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    LMU16GMB Search Results

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    550 b14 smd diode

    Abstract: LMU16GMB LMU16GM40 CY7C516 LMU16 LMU216 MPY016H TMC216H DIODE B14 LMU16DMB55
    Text: LMU16/216 LMU16/216 DEVICES INCORPORATED 16 x 16-bit Parallel Multiplier 16 x 16-bit Parallel Multiplier DEVICES INCORPORATED FEATURES DESCRIPTION ❑ 20 ns Worst-Case Multiply Time ❑ Low Power CMOS Technology ❑ Replaces TRW MPY016/TMC216, Cypress CY7C516, IDT 7216L, and

    LMU16/216 16-bit MPY016/TMC216, CY7C516, 7216L, Am29516 MIL-STD-883, 64-pin 550 b14 smd diode LMU16GMB LMU16GM40 CY7C516 LMU16 LMU216 MPY016H TMC216H DIODE B14 LMU16DMB55 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 3 L □ 20 ns Worst-Case M ultiply Time □ Low Power CMOS Technology □ Replaces TRW M PY016/TM C216, Cypress CY7C516, IDT 7216L, and AM D Am29516 □ Tw o's Complement, Unsigned, or Mixed Operands □ Three-State Outputs □ DESC SM D No. 5962-86873 □ Available 100% Screened to

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    PY016/TM CY7C516, 7216L, Am29516 MIL-STD-883, 64-pin 68-pin 16-bit PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: LMU16/216 16 x 16-bit Parallel Multiplier DEVICES IN C O R P O R A T E FEATURES □ 4 5 n s W o rst-C a se M u ltip ly T im e □ L ow P o w e r C M O S T e c h n o lo g y Ü R e p la c e s T R W M P Y 0 1 6 /T M C 2 1 6 , C y p re s s C Y 7 C 5 1 6 , ID T 7 2 1 6 L , a n d

    OCR Scan
    LMU16/216 16-bit LMU16 LMU216 LMU16GMB65 LMU16GMB55 LMU216JC65 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: L M U 16/216 16 x 16-bit Parallel Multiplier DESCRIPTION FEATURES □ 45 ns W orst-Case M ultiply Time □ Low Power CMOS Technology □ Replaces TRW MPY016/TMC216, Cypress CY7C516, IDT 7216L, and AMD Am29516 □ Two's Com plem ent, Unsigned, or Mixed O perands

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    16-bit MPY016/TMC216, CY7C516, 7216L, Am29516 MIL-STD-883, 64-pin 68-pin SMD IC ATD PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: L M U 1 6 /2 1 6 16 x 16-bit Parallel Multiplier FEATURES DESCRIPTION . □ 20 nsW orst-Case M ultiply Time □ Low Power CMOS Technology □ Replaces TRW M PY016/TM C216, Cypress CY7C516, IDT 7216L, and AMD Am29516 □ Two's Complement, Unsigned, or M ixed Operands

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    16-bit PY016/TM CY7C516, 7216L, Am29516 MIL-STD-883, 64-pin 68-pin PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: L M U 1 6 /2 1 6 16 x 16-bit Parallel Multiplier D E V IC E S IN C O R P O R A T E D FEATURES DESCRIPTION □ 45 ns Worst-Case Multiply Time □ Low Power CMOS Technology □ Replaces TRW MPY016/TMC216, Cypress CY7C516, IDT 7216L, and AMD Am29516 □ Two's Complement, Unsigned, or

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    16-bit MPY016/TMC216, CY7C516, 7216L, Am29516 MIL-STD-883, 64-pin 68-pin LMU16GMB PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: LOGIC DEVICES INC SbE D • S S b S T OS 000123? h ■ T - 9 5 ~ 0 7 16 x 16-bit Parallel Multiplier FEATURES Q 45 ns Worst-Case M ultiply Time L M U 1 6 /2 1 6 ¡DESCRIPTION. Q Available Screened to MIL-STD883, Class B The LM U16 and LMU216 are 16-bit parallel multipliers with high speed

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    16-bit MIL-STD883, LMU216 16-bit MPY016HJ Am29516 16and 64-pin PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 16 x 16-bit Parallel Multiplier LM U 1 6 /21 6 Features_ Description_ □ 45 ns worst-case multiply time □ Available screened to MIL-STD883, Class B The LMU16 and LMU216 are 16-bit parallel multipliers with high speed

    OCR Scan
    16-bit MIL-STD883, LMU16 LMU216 16-bit MPY016HJ Am29516 TheLMU16and 64-pin lmu16dm55 PDF


    Text: 2 bE D LOGIC D E V I CE S INC • S S b S I O S 0 G Ü 1 S 37 h ■ T -9 5 -0 7 1 6 x 1 6-bit Parallel Multiplier FEATURES LMU16/216 DESCRIPTION Q Available Screened to MIL-STD883, G ass B The LMU16 and LMU216 are 16-bit parallel multipliers with high speed

    OCR Scan
    0GG1237 T-9S-07 16-bit LMU16/216 MPY016HJ Am29516 tcrMIL-STD-883, 64-pin 68-pin MPY16HJ MPY-16HJ LD316 LMU16DMB LMU16GMB75 MPY016H LMU16DC LMU16GMB LMU16PC LMU16GC PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: LMU16/216 16 x 16-bit Parallel M u ltip lier D E V IC E S IN G Q R P O R A T F i FEATURES □ 45 n s W o rs t-C a s e M u ltip ly T im e □ L o w P o w e r C M O S T e c h n o lo g y □ R e p la c e s T R W M P Y 0 1 6 /T M C 2 1 6 , C y p re ss C Y 7 C 5 1 6 , ID T 7 2 1 6 L , and

    OCR Scan
    LMU16/216 16-bit LMU216JC65 LMU216JC55 U216JC45 U216KC65 U216KC55 U216KC45 U216KM75 U216KM65 LMU16D PDF

    equivalent data book of 10N60 mosfet

    Abstract: MC14016CP GD4511 an-6466 CX 2859 SMD 74AC14 spice 6120* harris HCF4018be 7028 SMD Transistor spice irfbc40
    Text: $5.00 S E M I C O N D U C T O R TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE Harris Marketing Support Services HMSS , 1-800-4HARRIS HMSS provides world-class service to customers requiring information on all products offered by Harris Semiconductor. Ask Harris Marketing Support Services for answers concerning:

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    1-800-4HARRIS equivalent data book of 10N60 mosfet MC14016CP GD4511 an-6466 CX 2859 SMD 74AC14 spice 6120* harris HCF4018be 7028 SMD Transistor spice irfbc40 PDF