40ppm/ IC 7404 7406 draw pin configuration of ic 7404 internal pin configuration of ic 7408 MAX872CSA MAX872CPA MAX872EPA MAX872ESA MAX874CPA PDF


    Abstract: motorola 7805 ACT 10K SIP Resistor MOTOROLA 78M05 MC68HC16Z1CFC16 7805 voltage regulator 3v u2 7805 regulator IC 78M05 pinout 62256 MAX147BCPP
    Text: 19-4751; Rev 2; 7/98 MAX147 Evaluation System/Evaluation Kit Features ♦ Proven PC Board Layout ♦ Complete Evaluation System ♦ Convenient Test Points Provided On-Board ♦ Data-Logging Software ♦ Source Code Provided ♦ Fully Assembled and Tested Ordering Information

    MAX147 MAX147EVKIT-DIP MAX147EVC16-DIP MAX147EVC32-DIP 80C32 7805 5V REGULATOR IC THREE TERMINAL motorola 7805 ACT 10K SIP Resistor MOTOROLA 78M05 MC68HC16Z1CFC16 7805 voltage regulator 3v u2 7805 regulator IC 78M05 pinout 62256 MAX147BCPP PDF


    Abstract: diode U3d 10K SIP Resistor 68HC16 80C32 MAX147 MAX147BCPP MAX147EVC16-DIP MAX147EVC32-DIP MAX147EVKIT-DIP
    Text: 19-4751; Rev 0; 3/96 MAX147 Evaluation System/Evaluation Kit The MAX147 evaluation system EV system is a complete, low-cost, eight-channel data-acquisition system consisting of a MAX147 evaluation kit (EV kit) and a Maxim 68HC16 or 80C32 microcontroller (µC) module.

    MAX147 68HC16 80C32 80C32 MAX147 74HCT04 diode U3d 10K SIP Resistor MAX147BCPP MAX147EVC16-DIP MAX147EVC32-DIP MAX147EVKIT-DIP PDF

    ttl crystal oscillator using 74hct04

    Abstract: 78M05 pinout motorola 7805 ACT socket 2X20 pin 7805 5V REGULATOR IC THREE TERMINAL 62256 sram application note HCT08 -74 IC6 7805 MC68HC16Z1CFC16
    Text: 19-4751; Rev 2; 7/98 MAX147 Evaluation System/Evaluation Kit Features ♦ Proven PC Board Layout ♦ Complete Evaluation System ♦ Convenient Test Points Provided On-Board ♦ Data-Logging Software ♦ Source Code Provided ♦ Fully Assembled and Tested Ordering Information

    MAX147 68HC16 80C32 80C32 ttl crystal oscillator using 74hct04 78M05 pinout motorola 7805 ACT socket 2X20 pin 7805 5V REGULATOR IC THREE TERMINAL 62256 sram application note HCT08 -74 IC6 7805 MC68HC16Z1CFC16 PDF


    Abstract: c03f MAX1240 MAX1240BCPA MAX1241 MAX1241BCPA MAX1241EVL11-DIP MAX872CPA MCM6306DJ15
    Text: 19-1160; Rev 1; 8/97 MAX1241 Evaluation System/Evaluation Kit _Features ♦ Proven PC Board Layout ♦ Complete Evaluation System The MAX1241 evaluation system EV system is a complete, low-cost, single-channel data-acquisition system

    MAX1241 68L11D 74HC00 c03f MAX1240 MAX1240BCPA MAX1241BCPA MAX1241EVL11-DIP MAX872CPA MCM6306DJ15 PDF

    10K SIP Resistor

    Abstract: VMAX3232 74HC573 20 PIN DIODE j1 MCM6306DJ15 PC 74HC139 8ROM MAX872CPA MAX1240BCPA MAX1241
    Text: 19-1160; Rev 1; 8/97 概要 _ 特長 _ MAX1241評価キット EVキット は3V、12ビット MAX1241アナログディジタルコンバータの機能を 評価するための実装済み、試験済みPCボードです。

    MAX1241 MAX1241 1MAX1241 MAX1241MAX1240 MAX1240MAX1241 EVMAX1240BCPA 10K SIP Resistor VMAX3232 74HC573 20 PIN DIODE j1 MCM6306DJ15 PC 74HC139 8ROM MAX872CPA MAX1240BCPA PDF


    Abstract: 68HC16 80C32 MAX146 MAX146BCPP MAX147 MAX147EVC16-DIP MAX147EVC32-DIP MAX147EVKIT-DIP
    Text: 19-4751; Rev 2; 7/98 MAX147 Evaluation System/Evaluation Kit Features ♦ Proven PC Board Layout ♦ Complete Evaluation System ♦ Convenient Test Points Provided On-Board ♦ Data-Logging Software ♦ Source Code Provided ♦ Fully Assembled and Tested Ordering Information



    Abstract: MAX872 MAX872CPA MAX872EPA MAX872ESA MAX874 MAX874CPA MAX874CSA MAX872-MAX874
    Text: Not Recommended for New Designs This product was manufactured for Maxim by an outside wafer foundry using a process that is no longer available. It is not recommended for new designs. The data sheet remains available for existing users. A Maxim replacement or an industry second-source may be available.

    MAX872/MAX874 829mm) MAX872CSA MAX872 MAX872CPA MAX872EPA MAX872ESA MAX874 MAX874CPA MAX874CSA MAX872-MAX874 PDF


    Abstract: MAX232A SO-16 MAX232CPE application sheet MAX232CPE MAX232AEPE MAX785 MAX232ACPE MAX241CWI LH101 MAX724CCK
    Text: January 1999 Product Reliability Report This report presents the product reliability data for Maxim’s analog products. The data was acquired from extensive reliability stress testing performed in 1997/1998. It is separated into seven fabrication processes: 1



    Abstract: MCM6306 MAX872CPA
    Text: 19-1160; Rev 1; 8/97 MAX1241 Evaluation System/Evaluation Kit _Features ♦ Proven PC Board Layout The MAX1241 evaluation system EV system is a complete, low-cost, single-channel data-acquisition system consisting of a MAX1241 EV kit and a Maxim 3V microcontroller (µC) module. IBM PC-compatible software

    MAX1241 12-bit 68L11D 74HC00 MCM6306 MAX872CPA PDF

    IC 7404 7406

    Abstract: MAX874CSA MAX872 MAX872CSA MAX872CPA MAX872EPA MAX872ESA MAX874 MAX874CPA
    Text: 19-0005; Rev 2; 6/97 10µA, Low-Dropout, Precision Voltage References Features The MAX872/MAX874 precision 2.5V and 4.096V micropower voltage references consume a maximum of only 10µA and operate from supply voltages up to 20V. The combination of ultra-low quiescent current and low

    MAX872/MAX874 200mV MAX872 MAX874 MAX872) MAX874) MAX872, 40ppm/ IC 7404 7406 MAX874CSA MAX872CSA MAX872CPA MAX872EPA MAX872ESA MAX874CPA PDF


    Abstract: MAX6809 MAX232CPE MAX232CPE application sheet MAX232ACPE MAX232AEPE MAX691ACPE T 9722 MAX232ECPE MAX233 application notes
    Text: January 1999 Product Reliability Report This report presents the product reliability data for Maxim’s analog products. The data was acquired from extensive reliability stress testing performed in 1997/1998. It is separated into seven fabrication processes: 1


    220v AC voltage stabilizer schematic diagram

    Abstract: BA 49182 RJh 3047 rjh 3047 equivalent a1458 opto philips ecg master replacement guide MOSFET, rjh 3077 sc1097 philips ecg semiconductors master replacement guide Electronic ballast 40W using 13005 transistor
    Text: QUICK INDEX NEW IN THIS ISSUE! Detailed Index - See Pages 2-6 Fiber Optic Connectors and Accessories . . . . . . . . . . . See Page 121 Connectors, Cable Assemblies, IC Sockets . . . . . . . . . . . 10-122 Fiber Optic Cable, Connectors, and Accessories . . . . . . See Pages 118-122

    P390-ND P465-ND P466-ND P467-ND LNG901CF9 LNG992CFBW LNG901CFBW LNG91LCFBW 220v AC voltage stabilizer schematic diagram BA 49182 RJh 3047 rjh 3047 equivalent a1458 opto philips ecg master replacement guide MOSFET, rjh 3077 sc1097 philips ecg semiconductors master replacement guide Electronic ballast 40W using 13005 transistor PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: >kiyixi>ki 19-0005; Rev 2 ; 6/97 10fiA, Low-Dropout, Precision Voltage R e f e r e n c e s Description The MAX872/MAX874 precision 2.5V and 4.096V micro­ power voltage references consume a maximum of only 10^iA and operate from supply voltages up to 20V. The

    OCR Scan
    10fiA, MAX872/MAX874 500pA 200mV MAX872 MAX874 MAX872, MAX874) 40ppm AX872/M MAX872CSA PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: /l/l >J X I >1/1 19-0005; R ev 1.2 /93 10\iA, Low-Dropout, Precision Voltage R eference Initial a ccu ra cy of 0.2% at +25°C ±5mV for the MAX872, ±8mV for the MAX874 and low 40ppm /°C max drift make these references suitable for a wide range of precision

    OCR Scan
    10\iA, MAX872, MAX874) 40ppm MAX872) 40ppm/Â MAX872CSA PDF


    Abstract: MAX872 MAX872CPA MAX872EPA MAX872ESA MAX874 MAX874CPA MAX874CSA
    Text: 19-0005. R ev /, 2 /9 3 > i/ i > j x > 1/1 i 10[[A, L o w -D ro p o u t, P re c is io n V o lta g e R e fe re n c e T h e M A X 8 7 2 /M A X 8 7 4 p r e c is io n 2 .5 V a n d 4 .0 9 6 V m ic ro p o w e r v o lta g e re fe re n c e s c o n s u m e a m a xim u m of

    OCR Scan
    10iiA, MAX872/MAX874 200mV MAX872 MAX874 MAX872. MAX874) 40ppm/Â MAX872/874 MAX872CSA MAX872CPA MAX872EPA MAX872ESA MAX874CPA MAX874CSA PDF


    Abstract: MAX874CSA MAX872 MAX872CPA MAX872EPA MAX872ESA MAX874 MAX874CPA max8721
    Text: 19-0005; Rev 1; 2/93 /l/M X I/l/l 10\iA, Low-Dropout, Precision Voltage Reference T he M A X 872/M A X 874 p re c is io n 2.5V and 4.096V m icropower voltage references consume a maximum of only 10^A and operate from supply voltages up to 20V. The combination of ultra-low quiescent current and low,

    OCR Scan
    10\iA, MAX872/MAX874 200mV MAX872 MAX874 MAX872, MAX874) 40ppm/Â 74HC86 MAX872CSA MAX874CSA MAX872CPA MAX872EPA MAX872ESA MAX874CPA max8721 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Hfc* ft £ *555 / i/iLow-Dropout, / j x i / i/i 19-0005; Rev 1;2/93 Precision Voltage R eference Initial a ccu ra cy of 0.2% at +25°C ±5mV for the MAX872, ±8mV for the MAX874 and low 40ppm /°C max drift make these references suitable for a wide range of precision

    OCR Scan
    MAX872, MAX874) 40ppm MAX872/MAX8 200mV 500nA AX872/874 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: JV\y\7L\JV\ 19-0005; R ev 2 ; 6 /9 7 10 j A, L o w - Dropout , P r e c i ion V o l t a g e R e f e r e n c e s _F e a t u r e s The MAX872/MAX874 precision 2.5V and 4.096V micro­ power voltage references consume a maximum of only

    OCR Scan
    MAX872) MAX874) 40ppm/ 20jiV/V 75jiV/V MAX872CSA PDF


    Abstract: MAX872CSA
    Text: >kiyixi>ki 19-0005; Rev 2 ; 6/97 10^jA, Low-Dropout, Precision Voltage R eferen ces Description The MAX872/MAX874 precision 2.5V and 4.096V micro­ power voltage references consume a maximum of only 10pA and operate from supply voltages up to 20V. The c o m b in a tio n of u ltra -lo w q u ie s c e n t cu rre n t and low

    OCR Scan
    MAX872/MAX874 MAX872) MAX874) 40ppm/ 20pV/V 75pV/V MAX872-MAX874 MAX872CSA PDF


    Abstract: MAX872CSA
    Text: 19-0005; Rev 1; 2/93 / l / l / J X I / l / l 10\iA, Low-Dropout, Precision Voltage Reference Initial a ccu ra cy of 0.2% at +25°C ±5mV for the MAX872, ±8mV for the MAX874 and low 40ppm /°C max drift make these references suitable for a w ide range of precision

    OCR Scan
    10\iA, MAX872/MAX8 200mV AX872 MAX874 MAX872, 047nF MAX872/874 MAX872CSA PDF