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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: LT1223 100MHz Current Feedback Amplifier U DESCRIPTIO FEATURES • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ 100MHz Bandwidth at AV = 1 1000V/µs Slew Rate Wide Supply Range: ±5V to ±15V 1mV Input Offset Voltage 1µA Input Bias Current 5MΩ Input Resistance 75ns Settling Time to 0.1%

    LT1223 100MHz 000V/Â 12-Bit LT1223 LT1206 250mA/60MHz LT1395 PDF

    toshiba laptop schematic diagram

    Abstract: toshiba laptop battery pack pinout 2SK147 toshiba toshiba satellite laptop battery pinout 2SK147 lateral mosfet audio amplifier spice model 2sk147 lt1117 spice model toshiba notebook schematic diagram free FETs working 60Ghz
    Text: LINEAR TECHNOLOGY OCTOBER 1991 IN THIS ISSUE . . . COVER ARTICLE LTC1272: Single-Supply, Sampling 12-Bit ADC Guarantees 3-microsecond Conversions . 1 William Rempfer EDITOR'S PAGE . 2 Richard Markell DESIGN FEATURES The LT1190 Family, A Product

    LTC1272: 12-Bit LT1190 LTC1264-7 200kHz. LTC1100, LT1101 LT1102: LTC1155 LT1109 toshiba laptop schematic diagram toshiba laptop battery pack pinout 2SK147 toshiba toshiba satellite laptop battery pinout 2SK147 lateral mosfet audio amplifier spice model 2sk147 lt1117 spice model toshiba notebook schematic diagram free FETs working 60Ghz PDF

    lt6211 transistor

    Abstract: LT6210 LT1223 LT1223C LT1223CJ8 LT1223CN8 LT1223CS8 LT1223M gs 069 0605 RF POWER TRANSISTOR 100MHz 5db
    Text: LT1223 100MHz Current Feedback Amplifier U FEATURES DESCRIPTIO • The LT 1223 is a 100MHz current feedback amplifier with very good DC characteristics. The LT1223’s high slew rate, 1000V/µs, wide supply range, ±15V, and large output drive, ±50mA, make it ideal for driving analog signals over

    LT1223 100MHz LT1223 LT1206 250mA/60MHz LT1395 lt6211 transistor LT6210 LT1223C LT1223CJ8 LT1223CN8 LT1223CS8 LT1223M gs 069 0605 RF POWER TRANSISTOR 100MHz 5db PDF


    Abstract: LT1223C LT1223CJ8 LT1223CN8 LT1223M LT1223MJ8 pin configuration 1K variable resistor
    Text: LT1223 100MHz Current Feedback Amplifier U DESCRIPTIO FEATURES • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ 100MHz Bandwidth at AV = 1 1000V/µs Slew Rate Wide Supply Range: ±5V to ±15V 1mV Input Offset Voltage 1µA Input Bias Current 5MΩ Input Resistance 75ns Settling Time to 0.1%

    LT1223 100MHz LT1223 LT1223C LT1223CJ8 LT1223CN8 LT1223M LT1223MJ8 pin configuration 1K variable resistor PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: u n m TECHNOLOGY w . 100MHz C urrent Feedb ack Am plifier K R T U IK S DCSCRIPTIOn • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ The LT1223 is a 100MHz current feedback amplifier with very good DC characteristics. The LT1223’s high slew

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    100MHz LT1223 LT1223â 10OOV/jas, 000V/| LT1223s LT1223 150mA PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: DEC i 1 1992 r r u n w i TECHNOLOGY F€RTUR€S _ LT1223 100MHz Current Feedback Amplifier DCSCRIPTIOH The LT1223 is a 100MHz current feedback amplifier with • 100MHz Bandwidth at Av = 1 ■ 1000V/ i,s Slew Rate very good DC characteristics. The LT1223’s high slew

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    LT1223 100MHz LT1223 LT1223â conventio25 CA95035-7487 PDF