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    LZ22250G Search Results

    LZ22250G Datasheets Context Search

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    transistor f 8e

    Abstract: sl 100 b transister lz22250 CM500
    Text: LZ22250G Color CCD Area Sensor Color CCD Area Sensor • Description ■ LZ22250G is a 2/3 inch solid-state image sensor composed of PN photodiodes and CCDs chargecoupled device . With its approximately 250,000 pix­ els (530 horizontal X 490 vertical), it provides a highresolution stable color image.

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    LZ22250G LZ22250G transistor f 8e sl 100 b transister lz22250 CM500 PDF


    Abstract: sharp CCD Image Sensor sharp ir sensor LZ22250G
    Text: SHARP E L E K / MEL EC iSE D IV d | fliâü7cia ooa i 5 7 ñ fl I Color CCD Area Sensor T-41-55 LZ22250G Color CCD Area Sensor • Description ■ LZ22250G is a 2/3 inch solid-state image sensor com posed of PN photodiodes and CCDs chargecoupled device . With its approximately 250,000 pix­

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    ooai57Ã T-41-55 LZ22250G T-41-55 cm500 sharp CCD Image Sensor sharp ir sensor PDF


    Abstract: LR3463 LR4087 LU59002 LH5003 LR3692 LR40982 LR3617 LH5004 LR3462
    Text: Alphanumeric Index Alphanumeric Index Model No. BiCMOS 1 ^ CMOS 1 f- C M O S 4 •c' C M O S 4A X CMOS 5 CMOS 5A / IRC 100 j LH5003 ¿ LH5004 C LH5006A L l LH5021B LH5022 C LH5023B LH5025 U,LH5026 Z LH5040 LH5041 C LH5045 LH5047 LH5048 ^ LH5821 i- LH5822 - LH5823

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    LH5003 LH5004 LH5006A LH5021B LH5022 LH5023B LH5025 LH5026 LH5040 LH5041 LR3441 LR3463 LR4087 LU59002 LH5003 LR3692 LR40982 LR3617 LR3462 PDF


    Abstract: marking code B9 DG SMD Transistor transistor smd sensor 80L transistor bf 175 sdz-370n ccd LZ1032 Transister Data Book
    Text: MOS DATA BOOK General Information Gate Arrays/Standard Cells Display Drivers 3 J T elecommunications II CCDs/CCD Peripherals ICs for Audio/Visual Equipment 6 | Voice/Melody Generators ICs for Clock Others Preface In recent years, the seemingly unlimited progress seen in

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    LH5047/LH5048 LR3441 marking code B9 DG SMD Transistor transistor smd sensor 80L transistor bf 175 sdz-370n ccd LZ1032 Transister Data Book PDF


    Abstract: LR4087 alarm SL DIALER LR3441 Diode SY 356 lh5045 LR3463 LH5006A LR48232 LCD CHARACTER CODE LH5003
    Text: Product Lineup Product Lineup • Gate Arrays/Standard Cells 1 Gate Arrays P ro cess S eries LZ93 LZ95 CMOS F eatu re G ates High speed D esign rule Delay time Supply voltage O utput current V(TYP.) mA(MAX.) Page 300-5000 1.6 ,«m ns/gate * 1.7 5 4 41 300-10000

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    32kHz 22DIP LH5040 LH5041 LH5045 LH5047 LH5048 28DIP LR4802 LR4087 alarm SL DIALER LR3441 Diode SY 356 LR3463 LH5006A LR48232 LCD CHARACTER CODE LH5003 PDF


    Abstract: LZ92B31 190312
    Text: Defect Compensator LSI for 2/3" CCD LZ92B31 Defect Compensator LSI for 2/3" CCD • Description ■ Pin Connections The LZ92B31 is a defect compensator CMOS LSI controls the M B8541 defect compensation ROM and the L Z 92E 19 timing IC to com pensate defects of

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    LZ92B31 LZ92B31 B8541 24-pin lz92e19 190312 PDF


    Abstract: CIRCUIT diagram tv sharp 21 BG 12 Diode SY 345 mn60
    Text: Timing Pulse G enerator LSI for 2/3" C C D LZ92E19 LZ92E19 Timing Pulse Generator LSI for 2/3" CCD Description Pin Connections The LZ92E19 is a CMOS timing pulse generator LSI. U sed in combination with the LZ92B31 defect compensator LSI, it provides drive timing pulses,

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    LZ92E19 LZ92E19 LZ92B31 301f29l 26ll25l LZ22250G CIRCUIT diagram tv sharp 21 BG 12 Diode SY 345 mn60 PDF