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    LMU112JC50 Search Results

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    LMU112JC50 Price and Stock

    LSI Corporation LMU112JC-50

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    Bristol Electronics LMU112JC-50 93
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    Logic Devices Inc LMU112JC-50

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    Quest Components LMU112JC-50 17
    • 1 $18
    • 10 $13.5
    • 100 $13.5
    • 1000 $13.5
    • 10000 $13.5
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    LMU112JC50 Datasheets (1)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Curated Datasheet Type PDF
    LMU112JC50 Logic Devices 12 x 12-bit Parallel Multiplier Original PDF

    LMU112JC50 Datasheets Context Search

    Catalog Datasheet MFG & Type Document Tags PDF


    Abstract: LMU112JC25 LMU112JC50 LMU112PC25 LMU112PC50 MPY112K
    Text: LMU112 LMU112 DEVICES INCORPORATED 12 x 12-bit Parallel Multiplier 12 x 12-bit Parallel Multiplier DEVICES INCORPORATED FEATURES ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 25 ns Worst-Case Multiply Time Low Power CMOS Technology Replaces Fairchild MPY112K Two’s Complement or Unsigned

    LMU112 12-bit MPY112K 48-pin 52-pin LMU112 LMU112JC25 LMU112JC50 LMU112PC25 LMU112PC50 MPY112K PDF


    Abstract: LMU112DC50 LMU112DC60 LMU112PC25 LMU112PC50 LMU112PC60 MPY112K
    Text: LMU112 LMU112 DEVICES INCORPORATED 12 x 12-bit Parallel Multiplier 12 x 12-bit Parallel Multiplier DEVICES INCORPORATED FEATURES ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ DESCRIPTION 25 ns Worst-Case Multiply Time Low Power CMOS Technology Replaces TRW MPY112K Two’s Complement or Unsigned

    LMU112 12-bit MPY112K MIL-STD-883, 48-pin 52-pin LMU112 LMU112DC50 LMU112DC60 LMU112PC25 LMU112PC50 LMU112PC60 MPY112K PDF


    Abstract: LMU112JC25 LMU112JC50 LMU112PC25 LMU112PC50 MPY112K R13NC 212109
    Text: LMU112 LMU112 DEVICES INCORPORATED 12 x 12-bit Parallel Multiplier 12 x 12-bit Parallel Multiplier DEVICES INCORPORATED FEATURES ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 25 ns Worst-Case Multiply Time Low Power CMOS Technology Replaces Fairchild MPY112K Two’s Complement or Unsigned

    LMU112 12-bit MPY112K 48-pin 52-pin LMU112 LMU112JC25 LMU112JC50 LMU112PC25 LMU112PC50 MPY112K R13NC 212109 PDF


    Abstract: CONTACTOR
    Text: LOGIC LMU112 D E V IC E S INCORPORATED 12 x 12-bit Parallel Multiplier FEATURES □ 50 ns W orst-C ase M ultiply Tim e □ Low Pow er C M O S T echnology □ R eplaces TR W M PY112K _1 T w o's C om plem ent or U nsigned O perands □ T hree-State O utputs

    OCR Scan
    LMU112 12-bit PY112K LMU112PC60 LMU112PC50 LMU112DC60 LMU112DC50 LMU112JC60 LMU112JC50 U112 CONTACTOR PDF


    Abstract: LMU11250
    Text: LMU112 12 x 12-bit Parallel Multiplier □ FV IC E S IN C O R P Q R A T F D FEATURES □ 25 ns W orst-Case M ultiply Time □ Low Power CMOS Technology □ Replaces Fairchild M PY112K □ Tw o's Complement or Unsigned Operands □ Three-State Outputs □ Package Styles Available:

    OCR Scan
    LMU112 12-bit LMU112 MPY112K. LMU112JC50 LMU112JC25 LMU112PC50 LMU112PC25 B1016 LMU11250 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: LMU112 12 x 12-bit Parallel Multiplier D E V I C E S IN C O R P O R A T E D |FEATURES DESCRIPTION The LMU112 is a high-speed, low power 12-bit parallel multiplier built using advanced CMOS technology. The LMU112 is pin and functionally compatible with TRW's MPY112K.

    OCR Scan
    LMU112 12-bit LMU112 MPY112K. MPY112K MIL-STD-883, LMU112DC60 LMU112PC60 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: LMU112 12 x 12-bit Parallel Multiplier D E V IC E S IN C O R P O R A T E D DESCRIPTION FEATURES □ 25 ns W orst-Case M ultiply Time □ Low Power CMOS Technology □ Replaces Fairchild M PY112K □ Tw o's Complement or Unsigned Operands □ Three-State Outputs

    OCR Scan
    LMU112 12-bit PY112K 48-pin 52-pin LMU112 MPY112K. LMU112JC50 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: . o <13 »nil CI» LMU112 12 x 12-bit Parallel M ultip lie r T he L M U 112 is a high-speed, low p ow er 12-bit parallel m ultiplier bu ilt using ad vanced C M O S technology. The L M U 112 is pin and functionally com patible w ith T R W 's M PY112K . □ 25 ns W orst-C ase M u ltiply Tim e

    OCR Scan
    48-pin 52-pin LMU112 12-bit PY112K LMU112JC60 LMU112JC50 LMU112JC25 LMU112PC60 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: I M l 1119 - i; r LMU112 , 12 x 12-bit Parallel Multiplier DEVICES INCORPORATED FEATURES_ _ □ 25 ns W orst-Case M ultiply Time □ Low Power CMOS Technology □ Replaces TRW M PY112K □ Tw o's Complement or Unsigned Operands □ Three-State Outputs

    OCR Scan
    LMU112 12-bit PY112K MIL-STD-883, 48-pin 52-pin LMU112 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: LM U112 12 x 12-bit Parallel Multiplier FEATURES □ 25 ns W orst-Case Multiply Time □ Low Power CMOS Technology □ Replaces TRW MPY112K □ Tw o's Complement or Unsigned Operands □ Three-State Outputs □ Available 100% Screened to MIL-STD-883, Class B

    OCR Scan
    12-bit MPY112K MIL-STD-883, 48-pin 52-pin LMU112 LMU112 MPY112K. PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: LMU112 12 x 12-bit Parallel Multiplier DESCRIPTION FEATURES □ 50 ns W orst-C ase M u ltiply Tim e T h e L M U 112 is a high-speed, low pow er 12-bit parallel m ultiplier built using advanced C M O S technology. T he LM U 112 is pin and functionally com patible w ith T R W 's M PY112K .

    OCR Scan
    LMU112 12-bit PY112K LMU112DC60 LMU112DC50 LMU112JC60 LMU112JC50 LMU112PC60 LMU112PC50 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ¿oogç LMU112 12 x 12-bit Parallel Multiplier D E V IC E S IN C O R P O R A T E D FEATURES □ □ □ □ 25 ns Worst-Case Multiply Time Low Power CMOS Technology Replaces TRW MPY112K Tw o's Complement or Unsigned Operands □ Three-State Outputs □ Available 100% Screened to

    OCR Scan
    LMU112 12-bit MPY112K MIL-STD-883, 48-pin 52-pin R238 PDF