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    MAX4160EUB Search Results

    MAX4160EUB Datasheets Context Search

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    Nippon capacitors

    Abstract: MAX4166EPA
    Text: >M yiXL*4 19-1224; Rev 0; 4/97 High-Output-Drive, Precision, Low-Power, Single Supply, Rail-to-Rail I/O Op Amps w ith Shutdown The MAX4166/MAX4168 have a shutdown mode that re d u ce s su p p ly cu rre n t to 38 jA per am p lifie r and places the outputs into a high-im pedance state. The

    OCR Scan
    AX4165-MAX4169 MAX4166/MAX4168 AX4165-M AX4169 4165-M MAX4167EPA MAX4167ESA MAX4168EPD MAX4168ESD MAX4160EUB Nippon capacitors MAX4166EPA PDF