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    LC07410 Search Results

    LC07410 Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: Equalizer Amplifier with ALC microphone amplifier with alc
    Text: Ordering number : ENA1345A CMOS IC LC07410LG Monaural CODEC + Audio I/F + Video Driver Overview The LC07410LG is an IC that integrates a video driver with audio CODEC developed for digital still cameras and other portable equipment. Incorporating 16-bit A/D and D/A converters as well as a microphone amplifier and speaker driver that

    ENA1345A LC07410LG LC07410LG 16-bit -14dB A1345-36/36 LC07410 Equalizer Amplifier with ALC microphone amplifier with alc PDF

    piezoelectric driver 100khz

    Abstract: a1207 32k-48kHz
    Text: Ordering number : EN*A1207 LC07410LP CMOS IC Monaural CODEC+Audio I/F +Video Driver IC Overview The LC07410LP is an IC that integrates a video driver with audio CODEC developed for digital still cameras and other portable equipment. Incorporating 16-bit A/D and D/A converters as well as a microphone amplifier and speaker driver

    A1207 LC07410LP LC07410LP 16-bit -14dB A1207-35/35 piezoelectric driver 100khz a1207 32k-48kHz PDF


    Abstract: FS48K 01BEEP LC074146 dsp 3029 PDNB01
    Text: 注文コード No.N A 1 3 4 5 A CMOS LSI LC07410LG モノラルCODEC + Audio I/F + Video Driver 概要 LC07410LGはDSCなどのポータブル機器用に開発されたAudio CODECとVideo driverを統合したICであ る。16bit ADC/DACの他マイクアンプ、スピーカドライバなど音声の記録再生に必要な機能を搭載

    LC07410LG LC07410LGDSCAudio 16bit 16bitADC/DAC 0/20/26dB) 14dB34dB) BTL350mW8 12MHz 24MHz 27MHz LC07410 FS48K 01BEEP LC074146 dsp 3029 PDNB01 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Ordering number : ENA1345 CMOS IC LC0710LG Monaural CODEC + Audio I/F + Video Driver Overview The LC07410LG is an IC that integrates a video driver with audio CODEC developed for digital still cameras and other portable equipment. Incorporating 16-bit A/D and D/A converters as well as a microphone amplifier and speaker driver that

    ENA1345 LC0710LG LC07410LG 16-bit 12MHz, A1345-36/36 LC07410 PDF


    Abstract: 017S ADFDA
    Text: Ordering number : ENA1345 CMOS IC LC07410LG Monaural CODEC + Audio I/F + Video Driver Overview The LC07410LG is an IC that integrates a video driver with audio CODEC developed for digital still cameras and other portable equipment. Incorporating 16-bit A/D and D/A converters as well as a microphone amplifier and speaker driver that

    ENA1345 LC07410LG LC07410LG 16-bit -14dB A1345-36/36 LC07410 017S ADFDA PDF