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    Abstract: sharp lt1450ed LT1450 led matrix circuits
    Text: Dot Matrix LED Units LT1450ED 1 6 X 16 Dot Matrix LED Unit for LTI 450ED Outdoor Use • Block Diagram W Features 1. 16X 16 dot matrix LED unit 2. Active display size: 95.7mm square 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Three color emission by use of dichromatic LED Radiation color: Red, yellow-green and

    LT1450ED 450ED Gui91ii LT1450ED sharp lt1450ed LT1450 led matrix circuits PDF


    Abstract: 5*7 led dot matrix driver led matrix 8 x 16 driver led drl LT1450ED led display clock circuits LT1461ED hd led matrix led driver sharp lt1450ed
    Text: LT1461ED Dot Matrix LED Units 16 X 16 Dot Matrix LED Unit for LT1461ED Indoor Use • Block Diagram H Features dot matrix LED unit display size: 63.8mm square Three color emission by use of dichromatic LED Radiation color: Red, yellow-green and orange mixed color

    LT1461ED LT1450ED LT1450E0 5 x 7 DOT MATRIX AND IC DIAGRAM 5*7 led dot matrix driver led matrix 8 x 16 driver led drl LT1450ED led display clock circuits LT1461ED hd led matrix led driver sharp lt1450ed PDF


    Abstract: sharp lt1450ed AP-aa70 6CN3
    Text: Dot Matrix LED Units LT1450ED 1 6 X 1 6 D o t M atrix LE D U nit for LT1450ED Outdoor Use • Features 3. 4. 5. 6. 16 X 16 dot matrix LED unit Active display size: 95.7mm square Three color emission by use of di­ chromatic LED Radiation color: Red, yellow-green and

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    LT1450ED T1450E LT1450E SHARP505 LT1450 sharp lt1450ed AP-aa70 6CN3 PDF


    Abstract: LT1450
    Text: Dot Matrix LED Units LT1461ED LT1461ED 1 6 X 1 6 D ot M atrix LED Unit for Indoor Use Features 5. 6. 7. 8. Outline Dim ensions Unit: mm • T e rminal Functions Connector CNl / Power \ Vsupply ' Pin No. N am e 1 V f .K Il F u n c tio n P o w e r s u p p ly fo r L E D

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    LT1461ED LT1450E LT1450ED LT1450 PDF


    Abstract: pin diagram 16x16 LED matrix display GL9N06 LT1441 pin diagram of 8x8 LED dot matrix display dot Matrix LED 8x8 Display Driver LT1450 GL9D06A GL8P06A GL9D06
    Text: Dot Matrix LEDs/Alphanumeric LEDs UTM IDE D I 61607^5 □□□0M7b h | SHARP ELEK/ flELEC DIV Sharp dot matrix LEDs and alphanumeric LEDs are produced in the start-to-finish production system, from the semiconductor material growth to the final assembly. They provide clear, bright, highly reliable displays in various types

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    16x16 LT5001P GL8N06A pin diagram 16x16 LED matrix display GL9N06 LT1441 pin diagram of 8x8 LED dot matrix display dot Matrix LED 8x8 Display Driver LT1450 GL9D06A GL8P06A GL9D06 PDF


    Abstract: GL6P201 GL7P210 GL5HY8 LT5013 LT9040E GL3CL8 GL107R12 LT9325E GL8P040
    Text: Model No. List Model No. List • Blue LEO Lamps Model No. GL3BX44 ■ ¿3 m m T - l LED Lamps P ag e 40 Model No. Pag e ■ ¿5m m (T - l 3/4) LED Lamps Model No. Page GL3HD43 55 GL5LR41 85 GL5BX43 42 GL3HS43 55 GL5PR41 85 GL5BX44 44 GL3HY43 55 GL5HD41

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    GL3BX44 GL5BX43 GL5BX44 GL3HD43 GL3HS43 GL3HY43 GL3EG43 GL5LR41 GL5PR41 GL5HD41 LT1450ED GL6P201 GL7P210 GL5HY8 LT5013 LT9040E GL3CL8 GL107R12 LT9325E GL8P040 PDF

    hy 214 4 digit Display

    Abstract: hy 214 A Display 9526H 9560D 9550E GL047PR LT5005D LT9325E 9525H GL3P403
    Text: Quick Reference Guide Quick Reference Guide Super-Iuminosity LED Lamps/High-Iuminosity LED Lamps/LED Lamps/Blue LED Lamps Milky diffusion R a d ia tio n s h a p e m m Colored diffusion Colored transparency Colorless transparency L e n s ty p e A p p e a ra n c e

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    GL3LR44 GL3TR44 GL3TR43 GLWR44 GL3PR43 GL3HD44 GL3HS44 GL3KG44 G05H11 GL107H8 hy 214 4 digit Display hy 214 A Display 9526H 9560D 9550E GL047PR LT5005D LT9325E 9525H GL3P403 PDF