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    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    DigiKey CP17587_LEILA-SC-RS Tray 13 1
    • 1 $2.71
    • 10 $1.965
    • 100 $1.965
    • 1000 $1.33645
    • 10000 $1.15001
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    Avnet Americas CP17587_LEILA-SC-RS Tray 336
    • 1 -
    • 10 -
    • 100 -
    • 1000 $0.847
    • 10000 $0.744
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    Mouser Electronics CP17587_LEILA-SC-RS
    • 1 $2.71
    • 10 $1.92
    • 100 $1.92
    • 1000 $1.22
    • 10000 $1.04
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    Newark CP17587_LEILA-SC-RS Bulk 112
    • 1 -
    • 10 -
    • 100 $1.33
    • 1000 $1.08
    • 10000 $1.08
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    Avnet Silica CP17587_LEILA-SC-RS 7 Weeks 336
    • 1 -
    • 10 -
    • 100 -
    • 1000 -
    • 10000 -
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    EBV Elektronik CP17587_LEILA-SC-RS 7 Weeks 336
    • 1 -
    • 10 -
    • 100 -
    • 1000 -
    • 10000 -
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    Diodes Incorporated PAM8302LASCR

    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    DigiKey PAM8302LASCR Reel
    • 1 -
    • 10 -
    • 100 -
    • 1000 -
    • 10000 -
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    Vyrian PAM8302LASCR 176
    • 1 -
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    LASCR Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: 276-1202 "Silicon Controlled Rectifier" 2 amps 276-1201 DISPLAY 16 hasp 24-hour-clock
    Text: LASCR CLOCK DISPLAY DISPLAY AND OPTOELECTRONIC DEVICES EB0SEE3 1.6 A M P LIGHT AC TIVA TED SILICON CONTROLLED RECTIFIER LASCR GENERAL DESCRIPTION T h e Li ght A c t i v a t e d S i l i c o n R e c t i f i e r ( L A S C R ) i s s e n s i t i v e to b o t h v i s i b l e

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    Abstract: nec d 1590 L7551P nec p 65
    Text: DATA SHEET LASER DIODE M O D U LE N D L7551P , ND L7551P1 InGaAsP MQW-DC-PBH PULSED LASER DIODE MODULE 1 550 nm OTDR APPLICATION DESCRIPTION NDL7551P a n d NDL7551P1 are 1 550 n m n e w ly d e ve lo p e d M u ltip le Q u a n tu m W e ll M Q W s tru c tu re p u lse d laser d io d e

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    L7551P L7551P1 NDL7551P NDL7551P1 LASCR nec d 1590 L7551P nec p 65 PDF


    Abstract: fiber optic schematic symbols scr control light intensity IR thyristor manual "Programmable Unijunction Transistor" OPTOCOUPLER for thyristor gate electronic symbols and parts Broadband Infrared Light Source
    Text: GLOSSARY OF SYMBOLS AND TERMS Optoelectronics spans the disciplines o f electronics, photometry, radiometry and optics with dashes o f physics and statistical analysis. The same word o r symbol can have two different m eanings, depending on the discipline involved. T o simplify use of this glossary, words and symbols are

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    pnp phototransistor

    Abstract: LASCR zero voltage switching of a tungsten lam
    Text: OPTOELECTRONICS THEORY OPTOELECTRONIC DEVICES T h is sectio n d e scrib es th e basic se m ic o n d u cto r devices utilized in o p to electro n ics, th e ir p rin c ip le s o f o p e ra tio n a n d th e ir circuit fu n c tio n s in o rd e r to give th e circuit d e sig n e r an

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    fibra optica monomodo

    Abstract: laser optico fibra optica diodo potencia LASCR diodo de luz HURRICANE diodo luz
    Text: W ÍW E T E K O p e r a t o r ’s M a n u a l VFF5 Visual Fault Finder C€ Bedienungsanleitung M anual de Instrucciones M o d e d ’E m p l o i The VFF5 Visual Fault Finder is a light source used to locate breaks and misconnections in fiber optic cables. The operator simply looks at the length of cable

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    670nm fibra optica monomodo laser optico fibra optica diodo potencia LASCR diodo de luz HURRICANE diodo luz PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: OPTOELECTRONICS THEORY OPTOELECTRONIC DEVICES T h is sectio n d e sc rib e s th e basic se m ic o n d u c to r devices utilized in o p to ele ctro n ic s, th e ir p rin c ip le s o f o p e ra tio n a n d th e ir circuit fu n c tio n s in o rd e r to give th e circuit d e sig n e r a n

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    Abstract: nec bar code reader LOT CODE NEC NDL3215
    Text: DATA SHEET NEC VISIBLE LASER DIODE NDL3215 r 10 m W 670 nm LONG RANGE BAR CODE READER, MEASUREMENT APPLICATION AIGalnP DOUBLE HETEROSTRUCTURE VISIBLE LASER DIODE DESCRIPTION NDL3215 is an AIG alnP 670 nm visible laser diode and especially developed for Long Range Bar Code Reader,

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    NDL3215 NDL3215 IEI-1209) LASCR nec bar code reader LOT CODE NEC PDF


    Abstract: Unit junction transistor UJT
    Text: GLOSSARY OF SYMBOLS AND TERMS O ptoelectronics spans the d isciplines o f electronics, photom etry, radiom etry and optics w ith dashes o f physics and statistical analysis. T he sam e w ord or sym bol can have tw o differen t m eanings, depending on the discipline involved. To sim plify use o f this glossary, w ords and sym bols are

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