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    LSH32JC42 Search Results

    LSH32JC42 Datasheets (1)

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    LSH32JC42 Logic Devices 32-Bit Cascadable Barrel Shifter Scan PDF

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    Abstract: 16 bit barrel shifter circuit diagram LSH32 32 bit barrel shifter using two level multiplexer SMD CODE y17
    Text: LSH32 LSH32 DEVICES INCORPORATED 32-bit Cascadable Barrel Shifter 32-bit Cascadable Barrel Shifter DEVICES INCORPORATED FEATURES DESCRIPTION ❑ 32-bit Input, 32-bit Output Multiplexed to 16 Lines ❑ Full 0-31 Position Barrel Shift Capability ❑ Integral Priority Encoder for 32-bit

    LSH32 32-bit 32-bit MIL-STD-883, 68-pin Y3014 16 bit barrel shifter circuit diagram LSH32 32 bit barrel shifter using two level multiplexer SMD CODE y17 PDF

    smd diode L27

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: LOGIC LSH32 32-bit Cascadable Barrel Shifter D E V IC E S IN C O R P O R A T E D FEATURES _ □ 32-bit Input, 32-bit Output Multi­ plexed to 16 Lines □ Full 0-31 Position Barrel Shift Capability □ Integral Priority Encoder for 32-bit Floating Point Normalization

    OCR Scan
    LSH32 32-bit 32-bit MIL-STD-883, 68-pin smd diode L27 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: S mr h — — LSH32 32-bit Cascadable Barrel Shifter DEVICES INCORPORATED FEATURES □ 32-bit Input, 32-bit Output Multi­ plexed to 16 Lines □ Full 0-31 Position Barrel Shift Capability □ Integral Priority Encoder for 32-bit Floating Point Normalization

    OCR Scan
    LSH32 32-bit 32-bit MIL-STD-883, 68-pin PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: LSH32 32-bit Cascadable Barrel Shifter FEATURES □ 32-bit Input, 32-bit Output Multiplexed to 16 Lines □ Full 0-31 Position Barrel Shift Capability □ Integral Priority Encoder for 32-bit Floating Point Normalization □ Sign-Magnitude or Two's Comple­

    OCR Scan
    32-bit 68-pin LSH32 LSH32 L301-29 PDF


    Abstract: SL4 diode y19 smd code 51c7 LS Contactor 32 bit barrel shifter using two level multiplexer 16 bit barrel shifter circuit diagram Yl60 pin diagram priority encoder 32 to 5
    Text: LO GIC LSH32 D E V IC E S IN C O R P O R A T E D 32-bit Cascadable Barrel Shifter FEATURES DESCRIPTION □ 32-bit Input, 32-bit O utput Multi­ plexed to 16 Lines □ Full 0-31 Position Barrel Shift Capability □ Integral Priority E ncoder for 32-bit Floating Point N orm alization

    OCR Scan
    LSH32 32-bit MIL-STD-883, 68-pin 2yl6 SL4 diode y19 smd code 51c7 LS Contactor 32 bit barrel shifter using two level multiplexer 16 bit barrel shifter circuit diagram Yl60 pin diagram priority encoder 32 to 5 PDF

    lem HA 10000

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: LOGIC LSH32 D E V IC E S IN C O R P O R A T E D 32-bit Cascadable Barrel Shifter FEATURES DESCRIPTION □ 32-b it Inpu t, 3 2 -bit O u tp u t M u lti­ p lexed to 16 Lines T he LSH32 is a 3 2 -b it high sp eed shifter d esig n ed for use in floating 16-b it field in clu d in g w ra p a ro u n d of

    OCR Scan
    LSH32 32-bit LSH32 Y29/13 Y25/9 LSH32GC42 LSH32GC32 LSH32GC20 LSH32JC42 LSH32JC32 lem HA 10000 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: LSH32 32-bit Cascadable Barrel Shifter Features Description □ 32-bit input, 32-bit output multi­ plexed to 16 lines The LSH32 is a 32-bit high speed shifter designed for use in floating point normalization, word p ack / unpack, field extraction, and similar

    OCR Scan
    LSH32 32-bit LSH32 32-bit 25/Y9 Y24/Y8 Y23/Y7 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: LOGIC LSH32 D E V IC E S IN C O R P O R A TED 32-bit Cascadable Barrel Shifter FEATURES DESCRIPTION □ 32-bit Input, 32-bit O utpu t M u lti­ plexed to 16 Lines □ Full 0-31 Position Barrel Sh ift C apability □ In tegral P riority E ncoder for 32-bit

    OCR Scan
    LSH32 32-bit 32-bit 68-pin LSH32EC42 LSH32EC32 LSH32EC20 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: LSH32 32-bit Cascadable Barrel Shifter D E V IC E S IN C O R P O R A T E D FEATURES □ 32-bit Input, 32-bit O utput M ulti­ plexed to 16 Lines □ Full 0-31 Position Barrel Shift Capability □ Integral Priority Encoder for 32-bit Floating Point N orm alization

    OCR Scan
    LSH32 32-bit 32-bit 68-pin PDF


    Abstract: YL93 smd diode L27
    Text: LSH32 32-bit C a s c a d a b l e Barrel Shifter FEATURES □ 32-bit Input, 32-bit Output Multi­ plexed to 16 Lines □ Full 0-31 Position Barrel Shift Capability □ Integral Priority Encoder for 32-bit Floating Point Normalization □ Sign-Magnitude or Two's Comple­

    OCR Scan
    LSH32 32-bit MIL-STD-883, 68-pin Y25I YL93 smd diode L27 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: — —— z — LSH32 - 32-bit Cascadable Barrel Shifter D h V I C t S IN C O R P O R A 111' FEATURES □ 32-bit Input, 32-bit O utpu t M u lti­ plexed to 16 Lines □ Full 0-31 Position Barrel Shift Capability □ Integral P riority Encoder for 32-bit

    OCR Scan
    LSH32 32-bit LSH32JC42 LSH32JC32 LSH32JC20 LSH32EC42 LSH32EC32 LSH32EC20 LSH32GMB40 PDF


    Abstract: pin diagram priority encoder 32 to 5 32 barrel shifter block diagram
    Text: SbE D LOGIC DEVICES INC • SSbSIOS Q0013HS 1 ■ _ _ _ T - ¥ k ± t 0 9 LSH32 32-bit Cascadable Barrel Shifter I FEATURES □ 32-bit Input, 32-bit Output Multiplexed to 16 Lines □ Pull 0-31 Position Barrel Shiit Capability □ Integral Priority Encoder for 32-bit

    OCR Scan
    0D01345 32-bit LSH32 32-blt 68-pin LD332 pin diagram priority encoder 32 to 5 32 barrel shifter block diagram PDF