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    LAMBDA VOLTAGE REGULATOR LAS 1500 Result Highlights (5)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    TCR5RG28A Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation LDO Regulator, Fixed Output, 2.8 V, 500 mA, WCSP4F Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TCR3EM33A Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation LDO Regulator, Fixed Output, 3.3 V, 300 mA, DFN4D Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TCR3LM33A Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation LDO Regulator, Fixed Output, 3.3 V, 300 mA, DFN4D Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TCR3UF50A Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation LDO Regulator, Fixed Output, 5 V, 300 mA, SOT-25 (SMV) Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TCR5BM28A Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation LDO Regulator, Fixed Output, 2.8 V, 500 mA, DFN5B Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation

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    Condensing boiler technology

    Abstract: YY-A5002-H03-K01 YY-5700-H ebm papst RG YY-5700-H05AS-GW
    Text: Condensing boiler technology Issue 2015-01 Content 2 About ebm-papst 4 Laboratory equipment 8 Systems for condensing boiler technology 10 Radial blowers 16 Gas valves 34 Burner controls 42 ebm-papst representatives & subsidiaries 48 3 ebm-papst Landshut is the ideal

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    MC7808CK power regulator

    Abstract: 7824 voltage regulator circuit diagram MC7805CK MC7812CK application notes MC7812CK MC7815CK PMD CAPACITOR lambda lj LM 7824 voltage regulator circuit diagram lm7805kc
    Text: Selection of Equivalents for Monolithic Voltage Regulators, Darlington Transistors, Rectifiers and Switching Transistors LAMBDA TYPE * LAS723A LAS723B LAS1000 LAS1100 LAS1405 LAS1406 LAS1408 LAS1410 LAS1412 LAS1415 LAS14U LAS1505 LAS 1506 LAS1508 LAS1510

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    LAS723A LAS723B LAS1100 LAS1405 LM123K LM223K LM323K SH0323 LAS1406 LAS1408 MC7808CK power regulator 7824 voltage regulator circuit diagram MC7805CK MC7812CK application notes MC7812CK MC7815CK PMD CAPACITOR lambda lj LM 7824 voltage regulator circuit diagram lm7805kc PDF


    Abstract: LAMBDA Voltage Regulator LAS1608 15A15 LAMBDA linear Voltage Regulator LAMBDA Voltage Regulator las 15A05 15A12 15A20 5A10
    Text: A LAMBDA LINEAR REGULATORS LAS 1500 SERIES 1.5 AMP POSITIVE VOLTAGE REGULATORS ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS PARAM ETER SYM BOL Input Voltage Power Dissipation FEATURES • Guaranteed Power Dissipation 15 Watts @ 87.5° Case • Guaranteed input-output differential:

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    REGULATOR12 LAS1605 LAMBDA Voltage Regulator LAS1608 15A15 LAMBDA linear Voltage Regulator LAMBDA Voltage Regulator las 15A05 15A12 15A20 5A10 PDF


    Abstract: 15A08 LAS1510 15A05 15A10 15CB LAS1512 LAS1500 15A18 1512 regulator
    Text: A LAMBDA LINEAR REGULATORS LAS 1500 SERIES 1.5 AM P POSITIVE VOLTAGE REGULATORS ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS PARAMETER MAXIMUM UNITS VlN 35 40 d) <z> Volts Power Dissipation PD Internally Limited«3) Thermal Resis­ tance Junction to Case 0JC 2.5 °C/Watt Operating Junc­

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    REGULATOR123 LAS15U 15A08 LAS1510 15A05 15A10 15CB LAS1512 LAS1500 15A18 1512 regulator PDF


    Abstract: 15A15 LAS1515 15A05 15A24 15A10 15A12 15A20 LAS15U LAS1500
    Text: A LAMBDA LINEAR REGULATORS LAS 1500 SERIES 1.5 AMP POSITIVE VOLTAGE REGULATORS ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS PARAMETER MAXIMUM UNITS V|N 35 40 (D (z) Volts Power Dissipation Pd Internally Limited!3) Thermal Resis­ tance Junction to Case 0 JC 2.5 °C/Watt Operating Junc­

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    ATOR12 REGULATOR123 15A08 15A15 LAS1515 15A05 15A24 15A10 15A12 15A20 LAS15U LAS1500 PDF


    Abstract: MC7805CK mc7815ck mc7812ck LAMBDA Voltage Regulator 7824 24V positive voltage regulator for MC7808CK power regulator 17K100 MC7915CK lm7805kc
    Text: Selection of Equivalents for Monolithic Voltage Regulators, Darlington Transistors, Rectifiers and Switching Transistors LAMBDA TYPE * LAS723A LAS723B LAS1000 LAS1100 LAS1405 LAS1406 LAS1408 LAS1410 LAS1412 LAS1415 LAS14U LAS1505 LAS 1506 LAS1508 LAS1510

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    LAS723A LAS723B LAS1100 LAS1405 LM123K LM223K LM323K SH0323 LAS1406 LAS1408 LAS18U MC7805CK mc7815ck mc7812ck LAMBDA Voltage Regulator 7824 24V positive voltage regulator for MC7808CK power regulator 17K100 MC7915CK lm7805kc PDF

    1512 regulator

    Abstract: las15U 15A05 LAMBDA Voltage Regulator las 1500 15A12 15A15 15A20 5A10 regulator 5a 12V lambda LAS
    Text: A LAMBDA LINEAR REGULATORS LAS 1500 SERIES 1.5 AM P POSITIVE VOLTAGE REGULATORS ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS PARAMETER SYMBOL MAXIMUM UNITS v IN 35 40 0) (2) Volts Power D issipation Po Internally Limited«3) Thermal R e sis­ tance Junction to Case 0JC 2.5 °C/Watt

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    Abstract: 15A05 LAS-15U 15A15 15A08 lambda LAS 15A10 15A24 15A12 15A20
    Text: A LAMBDA LINEAR REGULATORS LAS 1500 SERIES 1.5 AMP POSITIVE VOLTAGE REGULATORS ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS PARAMETER FEATURES • Guaranteed Power Dissipation 15 Watts @ 87.5° C ase • Guaranteed input-output differential: + 2.4 Volts • Low noise, band gap reference

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    REGULATOR123 LAS15U 15A05 LAS-15U 15A15 15A08 lambda LAS 15A10 15A24 15A12 15A20 PDF


    Abstract: LAS18U LAS1806 MC7812CK LM7805KC MC7824CK 7824 24V positive voltage regulator for MC7815CK LM7818KC LM7812KC
    Text: Selection of Equivalents for Monolithic Voltage Regulators, Darlington Transistors, Rectifiers and Switching Transistors LAMBDA TYPE * LAS723A LAS723B LAS1000 LAS1100 LAS1405 LAS1406 LAS1408 LAS1410 LAS1412 LAS1415 LAS14U LAS1505 LAS 1506 LAS1508 LAS1510

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    LAS723A LAS723B LAS1100 LAS1405 LM123K LM223K LM323K SH0323 LAS1406 LAS1408 MC7805CK LAS18U LAS1806 MC7812CK LM7805KC MC7824CK 7824 24V positive voltage regulator for MC7815CK LM7818KC LM7812KC PDF

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    Text: From Lambda — a comprehensive range of superb voltage regulators 5 Amp positive regulators Tj —55°C to +135°C Fo r a 5 V o lts 5 A m p s regulated o u tp u t operated fro m a ca pa cito r in p u t filte re d DC source o f ±15% v a ria tio n , a 2 .1 °C per w a tt heatsink w ill

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    Text: A LAMBDA CONTROLLERS L A S 1000,1100 150 mA POSITIVE VOLTAGE REGULATORS/ LINEAR CONTROLLERS ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS FEATURES • G u a ra n te e d line regulation: 0 .0 0 8 % • G u a ra n te e d te m p e ra tu re coefficient: 0 .0 1 5 % • Low n oise, b an d g a p re feren ce

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    Text: TH€ SEMICONDUCTOR DATA LIBRARY FIRST EDITION prepared by Technical Information Center T h e in fo rm a tio n in th is bo o k has been c a re fu lly checked and is believed to be re lia b le ; ho w ever, no re s p o n s ib ility is assumed fo r inaccuracies. F u rth e rm o re , th is in fo rm a tio n does n o t convey to the purchaser o f s e m ic o n d u c to r

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