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    Analog Devices Inc LTC2939HMS#PBF

    Supervisory Circuits Con?gurable 6-S Mon s w/ Watchdog Time
    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    Mouser Electronics LTC2939HMS#PBF 319
    • 1 $8.7
    • 10 $5.94
    • 100 $5.13
    • 1000 $5.12
    • 10000 $5.12
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    Analog Devices Inc LTC2939CMS#PBF

    Supervisory Circuits Con?gurable 6-S Mon s w/ Watchdog Time
    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    Mouser Electronics LTC2939CMS#PBF 249
    • 1 $9.15
    • 10 $6.18
    • 100 $5.12
    • 1000 $4.06
    • 10000 $4.06
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    Analog Devices Inc LT1939EDD#PBF

    Switching Voltage Regulators Mono 2A Buck Reg Plus Lin Reg/Cntr
    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    Mouser Electronics LT1939EDD#PBF 121
    • 1 $9.99
    • 10 $6.79
    • 100 $5.88
    • 1000 $4.57
    • 10000 $4.57
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    Analog Devices Inc LTC2939IMS#PBF

    Supervisory Circuits Con?gurable 6-S Mon s w/ Watchdog Time
    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    Mouser Electronics LTC2939IMS#PBF 30
    • 1 $10.13
    • 10 $6.89
    • 100 $5.74
    • 1000 $4.66
    • 10000 $4.66
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    Samtec Inc ZLTMM-125-73-L-D-389-39

    Headers & Wire Housings 2.00 mm Shrouded Variable Stack Height Terminal Strip
    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    Mouser Electronics ZLTMM-125-73-L-D-389-39
    • 1 $11.06
    • 10 $10.22
    • 100 $6.81
    • 1000 $4.31
    • 10000 $2.65
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    LT 939 Datasheets Context Search

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    TA 7092 AP

    Abstract: BF 178 TO-39 CASE connection MPQ7092 pj 939 sot 23 PW1 46
    Text: MOTOROLA SC XSTRS/R F 1 Z E I b 3 b 7 2 5 4 0 G ñ b Q 4 7 1 M A X I M U M R A T IN G S Sym bol R a tin g M PQ7091 M PQ 7092 M PÛ 7093 MPQ7091 thru MPQ7093 U n it C o lie cto r-E m itte r V o lt a g e VcEO 150 200 250 Vdc C o lle cto r-B a se V o lt a g e

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    PQ7091 Y14SM, Y145M, TA 7092 AP BF 178 TO-39 CASE connection MPQ7092 pj 939 sot 23 PW1 46 PDF

    philips 4322 191

    Abstract: SAA2002 SAA2002GP SAA2012
    Text: Philips Semiconductors Product specification Stereo filter and codec SAA2002 FEATURES • Stereo filtering and codec functions in a single chip • Drive processing interface • Filtered data interface COMPACT CASSETTE • Baseband audio data interface • LT interface to microcontroller

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    SAA2002 SAA2002 SAA2012) FS256 00AD3b0 philips 4322 191 SAA2002GP SAA2012 PDF


    Abstract: 2n3904 pre-amp application note geospace 630TM LT1677 1N4148 2N3904 2N3906 LT1635 LT1884
    Text: advertisement Rail-to-Rail Amplifiers Operate on 2.7V with 20µV Offset Design Note 230 Glen Brisebois The LT 1677 and LT1884 are the latest results of Linear Technology’s quest for the “ideal” Op Amp1. Both of them will operate with supplies down to 2.7V, have only 20µV

    LT1884 LT1677 LT1884 150pA 42VP-P LT1634B-2 DN230 com/go/dnLT1677 com/go/dnLT1884 geophone 2n3904 pre-amp application note geospace 630TM 1N4148 2N3904 2N3906 LT1635 PDF


    Abstract: differential electret condenser microphone preamp PANASONIC WM-61 DATASHEET OF IC 741 op-amp datasheets of op-amp ic 741 WM-61 OP-07 differential pdf of 741 ic 741 gbw DATASHEET OF IC 741 OP AMP
    Text: LT1677 Low Noise, Rail-to-Rail Precision Op Amp U FEATURES DESCRIPTIO • The LT 1677 features the lowest noise performance available for a rail-to-rail operational amplifier: 3.2nV/√Hz wideband noise, 1/f corner frequency of 13Hz and 90nV peak-to-peak 0.1Hz to 10Hz noise. Low noise is combined

    LT1677 130dB 100mV. 10fA/Hz LT1793 LT1806 325MHz LT1881/LT1882 1000pF, 200pA gs-20dx differential electret condenser microphone preamp PANASONIC WM-61 DATASHEET OF IC 741 op-amp datasheets of op-amp ic 741 WM-61 OP-07 differential pdf of 741 ic 741 gbw DATASHEET OF IC 741 OP AMP PDF


    Abstract: 4JA3512FH1AD1 4JA3512FS1BD1 ECG469 M 9512 FY AY 5 3500 MC2A
    Text: Silicon A3512 SERIES Rectifier Stacks H igh C o nve rsio n Efficiency — Up to 99% in certain applications. Excellent Regulation — F orw ard v o lta g e drops of less than one v o lt per cell. Low Reverse C u rre n t— Excellent fo r m a g n e tic a m p li­

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    A3512 ECG-544. MIL-STD-202 4JA3512BC1BD1 4JA3512FH1AD1 4JA3512FS1BD1 ECG469 M 9512 FY AY 5 3500 MC2A PDF

    50 Hz notch filter

    Abstract: LTC1060 LTC1059 LTC1059AC LTC1059ACJ LTC1059AM LTC1059C LTC1059M LTC1061 max bandpass filter Center Frequency Range 500kHz
    Text: LTC1059 L in C A E _ . TECHNOLOGY High Perform ance Switched C a p a c ito r Universal Filter F € flT U R € S D C S C R IP T IO n Guaranteed over Tem perature A ll Filte r Param eters T h e LT C 10 5 9 c o nsists o f a general p urp ose, high perfor­

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    LTC1059 40kHz) LTC1059A) LTC1059 14-Lead H7-11 50 Hz notch filter LTC1060 LTC1059AC LTC1059ACJ LTC1059AM LTC1059C LTC1059M LTC1061 max bandpass filter Center Frequency Range 500kHz PDF

    STR 6707 CIRCUIT diagram used in sony tv

    Abstract: CDM24 algorithm behind 5 pen pc technology EM-18 READER MODULE sony colour tv circuit diagram lo9465 cdm12.6 images for rf section in colour tv Philips SAA7146 Video Capture Device TDA8041
    Text: S E M I C O N D U C TO R S F O R M U LT I M E D I A A P P L I C AT I O N S INTRODUCTION Few people would disagree that multimedia is one of the most exciting topics in the semiconductor world today. What makes it so exciting is not just that multimedia technologies have

    SCB41 STR 6707 CIRCUIT diagram used in sony tv CDM24 algorithm behind 5 pen pc technology EM-18 READER MODULE sony colour tv circuit diagram lo9465 cdm12.6 images for rf section in colour tv Philips SAA7146 Video Capture Device TDA8041 PDF

    SI 6822

    Abstract: C2344 pyle-national ba 5830 fm NEP-LOC 0BKG I334 cat 6822 m DB934 DBZM-5824
    Text: PERFORMANCE CONNECTORS FOR LIQUID TIGHT STRAIN-RELIEF OF CORD, CABLE & FLEXIBLE CONDUIT B ulletin LT-300 PYLE-NATIONAL CONNECTORS HELPFUL INFORMATION — F E A T U R E S & B E N E F IT S Tapered ru b b e r g ro m m e t a n d seat Secure cord the entve length o f grom m et m aking a liquidtignc seal

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    LT-300 SI 6822 C2344 pyle-national ba 5830 fm NEP-LOC 0BKG I334 cat 6822 m DB934 DBZM-5824 PDF


    Abstract: MC7915 TO-3 MC7912 K lt529 MC7905 MC-7816 MC7815 TO-92 221A-04 MC7800 transistor wc TO39
    Text: M M O T O R O MC7900 Series L A T H R E E -T E R M IN A L N E G A T IV E V O LT A G E R E G U L A T O R S The MC7900 Series of fixed output negative voltage regulators are intended as complements to the popular MC7800 Series devices. These negative regulators are available in the same

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    MC7900 MC7800 0-38Q M98SC Y1441912. MC790P MC7915 TO-3 MC7912 K lt529 MC7905 MC-7816 MC7815 TO-92 221A-04 transistor wc TO39 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MOTOROLA SEM ICO NDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA MC34013A TELEPHONE SPEECH NETW ORK A N D TO NE DIALER SPEECH NETWORK AND TONE DIALER L in e a r/I^ L T e c h n o lo g y P ro v id e s L o w 1.4 V o lt O p e ra tio n in B o th S p e e c h a n d D ia lin g M o d e s B IP O LA R U N E A R /|2 l

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    MC34013A MDA106A, 4-1N4005 2N4126 1N5931A CSB500 EM-95 07A181P DH-34 DH-34 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MC34061 MC34061A M OTOROLA Advance Inform ation THREE-TERMINAL PROGRAMMABLE OVERVOLTAGE SENSING CIRCUIT THREE-TERMINAL OVERVOLTAGE "CROWBAR" SENSING CIRCUIT T h e M C 3 4 0 6 1 ,A o v e r v o lt a g e p ro te c tio n O V P c ir c u it , in c o m ­ b in a tio n w it h tw o e x te r n a l p ro g ra m m in g r e s is to r s a n d a “ c r o w ­

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    MC34061 MC34061A MC34061 PDF

    diode LT UG 1007

    Abstract: SM 4151
    Text: I I i1— R e a lt im e d o c k /c a le n d a r u IBUS 1, i s " A p r i i ' 1 99 9 P r o d u c t s p e c ific a tio n G e n e ra l d e s c r ip tio n The PC F8563 is a C M O S real-tim e clock/calendar optim ized for low pow er consum ption. A program m able clock output, interrupt output and voltage-low detector

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    F8563 diode LT UG 1007 SM 4151 PDF

    Apollo VP2

    Abstract: VT82C42 8259 Interrupt Controller SFF-8038 connector intel 8259 VT82C4 vt82c586b "Hot Plug and Play" DCS1AM VT82C5
    Text: VIA Technologies,Inc. VT82C586A VT82C586A PIPC P C I I n t e g r a t e d P e r ip h e r a l C o n t r o l l e r P C 9 7 C o m p l ia n t P C I- t o -IS A B r id g e w it h P l u g a n d P l a y , U S B C o n t r o l l e r , M a s t e r M o d e ID E C o n t r o l l e r w i t h U lt r a D M A - 3 3 ,

    OCR Scan
    VT82C586A VT82C586A S12885 TA-0-70 208-Pin Apollo VP2 VT82C42 8259 Interrupt Controller SFF-8038 connector intel 8259 VT82C4 vt82c586b "Hot Plug and Play" DCS1AM VT82C5 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: S iD e X HS9393/9394 ^ C o rp o ra tio n * SIGNAL PROCESSING EXCELLENCE 12-BIT ULTRA HIGH SPEED, VOLTAGE or CURRENT OUTPUT D/A CONVERTER FEATURES • HS9393 50nsec settling time [4mA step to ± 1/2LSB HS9394 — Ifjsec maximum voltage output settling time

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    HS9393/9394 12-BIT HS9393 50nsec HS9394 HS9393) PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: INTEGRATED CIRCUITS 74F524 8-bit register comparator open-collector + 3-State Product specification IC15 Data Handbook Philips Semiconductors 1990 Aug 07 Philips Semiconductors Product specification 8-bit register comparator (open collector + 3-State) FEATURES

    74F524 74F524 PDF

    emitter phototransistor til 194

    Abstract: TIL194A D32B7 HTI 2E TII195A TIL194B TIL195 TIL195B TIL196 TIL196A
    Text: T IL194, T IL 195, T IL 196, TIL194A, T II1 9 5 A , TIL196A TIL194B, TIL195B. TIL196B AC INPUT OPTOCOUPLERS SOESOD1 D3287 MAY 1969 REVISED SEPTEMBER 1 939 • AC Signal Input • Choice of Three Currftnt-Transfer Ratios • Gallium-Arsenide Diode Infrared Source

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    TILI94. TIL195, TIL196, TIL194A, TII195A, TIL196A TIL194B, TIL195B, TIL196B D32B7 emitter phototransistor til 194 TIL194A HTI 2E TII195A TIL194B TIL195 TIL195B TIL196 TIL196A PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Philips Semiconductors Product specification T riacs logic level GENERAL DESCRIPTION Glass passivated, sensitive gate triacs in a plastic envelope suitable for surface mounting, intended for use in general purpose bidirectional switching and phase control

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    BT131W BT131WRepetitive OT223 PDF


    Abstract: B0937 B0941 BD937 B0939 BD941 BD934 philips BD933 IEC134 c 939
    Text: BD933; 935 BD937;- 939 BD941 PHILIPS INTERNATIONAL SbE D • 7 1 1 0 fiEb 0 0 4 3 D 44 41b IPHIN SILICON EPITAXIAL BASE POWER TRANSISTORS T-Z3~0*=i N-P-N silicon transistors in a plastic envelope intended for use in output stages of audio and television amplifier circuits where high peak powers can occur.

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    BD933; BD937 BD941 7110fl2b 0043D44 BD934; BD933 T-33-09 BD937; BD934 B0937 B0941 B0939 BD941 BD934 philips IEC134 c 939 PDF


    Abstract: project on circuit diagram online UPS 2000w power amplifier circuit diagram UPS circuit diagram CIRCUIT DIAGRAM UPS 2000w dc to ac inverter Circuit diagram 3 phase UPS block diagram dsp based Online UPS ups design single phase ups circuit diagram
    Text: Application Report SPRA589A Implementing Triple Conversion Single-Phase On-line UPS using TMS320C240 Shamim Choudhury DCS Applications Abstract Uninterruptible power supplies UPS play an important role in interfacing critical loads such as computers, communication systems, medical/life support systems, and industrial controls to the

    SPRA589A TMS320C240 TMS320C24ustomer DSP BASED ONLINE UPS design project on circuit diagram online UPS 2000w power amplifier circuit diagram UPS circuit diagram CIRCUIT DIAGRAM UPS 2000w dc to ac inverter Circuit diagram 3 phase UPS block diagram dsp based Online UPS ups design single phase ups circuit diagram PDF


    Abstract: 9932-100-6005 SCI-9925-200 SCI-2160-013 SCI-2030-010 SCI-9910-502 9053-100-0001 54-790-023 SCI-3122-000 1214-007
    Text: *1566 PRINTER 03-62 12/4/06 9:06 AM Page 61 Low Pass EMI Filters CERTIFIED SPECTRUM CONTROL INC. • 8031 Avonia Rd. • Fairview, PA 16415 • Phone: 814-474-2207 • Fax: 814-474-2208 • Web site: SPECTRUM CONTROL GmbH • Hansastrasse 6 • 91126 Schwabach, Germany • Phone: 49 -9122-795-0 • Fax: (49)-9122-795-58



    Abstract: M15733 SCI-9510-503 sci 51-729-312 microwave product MIL-C-11015 SCI-2160-013 9920-501 M28861 sci-6120
    Text: *1566 PRINTER 03-62 12/4/06 9:06 AM Page 61 Low Pass EMI Filters CERTIFIED SPECTRUM CONTROL INC. • 8031 Avonia Rd. • Fairview, PA 16415 • Phone: 814-474-2207 • Fax: 814-474-2208 • Web site: SPECTRUM CONTROL GmbH • Hansastrasse 6 • 91126 Schwabach, Germany • Phone: 49 -9122-795-0 • Fax: (49)-9122-795-58


    st GK 12

    Abstract: BY2202
    Text: SCRs G A IO O Nuclear Radiation Resistant, Planar G A 1 0 2 FEATURES • Optimized for Radiation Resistance • Ful ly Characterized for “Worst Case" Design • Post Radiation Design Limits Specified • Passivated Planar Construction for Maximum Reliability and Parameter

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    GA100 st GK 12 BY2202 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: T O S H IB A MIG75Q202H TO SH IBA INTELLIGENT GTR M O D ULE SILICON N CHANNEL IGBT MIG75Q202H HIGH P O W ER SWITCHING APPLICATIONS M O TO R CONTROL APPLICATIONS • In teg ra te s Inverter, B rake Pow er C ircuits & Control C ircuits IGBT drive units, Protection units

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    MIG75Q202H 2-110A1A PDF

    thermistor SCK 103 NTC

    Abstract: NTC thermistor SCK 103 mcp4018 MCP40D17 THERMISTORS - SCK 502 MCP4022 sck 103 thermistor wheatstone Bridge amplifier i2c rheostat hi power sot-23 MARKING CODE 431
    Text: MCP40D17/18/19 7-Bit Single I2C with Command Code Digital POT with Volatile Memory in SC70 Package Types Features • Potentiometer or Rheostat configuration options • 7-bit: Resistor Network Resolution - 127 Resistors (128 Steps) • Zero Scale to Full Scale Wiper operation

    MCP40D17/18/19 MCP40D18 DS22152B-page thermistor SCK 103 NTC NTC thermistor SCK 103 mcp4018 MCP40D17 THERMISTORS - SCK 502 MCP4022 sck 103 thermistor wheatstone Bridge amplifier i2c rheostat hi power sot-23 MARKING CODE 431 PDF