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    MARKING CODE JTS 56 Search Results

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    TC4511BP Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation CMOS Logic IC, BCD-to-7-Segment Decoder, DIP16 Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    74LVCH16501APF8 Renesas Electronics Corporation LOGIC 40056 MOTHER CODE Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    74LVCH16501APA Renesas Electronics Corporation LOGIC 40056 MOTHER CODE Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    74LVCH16501APA8 Renesas Electronics Corporation LOGIC 40056 MOTHER CODE Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    74LVCH16501APV Renesas Electronics Corporation LOGIC 40056 MOTHER CODE Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation

    MARKING CODE JTS 56 Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: BAS28. Silicon Switching Diode • For high-speed switching applications • Electrical insulated diodes BAS28/W " ! ,  ,  Type BAS28 BAS28W Package SOT143 SOT343 Configuration parallel pair parallel pair Marking JTs JTs Maximum Ratings at TA = 25°C, unless otherwise specified

    BAS28. BAS28/W BAS28 BAS28W OT143 OT343 BAS28, BAS28W, BAS28W PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: BAS28. Silicon Switching Diode • For high-speed switching applications • Electrical insulated diodes • Pb-free RoHS compliant package 1) • Qualified according AEC Q101 BAS28/W " ! ,  ,  Type Package Configuration Marking BAS28 BAS28W SOT143 SOT343

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    marking CODE JTS

    Abstract: BAS28 marking CODE JTS 56 BAS28W BFP181 BGA420
    Text: BAS28. Silicon Switching Diode • For high-speed switching applications • Electrical insulated diodes • Pb-free RoHS compliant package 1) • Qualified according AEC Q101 BAS28/W " ! ,  ,  Type Package Configuration Marking BAS28 BAS28W SOT143 SOT343

    BAS28. BAS28/W BAS28 BAS28W OT143 OT343 BAS28, marking CODE JTS BAS28 marking CODE JTS 56 BAS28W BFP181 BGA420 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: WILLAS FM120-M+ MMBT3904DW1T1 THRU Transistor Dual General 1.0A SURFACE MOUNTPurpose SCHOTTKY BARRIER RECTIFIERS -20V- 200V FM1200-M Pb Free Produc SOD-123+ PACKAGE Package outline Features • Batch process design, excellent power dissipation offers better reverse leakage current and thermal resistance.

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    EN3155 Cross Reference

    Abstract: en3155 m39029 D38999 series I II BACC47 en3155 crimping tools MS24264EXXTXX draka fileca cable ABS1503 en3155 017 aecma NF26Q100
    Text: Amphenol 2010 Amphenol 12-C3 Circular Interconnects Products for Military, Aerospace and Harsh Environments Circular Interconnects • Aluminum • Stainless Steel/Firewall • Composite • Printed Circuit Board Connectors • High Speed Connectors • EMI Filter/Transient

    12-C3 LM-300* 12-R1. LM-300 EN3155 Cross Reference en3155 m39029 D38999 series I II BACC47 en3155 crimping tools MS24264EXXTXX draka fileca cable ABS1503 en3155 017 aecma NF26Q100 PDF

    AMP PBT connector 7 way

    Abstract: EN3155 Cross Reference en3155 m39029 BOEING bacc63 D38999 series I II MS27615-KXXBXX MS27295 MS24254-16P aecma en3155 L-2119-E
    Text: Amphenol 2010 Amphenol 12-C3 Circular Interconnects Products for Military, Aerospace and Harsh Environments Circular Interconnects • Aluminum • Stainless Steel/Firewall • Composite • Printed Circuit Board Connectors • High Speed Connectors • EMI Filter/Transient

    12-C3 KV/150 12-R1. LM-300 AMP PBT connector 7 way EN3155 Cross Reference en3155 m39029 BOEING bacc63 D38999 series I II MS27615-KXXBXX MS27295 MS24254-16P aecma en3155 L-2119-E PDF

    smd code book

    Abstract: transistor SMD P1f marking code W16 SMD Transistor TRANSISTOR SMD MARKING CODE jg smd transistor WW1 Transistor SMD a7s DIODE SMD L4W smd diode zener code pj 78 smd transistor wv4 Motorola transistor smd marking codes
    Text: The SMD Code Book 1st character of code 0123456789 ABCDEFGHI JKLMNOPQ R STUVWXYZ Bases The SMD Codebook R P Blackwell, GM4PMK To look up a coded device, click on the first character of the device code in the table on the left. A-F G-K L-P Q-V W-Z AQ-FQ GQ-LQ

    OD-80 OD123/323 OT-23, OT346 OT-323, OT-416 OT-223, OT-89 OT-143, OT-363 smd code book transistor SMD P1f marking code W16 SMD Transistor TRANSISTOR SMD MARKING CODE jg smd transistor WW1 Transistor SMD a7s DIODE SMD L4W smd diode zener code pj 78 smd transistor wv4 Motorola transistor smd marking codes PDF

    isl 6251 schematic

    Abstract: smd transistor A4S Siemens OFW 361 smd marking b4h 6Bs smd transistor NPN TRANSISTORS LIST ACCORDING TO CURRENT, VOLTAG Transistors Diodes smd A7H a4s smd transistor npn transistor ss100 smd transistor 6Bs
    Text: SIEMENS Halbleiter-Datenblätter Im Produktbereich „Halbleiter“ konnten uns leider von SIEMENS nicht alle Daten rechtzeitig zur Verfügung gestellt werden. Wir werden uns bemühen, die Auswahl an Datenblättern dieses Bereichs für die nächste Ausgabe dieser CD zu vervollständigen.

    Q62702-A772 Q62702-A731 Q62702-A773 OT-23 isl 6251 schematic smd transistor A4S Siemens OFW 361 smd marking b4h 6Bs smd transistor NPN TRANSISTORS LIST ACCORDING TO CURRENT, VOLTAG Transistors Diodes smd A7H a4s smd transistor npn transistor ss100 smd transistor 6Bs PDF

    marking CODE JTS

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MA ALUMINUM ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITORS 5mmL. Standard, For General Purposes series Standard ultra-miniature series with 5mm height. MT JTs m p erature j on-polarized MA A ML / Low Leakage \CuiTent I IT ~ Smaller MJ iSpecifications Item Performance Characteristics

    OCR Scan
    120Hz marking CODE JTS PDF

    GE thyristor

    Abstract: powerex C430
    Text: P OWE RE X INC "ÏÏS d F | V a n tai 0003034 n m a a x. f T-'ZS'-'ZO 1 C430 Powerex, Inc. Hlllls Street, Youngwood, Pennsylvania 15697 412 925-7272 Powerex Europe, S.A., 428 Ave. G. Durand, BP1Û7, 72003 LeMans, France (43) 72.75.15 X555 Phase Control SCR

    OCR Scan
    C430-- Amperes/500-1300 MAX/10 GE thyristor powerex C430 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Raytheon Electronics Semiconductor Division R C 6100 Horizontal Line Genlock Features Applications • High speed tracking sync separator easily follows hum or average picture level APL fluctuations • Glitch remover for operation in high im pulse noise

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    RC6100 highfre50 TMC1175 TDC3310 7ST73tiO RC6100 RC6100M PDF


    Abstract: S10K250 S10K275 Siemens varistor
    Text: SIEMENS/ SPCLt SENICONDS ~ aa 0 2 3 bBHD 0 0 1 4 5 2 7 û ~ 7 -c / / - X - / SIOV’s Metal Oxide Varistors for Transient Suppression Features: □ Nanosec. Switching Response Time, < 15 nsec. with minimal lead length. □ HlghTransient Current Capability(up

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Data Sheet September 1997 microelectronics group Lucent Technologies Bell Labs Innovations FW050C, FW100C, FW150C Power Modules: dc-dc Converters; 36 to 72 Vdc Input, 15 Vdc Output; 50 W to 150 W Features • Wide input range ■ High efficiency: 88% typical

    OCR Scan
    FW050C, FW100C, FW150C FW050C FW100C FW050C9 FW100C9 PDF


    Abstract: Hearing Aid Circuit Diagram ARCO 476563 adi 614 MARKING GZ ADI A23i GX 110
    Text: NO'.' 2 i 1991 Am2160 u Am2i6o Audio Ringing Codec Filter ARCOFi Advanced Data Sheet TM 1/90 *• V • ,/ .*• 9 1 ta ‘ r Micro D evices . Ì 9 ! : J * f S ;• • /* •9 A dvanced ' M icfo D ev ic es □ FW, Amanomam 11153 Ih m D a«: C /1 Ju n e , 1990

    OCR Scan
    Am2160 PSB45030 Hearing Aid Circuit Diagram ARCO 476563 adi 614 MARKING GZ ADI A23i GX 110 PDF


    Abstract: PD27 PD35 SC06 Packages SCO-61
    Text: DESC FORM 193-1 SFP R7 0/ D IS T R IB U T IO N S T A T E M E N T A. *u.s g o v e r n m e n t p r i n t i n g o f fic e : i987—748-129/00912 5962-El 748 A p p ro v e d fo r p u b lic re le a s e ; d is trib u tio n Is u n lim ite d . 1. SCOPE 1. 1 Scope. Thi s drawi ng descr i bes devi ce r equi rement s f o r cl ass B mi c r o c i r c u i t s i n accordance

    OCR Scan
    5962-e1 MIL-STD-883, MIL-STD-883 5962-ti8613 MIL-M-38510 39C60A 16-bit 39C60 AM29C60A/BUA Am29C PD27 PD35 SC06 Packages SCO-61 PDF


    Abstract: mc68705p3s MC68705P3L mc68705p3 ADI-1031 marking f6 M6800 programming manual MC6805P6P 134mO MC68A05P2P
    Text: M M O TO RO LA SEMICONDUCTORS 3501 ED BLUESTEIN BLVD., AUSTIN, TEXAS 78721 Advance Information MC68 7)05P SERIES 8-BIT MICROCOMPUTERS OCTOBER, 1984 This document contains information on a new product. Specifications and information herein are subject to change w itho u t notice.

    OCR Scan
    ADI-1031 Mot21 A17774-1 C37306 ADI1031 mc6805p2 mc68705p3s MC68705P3L mc68705p3 ADI-1031 marking f6 M6800 programming manual MC6805P6P 134mO MC68A05P2P PDF


    Abstract: military part marking symbols serial number z0844204
    Text: REVISIONS LTR DATE YR-MO-DA DESCRIPTIO N Change V i m , VjH2> and tpHL]3. 1985 Jan 2 Change end-point electrical test requirements in table II. Extensive changes to table I. Editorial changes throughout. 1986 Apr 14 Change to military drawing format. Changes to table I.

    OCR Scan
    tpHL13. 0844204CMB M38510/481018QX 8301502QX 0844202CMB M38510/48102BQX MIL-STD-1562. Z8442ACMB. Z8442CMB. 5SO-547 E1140 military part marking symbols serial number z0844204 PDF

    BCM sdk

    Abstract: bcm 8706 communication between 8086 and 8089 MCS-80 design kit AP-134 intel d 8274 basics of 8085 microprocessor TA 8274 BA6200 sdk 8085 application
    Text: in ter APPLICATION NOTE AP-134 October 1990 Asynchronous Communication with the 8274 Multiple-Protocol Serial Controller Order Number: 210311 -002 2-348 ASYNCHRONOUS COMMUNICATION WITH CONTROLLER CONTENTS PAG E INTRODUCTION 2-350 SERIAL-ASYNCHRONOUS DATA LINKS

    OCR Scan
    AP-134 SDK-86 BA6200 071ft RS-232-C, RS-422, RS-423, BCM sdk bcm 8706 communication between 8086 and 8089 MCS-80 design kit AP-134 intel d 8274 basics of 8085 microprocessor TA 8274 sdk 8085 application PDF

    TRANSISTOR 131-6 BJ 946

    Abstract: transistor bc 564 transistor Bc 949 datenblatt TRANSISTOR BC 545 MARKING CODE AGS bsp 2000 siemens datenbuch bft99 mmic SMD amplifier marking code 19s TRANSISTOR SMD MARKING CODE bc ru DIODE smd marking 22-16
    Text: Typeniibersicht Selection Guide Bestellnummern Ordering Codes Bestempelung Marking Catalog Technische Angaben « Technical Information Qualitatsangaben Quality Specification Gehause Package Outlines Verarbeitungshinweise Mounting Instructions Verpackungshinweise

    OCR Scan
    B3-B3715 B3715-X-X-7600 TRANSISTOR 131-6 BJ 946 transistor bc 564 transistor Bc 949 datenblatt TRANSISTOR BC 545 MARKING CODE AGS bsp 2000 siemens datenbuch bft99 mmic SMD amplifier marking code 19s TRANSISTOR SMD MARKING CODE bc ru DIODE smd marking 22-16 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: P I C 1 6 C 7 1 Microchip 8-Bit CMOS EPROM Microcontroller with A/D Converter FEATURES CMOS technology • Low power, high speed CMOS EPROM technology • Fully static design • W ide operating voltage range: - Comm ercial: 3.0V to 6.0V - Industrial: 3.0V to 6.0V

    OCR Scan
    14-bit PIC16C71 PIC16LC71 PIC16C71 04/P301 PIC16LC71I 04/S0 PIC16C71E DS30150B PDF


    Abstract: BYW96E PH smd code Z9P germanium transistor BY527 EQUIVALENT BYD33D BAX12 BB212 BB515 BBY31
    Text: Philips Semiconductors Diodes Contents page SELECTION GUIDE Small-signal diodes 5 Tuner diodes 7 FM detection diodes 8 Low leakage diodes 8 Schottky barrier switching diodes 9 Stabistors Voltage regulators 9 10 Voltage reference diodes 11 Transient suppressor diodes

    OCR Scan
    LCD01 TELEVISION EHT TRANSFORMERS BYW96E PH smd code Z9P germanium transistor BY527 EQUIVALENT BYD33D BAX12 BB212 BB515 BBY31 PDF


    Abstract: MC68120 MC68121-1 2732c MC68120-1 C928B MC6812
    Text: MC68120 MC68121 MOTOROLA A d v a n c e In fo r m a tio n HMOS INTELLIGENT PERIPHERAL CONTROLLER The M C68120/M C68121 Intelligent Peripheral C o ntroller IPC is a general purpose, mask program m able peripheral con tro lle r. The IPC provides the in terface betw een an M68000 or M 6800 Family

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    MC68120 MC68121 C68120/M C68121 M68000 MC68121 MC68121-1 2732c MC68120-1 C928B MC6812 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: $ M ic r o c h ip P I C 1 6 C 7 X 1 8-Bit CMOS Microcontrollers with A/D Converter Devices included in this data sheet: PIC16C71X Peripheral Features: • PIC16C710 • TimerO: 8-bit timer/counter with 8-bit prescaler • PIC16C71 PIC16C711 • 8-bit multichannel analog-to-digital converter

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    PIC16C71X PIC16C710 PIC16C71 PIC16C711 PIC16C715 PIC16C7X 00253fib DS30272A-page B10320 PDF

    TI 046 fRam

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: C O N E X A N T BI8370/8375/8376 Fully Integrated T l/E l Framer and Line Interface The Bt8370/8375/8376 is a family of single chip transceivers for T1/E1 and Integrated Service Digital Network ISDN primary rate interfaces, operating at 1.544 Mbps or 2.048 Mbps. These devices combine a sophisticated framer, transmit and receive slip

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    BI8370/8375/8376 Bt8370/8375/8376 Bt8370 Bt8375 Bt8376 7A11Q73 Q037bb2 N8370DSE Bt8370/8375/8376 TI 046 fRam PDF