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    Abstract: 54ACT3301 die
    Text: CLASS B+ PRODUCTS CRYSTAL CLOCK OSCILLATORS 3.3 to 5.0Vdc - 450kHz to 85MHz Q-TECH CORPORATION Features • Made in the USA • ECCN: EAR99 • DFARS 252-225-7014 Compliant: Electronic Component Exemption • USML Registration # M17677 • Broad frequency range from 450kHz to 85MHz

    450kHz 85MHz EAR99 M17677 10kHz 20MHz, QTX78AC6, 54ACT3301 54ACT3301 die PDF


    Abstract: 54ACT3301 QT190 clock distribution "space qualified" 54ACT3301NSC
    Text: CLASS B+ PRODUCTS HYBRID CRYSTAL CLOCK OSCILLATORS 2.5 to 5.0Vdc - 450kHz to 350MHz Q-TECH CORPORATION Features • Made in the USA • ECCN: EAR99 • DFARS 252-225-7014 Compliant: Electronic Component Exemption • USML Registration # M17677 • Broad frequency range from 450kHz to 350MHz

    450kHz 350MHz EAR99 M17677 QT188HCD1 QT190, QT192, QT193 QT188 54ACT3301 QT190 clock distribution "space qualified" 54ACT3301NSC PDF


    Abstract: CRYSTAL 40MHZ 54ACT3301 die
    Text: CLASS B+ PRODUCTS Q-TECH CORPORATION Features CRYSTAL CLOCK OSCILLATORS 3.3 to 5.0Vdc - 450kHz to 85MHz • Made in the USA • ECCN: EAR99 • DFARS 252-225-7014 Compliant: Electronic Component Exemption • USML Registration # M17677 • Broad frequency range from 450kHz to 85MHz

    450kHz 85MHz EAR99 M17677 10kHz 20MHz, QTX78AC6, 54ACT3301 CRYSTAL 40MHZ 54ACT3301 die PDF


    Abstract: 54ACT3301 die QTX92
    Text: CLASS B+ PRODUCTS CRYSTAL CLOCK OSCILLATORS 3.3 to 5.0Vdc - 450kHz to 85MHz Q-TECH CORPORATION Features • Made in the USA • ECCN: EAR99 • DFARS 252-225-7014 Compliant: Electronic Component Exemption • USML Registration # M17677 • Broad frequency range from 450kHz to 85MHz

    450kHz 85MHz EAR99 M17677 10kHz 20MHz, QTX78AC6, 54act3301 54ACT3301 die QTX92 PDF


    Abstract: q-tech crystal oscillator with 1ppm QT3105 tcxo 10mhz dbc hcmos QT3103CRM-25 qt3103crm Q-Tech EAR99 MIL-PRF-55310 q-tech 1.0mhz
    Text: HIGH STABILITY DIGITAL TCXO SURFACE MOUNT CRYSTAL OSCILLATORS 3.3 to 5Vdc - 1MHz to 125MHz Q-TECH CORPORATION Description Q-Tech’s High Stability Digital TCXO is a high reliability signal generator that provides an HCMOS output. The TCXO is available in a Surface Mount SMD package.

    125MHz 10kHz 20MHz, QT3103C, 000MHz 48MHz 20MHz) QT3103C-10 QT3103 q-tech crystal oscillator with 1ppm QT3105 tcxo 10mhz dbc hcmos QT3103CRM-25 qt3103crm Q-Tech EAR99 MIL-PRF-55310 q-tech 1.0mhz PDF

    crystal 12mhz

    Abstract: qt55 QT6C
    Text: DUAL IN-LINE PACKAGES Q-TECH CRYSTAL CLOCK OSCILLATORS -5.2 to -4.5Vdc & 1.8 to 15Vdc - 0.01Hz to 200MHz CORPORATION Description Q-Tech’s Dual In-line DIP crystal oscillators consist of a source clock square wave generator, logic output buffers and/or logic divider stages, and a

    15Vdc 200MHz DIP-14 EAR99 M17677 200MHz MIL-PRF-55310/8, voltages20MHz, 24MHz QT50T, crystal 12mhz qt55 QT6C PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SINE WAVE SOURCES Q-TECH DUAL-IN-LINE CRYSTAL CLOCK OSCILLATORS 5.0 to 15Vdc - 10Hz to 450MHz CORPORATION Description The Q-Tech Sine Wave Sources encompasses state-ofthe-art sinewave source with low harmonic distortion and a precise sinewave output. A flexible design allows Q-Tech Corporation to offer

    15Vdc 450MHz QT957S, 150MHz QT957S8M, 10MHz, 12kHz 150MHz 9374 PDF


    Abstract: QT88L QT88
    Text: QT88 SERIES Q-TECH CORPORATION HIGH-RELIABILITY MINIATURE CLOCK OSCILLATORS 1.8 to 5.0Vdc - 15kHz to 160MHz Description Q-Tech’s surface-mount QT88 Series oscillators consist of an IC 5Vdc, 3.3Vdc, 2.5Vdc, 1.8Vdc clock square wave generator and a round AT high-precision quartz crystal built in

    15kHz 160MHz EAR99 M17677 MIL-PRF-55310/33 36000G 10kHz 20MHz, QT88LD6M-150 QT88L QT88 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 225ºC EXTREME HIGH-TEMPERATURE Q-TECH CRYSTAL CLOCK OSCILLATORS 3.3 to 5Vdc - 500kHz to 45MHz CORPORATION Description Q-Tech’s extreme high-temperature crystal oscillators consist of a SOI CMOS source clock square wave generator, logic output buffers and/or logic divider stages, and a round AT or

    500kHz 45MHz EAR99 M17677 000MHz QT50HC8M 44MHz 24MHz PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: QT78 SERIES Q-TECH CORPORATION HIGH-RELIABILITY MINIATURE CLOCK OSCILLATORS 1.8 to 5.0Vdc - 15kHz to 150MHz Description Q-Tech’s surface-mount QT78 Series oscillators consist of an IC 5Vdc, 3.3Vdc, 2.5Vdc, 1.8Vdc clock square wave generator and a round AT high-precision quartz

    15kHz 150MHz EAR99 M17677 MIL-PRF-55310/27, 150MHz QT78AC6, 80MHz 12kHz PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Q-TECH LOW PHASE NOISE, SPACE LEVEL OCXO 3.3 to 15Vdc - 1MHz to 125MHz CORPORATION Description Q-Tech’s High Stability Oven Controlled Crystal Oscillator OCXO is a high reliability signal generator that provides Sine wave or HCMOS output. The OCXO is designed to be used in

    15Vdc 125MHz 100kRad 10kHz 20MHz, 50MHz EAR99 PDF


    Abstract: QT1T qt11 transistor TO5 Outline Dimensions
    Text: TRANSISTOR OUTLINE PACKAGES Q-TECH TO-5 and TO-8 CRYSTAL CLOCK OSCILLATORS 1.8 to 15Vdc - 0.045Hz to 125MHz CORPORATION Description Q-Tech’s Transistor Outline package crystal oscillators consist of a source clock square wave generator, logic output buffers and/or logic divider stages, and a round AT

    15Vdc 045Hz 125MHz EAR99 M17677 MIL-PRF-55310/09 and/10 10K/10KH qt116 QT1T qt11 transistor TO5 Outline Dimensions PDF


    Abstract: qt55 qt50t qt4t8
    Text: DUAL IN-LINE PACKAGES Q-TECH CRYSTAL CLOCK OSCILLATORS -5.2 to -4.5Vdc & 1.8 to 15Vdc - 0.01Hz to 200MHz CORPORATION Description Q-Tech’s Dual In-line DIP crystal oscillators consist of a source clock square wave generator, logic output buffers and/or logic divider stages, and a

    15Vdc 200MHz DIP-14 EAR99 M17677 MIL-PRF-55310/8, 24MHz QT50T, 12kHz QT6T qt55 qt50t qt4t8 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: QT90 SERIES Q-TECH CORPORATION HIGH-RELIABILITY MINIATURE CLOCK OSCILLATORS 1.8 to 5.0Vdc - 15kHz to 160MHz Description Q-Tech’s surface-mount QT90 oscillators consist of an IC 5Vdc, 3.3Vdc, 2.5Vdc, 1.8Vdc clock square wave generator and a round AT high-precision quartz crystal

    15kHz 160MHz EAR99 M17677 36000G 10kHz 20MHz, QT90 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: QT90 SERIES Q-TECH CORPORATION HIGH-RELIABILITY MINIATURE CLOCK OSCILLATORS 1.8 to 5.0Vdc - 15kHz to 160MHz Description Q-Tech’s surface-mount QT90 oscillators consist of an IC 5Vdc, 3.3Vdc, 2.5Vdc, 1.8Vdc clock square wave generator and a round AT high-precision quartz crystal

    15kHz 160MHz EAR99 M17677 36000G 10kHz 20MHz, QT90 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: QT88 SERIES Q-TECH CORPORATION HIGH-RELIABILITY MINIATURE CLOCK OSCILLATORS 1.8 to 5.0Vdc - 15kHz to 160MHz Description Q-Tech’s surface-mount QT88 Series oscillators consist of an IC 5Vdc, 3.3Vdc, 2.5Vdc, 1.8Vdc clock square wave generator and a round AT high-precision quartz

    15kHz 160MHz EAR99 M17677 MIL-PRF-55310/33 36000G 10kHz 20MHz, QT88 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: QT90 SERIES Q-TECH CORPORATION HIGH-RELIABILITY MINIATURE CLOCK OSCILLATOR 1.8 to 5.0Vdc - 125kHz to 160MHz Description Q-Tech’s surface-mount QT90 oscillators consist of an IC 5Vdc, 3.3Vdc, 2.5Vdc, 1.8Vdc clock square wave generator and a round AT high-precision quartz crystal

    125kHz 160MHz EAR99 M17677 QT90L, 20MHz 12kHz 10kHz PDF


    Abstract: QT26
    Text: FLAT PACK Q-TECH CRYSTAL CLOCK OSCILLATORS -5.2 to -4.5Vdc & 1.8 to 15Vdc - 0.12Hz to 200MHz CORPORATION Description Q-Tech’s flat pack crystal oscillators consist of a source clock square wave generator, logic output buffers and/or logic divider stages, and a round AT highprecision quartz crystal built in an all metal flat

    15Vdc 200MHz EAR99 M17677 MIL-PRF-55310/21 20MHz, QT24HC, 24MHz QT24L, 9454 QT26 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ANALOG TCXO DUAL-IN-LINE CRYSTAL OSCILLATORS 3.3 to 5Vdc - 10MHz to 80MHz Q-TECH CORPORATION Description The Q-Tech Analog TCXO encompasses state-of-the-art oscillators with low phase noise, jitter, and tight temperature stability. The TCXO is available in a DIP QT3003 , SMD

    10MHz 80MHz QT3003) QT3013) QT3023) 10kHz 20MHz, QT3013C, 000MHz PDF


    Abstract: QT93W QT93 diodes h7d QT93NW FA 53 datasheet FF7D EAR99 SMD CODE QT MIL-PRF-55310
    Text: QT93W and QT93P SERIES Q-TECH CORPORATION HIGH-RELIABILITY LVPECL OR LVDS MINIATURE CLOCK OSCILLATORS 2.5 to 3.3Vdc - 40MHz to 320MHz Description Q-Tech’s surface-mount QT93 series oscillators consist of a 2.5Vdc and 3.3Vdc differential PECL or LVDS output

    QT93W QT93P 40MHz 320MHz EAR99 M17677 QT93W Kl76 QT93 diodes h7d QT93NW FA 53 datasheet FF7D EAR99 SMD CODE QT MIL-PRF-55310 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: QT93W and QT93P SERIES Q-TECH CORPORATION HIGH-RELIABILITY LVPECL OR LVDS MINIATURE CLOCK OSCILLATORS 2.5 to 3.3Vdc - 40MHz to 320MHz Description Q-Tech’s surface-mount QT93 series oscillators consist of a 2.5Vdc and 3.3Vdc differential PECL or LVDS output

    QT93W QT93P 40MHz 320MHz EAR99 M17677 QT93W PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: VOLTAGE CONTROLLED VCXO Q-TECH CORPORATION CRYSTAL CLOCK OSCILLATORS -5.2Vdc & 5.0Vdc - 1kHz to 155.52MHz Description Q-Tech’s voltage-controlled crystal oscillators (VCXO) consist of a varactor diode and associated circuitry such as a bipolar transistor or logic IC amplifier, logic output buffers

    52MHz EAR99 M17677 MIL-STD-883, MIL-STD-202, PDF


    Abstract: QT1T CLOCK GENERATOR 10HZ 1N4148 EAR99 MIL-PRF-55310 capacitor 9937 B1-26 transistor D 716 Q-Tech
    Text: TRANSISTOR OUTLINE PACKAGES TO-5 and TO-8 CRYSTAL CLOCK OSCILLATORS 1.8 to 15Vdc - 0.045Hz to 125MHz Q-TECH CORPORATION Description Q-Tech’s Transistor Outline package crystal oscillators consist of a source clock square wave generator, logic output buffers and/or logic divider stages, and a round AT

    15Vdc 045Hz 125MHz EAR99 M17677 MIL-PRF-55310/09 and/10 10kHz QT14 QT1T CLOCK GENERATOR 10HZ 1N4148 EAR99 MIL-PRF-55310 capacitor 9937 B1-26 transistor D 716 Q-Tech PDF


    Abstract: MIL-PRF-55310 EAR99 QT90AC qt90l100mhz
    Text: QT90 SERIES Q-TECH CORPORATION HIGH-RELIABILITY MINIATURE CLOCK OSCILLATORS 1.8 to 5.0Vdc - 15kHz to 160MHz Description Q-Tech’s surface-mount QT90 oscillators consist of an IC 5Vdc, 3.3Vdc, 2.5Vdc, 1.8Vdc clock square wave generator and a round AT high-precision quartz crystal built

    15kHz 160MHz EAR99 M17677 36000G 10kHz 20MHz, QT90 MIL-PRF-55310 EAR99 QT90AC qt90l100mhz PDF