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    M80C196KB Datasheets (2)

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    M80C196KB Intel 16-Bit High Performance CHMOS Microcontroller Original PDF

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    80C196 assembly language

    Abstract: intel 8096 assembly language intel 8096 instruction set 8096 microcontroller architecture application intel 80c196 opcode sheet 80C196 intel intel 80c196 INSTRUCTION SET 8096 8096 microcontroller M80C
    Text: M80C196KB 16-BIT HIGH PERFORMANCE CHMOS MICROCONTROLLER Military Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 232 Byte Register File Register-to-Register Architecture 28 Interrupt Sources 16 Vectors 2 3 ms 16 x 16 Multiply 12 MHz 4 0 ms 32 16 Divide (12 MHz) Powerdown and Idle Modes

    M80C196KB 16-BIT 68-Lead 68-Lead 10-Bit 80C196 assembly language intel 8096 assembly language intel 8096 instruction set 8096 microcontroller architecture application intel 80c196 opcode sheet 80C196 intel intel 80c196 INSTRUCTION SET 8096 8096 microcontroller M80C PDF


    Abstract: 80C196KC20 USER MANUAL M87C196KD 272238 M87C196KC 80c196KC intel 80C196kb 8XC196KC 8XC196KD 80C196Kb user manual
    Text: M87C196KC M87C196KD 16-BIT HIGH-PERFORMANCE CHMOS MICROCONTROLLERS WITH ON-CHIP EPROM Special Environment M87C196KC 16 KBytes EPROM 512 Bytes RAM M87C196KD 32 KBytes EPROM 1024 Bytes RAM Y M87C196KC 16 MHz Operation Y Y Dynamically Configurable 8-Bit or 16-Bit Buswidth

    M87C196KC M87C196KD 16-BIT M87C196KD 80C196KC20 80C196KC20 USER MANUAL 272238 80c196KC intel 80C196kb 8XC196KC 8XC196KD 80C196Kb user manual PDF


    Abstract: Q1515 80c196 instruction intel 80c196 opcode sheet MTO spco
    Text: PftSUBflO INM V M80C196KB 16-BIT HIGH PERFORMANCE CHMOS MICROCONTROLLER Military • 232 Byte Register File ■ Register-to-Register Architecture ■ 28 Interrupt Sources/16 Vectors ■ 2.3 us 16 x 16 Multiply 12 MHz ■ 4.0 us 32/16 Divide (12 MHz) ■ Powerdown and Idle Modes

    OCR Scan
    M80C196KB 16-BIT Sources/16 68-Lead 10-Bit D1515 Q1515 80c196 instruction intel 80c196 opcode sheet MTO spco PDF


    Abstract: 1nt08 M80C198KB h jst 03 intel 8096 assembly language 271060 271069 271088 CQFP24
    Text: in t e i M80C196KB 16-BIT HIGH PERFORMANCE CHMOS MICROCONTROLLER M ilitary 232 B y te R e g is te r F ile • R e g is te r-to -R e g is te r A rc h ite c tu re ■ 28 In te rru p t S o u rc e s /1 6 V e c to rs F u ll D u p lex S e ria l P o rt H igh S peed I/O S u b syste m

    OCR Scan
    M80C196KB 16-BIT M80C1 M8097. M8097, M80C19 JS4041 1nt08 M80C198KB h jst 03 intel 8096 assembly language 271060 271069 271088 CQFP24 PDF


    Abstract: 80C196 assembly language 16 bit 8096 microcontroller architecture hil 518-5 intel 80c196 opcode sheet M80C196KB 8096 microcontroller features 80C196 mnemonic intel 8096 instruction set intel 80c196 INSTRUCTION SET
    Text: OMF fößMT!l IM M80C196KB 16-BIT HIGH PERFORMANCE CHMOS MICROCONTROLLER Military • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ 232 Byte Register File Register-to-Register Architecture 28 Interrupt Sources/16 Vectors 2.3 jus 16 x 16 Multiply 12 MHz 4.0 ju.s 32/16 Divide (12 MHz)

    OCR Scan
    M80C196KB 16-BIT Sources/16 M8096 80C196 assembly language 16 bit 8096 microcontroller architecture hil 518-5 intel 80c196 opcode sheet 8096 microcontroller features 80C196 mnemonic intel 8096 instruction set intel 80c196 INSTRUCTION SET PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: P H iy fiflD iw M n f in t e i M80C196KB 16-BIT HIGH PERFORMANCE CHMOS MICROCONTROLLER Military 232 Byte Register File Register-to-Reglster Architecture 28 Interrupt Sources/16 Vectors 2.3 jus 16 x 16 Multiply 12 MHz 4.0 (is 32/16 Divide (12 MHz) Powerdown and Idle Modes

    OCR Scan
    M80C196KB 16-BIT Sources/16 68-Lead 68-Lead PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: irrte! p f ö iy t M Ä f M80C196KB 16-BIT HIGH PERFORMANCE CHMOS MICROCONTROLLER Military • 232 Byte Register File ■ Register-to-Register Architecture ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ 28 Interrupt Sources/16 Vectors 2.3 jits 16 x 16 Multiply 12 MHz 4.0 ju-s 32/16 Divide (12 MHz)

    OCR Scan
    M80C196KB 16-BIT Sources/16 68-Lead 68-Lead PDF


    Abstract: intel 8096 assembly language spcon register in 8096 C116H
    Text: F K K L D R iflD K lÄ l^ f in y M80C196KB 16-BIT HIGH PERFORMANCE CHMOS MICROCONTROLLER Military • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ 232 Byte Register File Register-to-Register Architecture 28 Interrupt Sources/16 Vectors 2.3 / a s 16 x 16 Multiply (12 MHz

    OCR Scan
    M80C196KB 16-BIT Sources/16 68-Lead P41A intel 8096 assembly language spcon register in 8096 C116H PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: A P r a < S !l OMF fôGMTD@IM in t e T M80C196KB 16-BIT HIGH PERFORMANCE CHMOS MICROCONTROLLER Military 232 Byte Register File Full Duplex Serial Port Register-to-Register Architecture High Speed I/O Subsystem 28 Interrupt Sources/16 Vectors 16-Bit Timer

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    M80C196KB 16-BIT Sources/16 10-Bit PDF

    87C196kc guide

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: in te l M87C196KC 16-BIT HIGH PERFORMANCE CHMOS MICROCONTROLLER— 16 KBYTES OF ON-CHIP EPROM Military 16 MHz Operation 232 Byte Register File 256 Bytes of Additional RAM Register-to-Register Architecture 28 Interrupt Sources/16 Vectors Peripheral Transaction Server

    OCR Scan
    M87C196KC 16-BIT Sources/16 68-Lead 68-Lead 87C196kc guide PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: P K lI L D B S lD K lÄ I iW in tg l M87C196KC 16-BIT HIGH PERFORMANCE CHMOS MICROCONTROLLER WITH 16 KBYTES OF ON-CHIP EPROM Military Dynamically Configurable 8-Bit or 16-Bit Buswidth 16 MHz Operation 232 Byte Register File Full Duplex Serial Port 256 Bytes of Additional RAM

    OCR Scan
    M87C196KC 16-BIT Sources/16 10-Bit M87C196KC PDF

    EDE 1188

    Abstract: 271116
    Text: INTEL CORP UP/PRPHLS EOE 4ö5bil75 O ü f l n ? 6! 1 • Ä E W Ä N 1 ! 0 « G 3 ö M T T 0 IM in te i M87C196KC T ^ V r -5°) 16-BIT HIGH PERFORMANCE CHMOS MICROCONTROLLER— 16 KBYTES OF ON-CHIP EPROM Military 16 MHz Operation 232 Byte Register File

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    5bil75 M87C196KC 16-BIT Sources/16 16-Blt EDE 1188 271116 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: DKIIF ll8G M ir D ® N M87C196KC 16-BIT HIGH PERFORMANCE CHMOS MICROCONTROLLER— 16 KBYTES OF ON-CHIP EPROM Military m Dynamically Configurable 8-Bit or • 16 M H z O p e ra tio n ■ 232 B y te R e g is te r File ■ 256 B y te s o f A d d itio n a l RAM

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    M87C196KC 16-BIT M87C196KC 80C196KB PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: irrte* ip R iy ß m M w M87C196KC/M87C196KD 16-BIT HIGH-PERFORMANCE CHMOS MICROCONTROLLERS WITH ON-CHIP EPROM Special Environment M87C196KC— 16 KBytes EPROM, 512 Bytes RAM M87C196KD— 32 KBytes EPROM, 1024 Bytes RAM M87C196KC: 16 MHz Operation M87C196KD: 16 and 20 MHz Operation

    OCR Scan
    M87C196KC/M87C196KD 16-BIT M87C196KCâ M87C196KDâ M87C196KC: M87C196KD: Sources/16 PDF


    Abstract: 8XC196KC user manual a5521 80C196KC20 USER MANUAL 8XC196KC manual
    Text: iU D IM D K l^ V i n t e i M87C196KC/M87C196KD 16-BIT HIGH-PERFORMANCE CHMOS MICROCONTROLLERS WITH ON-CHIP EPROM Special Environment M87C196KC— 16 KBytes EPROM, 512 Bytes RAM M87C196KD—32 KBytes EPROM, 1024 Bytes RAM M87C196KC: 16 MHz Operation M87C196KD: 16 and 20 MHz Operation

    OCR Scan
    M87C196KC/M87C196KD 16-BIT M87C196KC-- M87C196KD--32 M87C196KC: M87C196KD: Sources/16 68-Lead M87C196KC 8XC196KC user manual a5521 80C196KC20 USER MANUAL 8XC196KC manual PDF


    Abstract: 74s434 80C196Kb user manual S4341 M87C196KC
    Text: intei I P f ô g y iM D G M W M87C196KC/M87C196KD 16-BIT HIGH-PERFORMANCE CHMOS MICROCONTROLLERS WITH ON-CHIP EPROM S pecial Environm ent M87C196KC—16 KBytes EPROM, 512 Bytes RAM M87C196KD—32 KBytes EPROM, 1024 Bytes RAM M87C196KC: 16 MHz Operation M87C196KD: 16 and 20 MHz Operation

    OCR Scan
    M87C196KC/M87C196KD 16-BIT M87C196KC--16 M87C196KD--32 M87C196KC: M87C196KD: Sources/16 68-Lead fl6ac 74s434 80C196Kb user manual S4341 M87C196KC PDF