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    e1 cable

    Abstract: characteristics of twisted pair cable 75 ohms coaxial cable Transformer small size AN144 LXT380 LXT381 LXT384 MBR0540T1 P0640SA
    Text: Common E1 75/120 Ohm Interface for the LXT38x LIU’s Application Note January 2001 Order Number: 249144-001 As of January 15, 2001, this document replaces the Level One document known as AN144. Information in this document is provided in connection with Intel products. No license, express or implied, by estoppel or otherwise, to any intellectual

    LXT38x AN144. LXT380/1 e1 cable characteristics of twisted pair cable 75 ohms coaxial cable Transformer small size AN144 LXT380 LXT381 LXT384 MBR0540T1 P0640SA PDF


    Abstract: LXT380 LXT381 LXT384 LXT386 249143 Intel LXT384
    Text: product brief Intel LXT384 Octal T1/E1/J1 Line Interface Unit Intel Delivers Intel Advantage With the introduction of its LXT38x series, Intel offers a transceiver that supports G.772 nonintrusive performance monitoring. This feature allows one channel to eavesdrop on other

    LXT384 LXT38x LXT384 USA/0501/3K/ASI/DC LXT388 LXT380 LXT381 LXT386 249143 Intel LXT384 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 1+1 Protection without Relays Using Cortina Systems LXT380/1/4/6/8 Hitless Protection Switching Application Note 10 August 2007 Document Number 249464 Revision 2.0 LXT38x LIU Application Note 249464, Revision 2.0 10 August 2007 Legal Disclaimers This document contains information proprietary to Cortina Systems, Inc. Cortina . Any use or disclosure, in whole or in part, of this

    LXT380/1/4/6/8 LXT38x LXT380 PDF


    Abstract: LXT386 386 intel lxt388 LXT380 LXT381 LXT384
    Text: product brief Intel LXT386 Quad T1/E1/J1 Transceiver Intel Delivers Intel Internet Exchange Architecture ® Intel introduces a family of T1/E1 3.3V transceivers that are pin-to-pin and software compatible. This LXT product series includes the Intel® LXT380, LXT381, LXT384, and

    LXT386 LXT380, LXT381, LXT384, LXT388 LXT386 544Mbps 048Mbps USA/0501/3K/ASI/DC 249133 386 intel lxt388 LXT380 LXT381 LXT384 PDF


    Abstract: E1. N diode GR-499-CORE IEE1149 LXT3008 LXT384 MBR0540T1 PO720EA70 PO720E
    Text: LXT3008 T1/E1/J1 N+1 Protection Interface Unit Preliminary Datasheet The Intel Protection Interface Unit Intel® PIU , LXT3008, is a multiplexing element to be used in lieu of relays for more reliable and faster switching in a protection environment. It

    LXT3008 LXT3008, LXT38x 5M-1994. LXT3008 LXT3008BE E1. N diode GR-499-CORE IEE1149 LXT384 MBR0540T1 PO720EA70 PO720E PDF

    IC Analog Switch Chip

    Abstract: AN2857 APP2857 DS2155 MAX4674 MAX4714 MAX4717 MAX4736 PE-65771 PE-68644
    Text: Maxim/Dallas > App Notes > SWITCHES AND MULTIPLEXERS TELECOM Keywords: T1, E1, J1, redundancy, analog switches, LIU, line interface unit, T1/E1/J1 line cards, N+1, redundancy protection, transceivers Nov 18, 2003 APPLICATION NOTE 2857 T1/E1/J1, N+1 Redundancy With Analog Switches

    com/an2857 DS2155: MAX4674: MAX4714: MAX4717: MAX4736: AN2857, APP2857, Appnote2857, IC Analog Switch Chip AN2857 APP2857 DS2155 MAX4674 MAX4714 MAX4717 MAX4736 PE-65771 PE-68644 PDF


    Abstract: LXT386 LXT380 LXT380BE LXT381 LXT384 LXT framer LXT38X iXA 160 Remote Switching Center
    Text: product brief Intel LXT380/381 Octal E1 Transceivers Intel® Delivers Intel Internet Exchange Architecture ® design/network Intel® introduces a family of T1/E1 3.3V transceivers that are pin-to-pin and software compatible. This LXT product series includes

    LXT380/381 LXT380 LXT381 LXT384, LXT386, LXT388 048Mbps USA/0101/1K/ASI/DC lxt388 LXT386 LXT380BE LXT381 LXT384 LXT framer LXT38X iXA 160 Remote Switching Center PDF

    characteristics of twisted pair cable

    Abstract: twisted pair cable twisted pair cable with parameter datasheets twisted pair e1 cable PaIR RESISTORS AN128 LXT380 LXT384 LXT386
    Text: LXT384/6/8 Twisted Pair Interface — Without Component Changes Application Note January 2001 Order Number: 249138-001 As of January 15, 2001, this document replaces the Level One document known as AN128. Information in this document is provided in connection with Intel products. No license, express or implied, by estoppel or otherwise, to any intellectual

    LXT384/6/8 AN128. LXT38X characteristics of twisted pair cable twisted pair cable twisted pair cable with parameter datasheets twisted pair e1 cable PaIR RESISTORS AN128 LXT380 LXT384 LXT386 PDF


    Abstract: APP2857 DS2155 MAX4674 MAX4714 MAX4717 MAX4736 PE-65771 PE-68644
    Text: Maxim > App Notes > Switches and Multiplexers T/E Carrier and Packetized Keywords: T1, E1, J1, redundancy, analog switches, LIU, line interface unit, T1/E1/J1 line cards, N+1, redundancy protection, transceivers Dec 15, 2003 APPLICATION NOTE 2857 T1/E1/J1, N+1 redundancy with analog switches

    MAX4714: MAX4717: MAX4736: com/an2857 AN2857, APP2857, Appnote2857, AN2857 APP2857 DS2155 MAX4674 MAX4714 MAX4717 MAX4736 PE-65771 PE-68644 PDF


    Abstract: LXT386 LEVEL ONE COMMUNICATIONS LXT380 level one microwave transceiver microwave transceiver specification G-772 E1 HDB3
    Text: QUAD T1/E1/J1 TRANSCEIVER Product Brief LXT386 QUAD T1/E1/J1 TRANSCEIVER Remote Access Wireless Infrastructure T1/E1 T1/E1 DSU/CSU Router Access Switch Add-Drop MUX SONET/SDH Ring T1/E1 Interface Internet Access POTS Service T1/E1 Add-Drop MUX Remote Access

    LXT386 100-pin PB-0016-1199-5K LEVEL ONE COMMUNICATIONS LXT380 level one microwave transceiver microwave transceiver specification G-772 E1 HDB3 PDF

    e1 cable

    Abstract: LXT384 characteristics of twisted pair cable cable e1 16 x E1 G.703 coaxial d5 coaxial d8 mark tv2 twisted pair cable with parameter TWP cable
    Text: LXT380/1/4/6/8 Redundancy Applications Application Note January 2001 Order Number: 249134-001 As of January 15, 2001, this document replaces the Level One document known as AN119. Information in this document is provided in connection with Intel products. No license, express or implied, by estoppel or otherwise, to any intellectual

    LXT380/1/4/6/8 AN119. LXT38x e1 cable LXT384 characteristics of twisted pair cable cable e1 16 x E1 G.703 coaxial d5 coaxial d8 mark tv2 twisted pair cable with parameter TWP cable PDF


    Abstract: LXT381 LXT384 LXT386 LXT388
    Text: product brief Intel LXT380/381 Octal E1 Line Interface Unit Intel Delivers Intel Internet Exchange Architecture ® Intel introduces a family of T1/E1 3.3V transceivers that are pin-to-pin and software compatible. This LXT product series includes the Intel® LXT380 and LXT381 detailed in this

    LXT380/381 LXT380 LXT381 LXT384, LXT386, LXT388 048Mbps USA/0501/3K/ASI/DC LXT381 LXT384 LXT386 LXT388 PDF

    16 x E1 G.703

    Abstract: dpdt mechanical relays 3v LC03-6 LXT380 LXT381 LXT384 LXT386 LXT388 analog isolated Signal Transformer twisted pair EN-6100-4-5
    Text: 1+1 Protection without Relays Using Intel LXT380/1/4/6/8 Hitless Protection Switching Application Note August 2001 Order Number: 249464-001 Information in this document is provided in connection with Intel® products. No license, express or implied, by estoppel or otherwise, to any intellectual

    LXT380/1/4/6/8 LXT38x 16 x E1 G.703 dpdt mechanical relays 3v LC03-6 LXT380 LXT381 LXT384 LXT386 LXT388 analog isolated Signal Transformer twisted pair EN-6100-4-5 PDF


    Abstract: E1 HDB3 E1 PCM encoder LXT386 LXT380 LXT381 LXT384 INTEL CLOCK AND DATA RECOVERY
    Text: product brief Intel LXT388 Dual T1/E1/J1 Transceiver Intel Delivers debugging purposes without interrupting service. This powerful tool can help you reduce system downtime and achieve faster time-to-market. The Intel® LXT388 also offers Intel® Hitless Protection Switching Intel® HPS ,
