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    MAX7821 Search Results

    MAX7821 Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: MX7821kn
    Text: 660ns IxP-Compatible, 8-B it ADC w ith Track/H old _ Features ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ The MX7821 has track-and-hold function capable of digitizing a 100kHz signal, and is tested for both its static and dynamic capability. The c o n v e rte r-^ interface ap­

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    660ns MX7821 100kHz max7821 MX7821kn PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: /l/l/JX I/l/l 19-4330; Rev 1; 7/95 6 6 0 n s ¡iP -C o m p atib le , 8 -B it A D C w ith T ra c k /H o ld F e a tu re s The MX7821 high-speed, m icroprocessor-com patible jxP , 8-bit analog-to-digital converter (ADC) is a plug-in u pgrade for the industry-standard 7820. The MX7821

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    660ns 20-Pin 100kHz X7821 MX7821 32REF 567bb51 QG1B21Û MX7821kn PDF


    Abstract: MX7821KN MX7820 MX7821 MX7821BQ MX7821KEWP MX7821KP MX7821KR MX7821TE MX7821TQ
    Text: 19-4330; Rev 1; 7/95 660ns \iP-Com patible, 8-B it ADC w ith Track/H old G e n e ra l D e s c rip tio n The MX7821 high-speed, m icroprocessor-com patible jxP , 8-bit analog-to-digital converter (ADC) is a plug-in u pgrade for the industry-standard 7820. The MX7821

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    660ns MX7821 660ns 100kHz MAX7821 MX7821KN MX7820 MX7821BQ MX7821KEWP MX7821KP MX7821KR MX7821TE MX7821TQ PDF