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    LMA1008DM Search Results

    LMA1008DM Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: LMA1008DMB50 LMA1008JC20 LMA1008JC40 LMA1008PC20 LMA1008PC40
    Text: LMA1008 LMA1008 DEVICES INCORPORATED 8 x 8-bit Multiplier-Accumulator 8 x 8-bit Multiplier-Accumulator DEVICES INCORPORATED FEATURES ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ DESCRIPTION 20 ns Multiply-Accumulate Time Low Power CMOS Technology Replaces Raytheon TMC2208

    LMA1008 TMC2208 MIL-STD-883, 48-pin 68-pin LMA1008 TMC2208 LMA1008PC40 LMA1008DMB50 LMA1008JC20 LMA1008JC40 LMA1008PC20 LMA1008PC40 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: LMAmna *-= •— *— = - L H /IA 1 Q 0 3 8 x 8-bit Multiplier-Accumulator IJbVIOS INuuHHOKA IH □ 20 ns Multiply-Accumulate Time □ Low Power CMOS Technology □ Replaces Raytheon TMC2208 □ Two’s Complement or Unsigned Operands □ Accumulator Performs Preload,

    OCR Scan
    TMC2208 MIL-STD-883, 48-pin 68-pin LMA1008 TMC2208 LMA1008PC40 LMA1008PC20 LMA1008JC40 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: LMA1008 8 x 8-bit Multiplier-Accumulator DEV IC ES IN C O R PO R A TE D FEATURES □ 20 ns M ultip ly-A ccu m u late Tim e □ Low P ow er C M O S Technology □ R eplaces R aytheon TM C 2208 □ T w o ’s C om p lem en t or U nsigned O perand s □ A ccu m u lator P erform s Preload,

    OCR Scan
    LMA1008 48-pin 2208m LMA1008PC40 LMA1008PC20 LMA1008JC40 LMA1008JC20 MIL-STD-883 LMA1008DMB50 LMA1008DM PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: L O G IG L M A 1008 8 x 8-bit Multiplier-Accumulator DEVICES INCORPORATED FEATURES □ □ □ □ DESCRIPTION 20 ns M ultiply-Accumulate Time Low Pow er CMOS Technology Replaces Raytheon TMC2208 T w o's Com plem ent or Unsigned O perands The LMA1008 is a high-speed, low

    OCR Scan
    TMC2208 LMA1008 TMC2208 MIL-STD-883, 48-pin LMA1008PC40 LMA1008PC20 LMA1008JC40 LMA1008JC20 D-883 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: LMA1008 8 x 8-bit M u ltip lie r-A c c u m u la to r FEATURES □ 20 ns Multiply-Accumulate Time □ Low Power CMOS Technology □ Replaces Raytheon TMC2208 □ Two's Complement or Unsigned Operands □ Accumulator Performs Preload, Accumulate, and Subtract

    OCR Scan
    LMA1008 TMC2208 MIL-STD-883, 48-pin 68-pin LMA1008 TMC2208 16-bit PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: LMA1008 8 x 8-bit Multiplier-Accumulator D E V IC E S IN C O R P O R A T E D FEATURES □ 20 ns Multiply-Accumulate Time □ Low Power CMOS Technology □ Replaces Raytheon TMC2208 □ Two's Complement or Unsigned Operands Accumulator Performs Preload, Accumulate, and Subtract

    OCR Scan
    LMA1008 TMC2208 MIL-STD-883, 48-pin 68-pin LMA1008JC40 LMA1008JC20 rfst PDF