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    LA0225CV Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Ordering number : ENA1263 PN type Photo Diode LA0225CV For Optical Disk Blue-purple Laser Diode monitor Overview LA0225CV is a photo diode for optical disk blue-purple laser diode monitor. Functions • The blue-purple sensitive PN type photo diode • Photo diode opening size: 1.0mm

    ENA1263 LA0225CV LA0225CV A1263-4/4 PDF

    laser diode 405nm

    Abstract: "Photo Diode" a1263 LA0225CV 405nm diode 71608 blue Laser-Diode 405nm laser diode la0225
    Text: Ordering number : ENA1263 PN type Photo Diode LA0225CV For Optical Disk Blue-purple Laser Diode monitor Overview LA0225CV is a photo diode for optical disk blue-purple laser diode monitor. Functions • The blue-purple sensitive PN type photo diode • Photo diode opening size: 1.0mm

    ENA1263 LA0225CV LA0225CV A1263-4/4 laser diode 405nm "Photo Diode" a1263 405nm diode 71608 blue Laser-Diode 405nm laser diode la0225 PDF


    Abstract: A1263
    Text: 注文コード No.N A 1 2 6 3 PN型フォトダイオード LA0225CV 光ディスク 青紫 LD モニタ用 概要 LA0225CV は光ディスク青紫レーザダイオードモニタ用のフォトダイオードである。 機能 ・青紫色高感度 PN 型フォトダイオード

    LA0225CV 405nm 650nm 780nm 20080625-S00006 A1263-1/4 PCA02543 PCA02283 LA0225CV A1263 PDF


    Abstract: LV0220CS blu-ray LA0225CV bluray DVD OEIC
    Text: T OP I C S P R 製 品 ト ピ ッ ク ス 高受光感度・高信頼性を実現 ! Blu-ray用フロントモニタ受光IC Blu-rayプレーヤ・記録ドライブに最適な超小型OEIC Opto-Electronics IC λ=405nm 紫外光対応 独自パッケージ技術採用

    405nm 405nm LA0225CV 04mV/W LV0220CS ODCSP101 LV0220CS blu-ray LA0225CV bluray DVD OEIC PDF


    Abstract: 100w 12V audio amplifier circuit using stk IC LC71F7001 LV4906 LV47006P STK amplifier 10w 10w 12v single phase Brush less DC inverter rotary compressor LV4921 sanyo rotary compressor LC786927
    Text: Environmentally-Conscious Semiconductor Products 2009-8 Guided by our "Think GAIA" vision, we support the development of devices capable of creating comfortable living spaces and are developing exciting new proposals for semiconductor products Ma n u f a c t u r i n g t h a t b enef its the earth and liv es

    EP125A LV47006 100w 12V audio amplifier circuit using stk IC LC71F7001 LV4906 LV47006P STK amplifier 10w 10w 12v single phase Brush less DC inverter rotary compressor LV4921 sanyo rotary compressor LC786927 PDF


    Abstract: LV4921 LV47006 LC70301 LC74157 LV4906V LC786927 lv47006p LC71F7001 lv49152
    Text: 環境配慮型 半導体製品 2009-7 「Think GAiA」ビジョンのもと 快適空間をつくり出す機器開発を支え、 環境保全に貢献する半導体製品を提案してまいります。 地 球とい のちが 喜 ぶモノ創り 地球環境配慮

    LC749402BG LC74M1701 ARM926EJ-STM 256Mbit 16Mbit 14MHz, 27MHz P125A LV4906 LV4921 LV47006 LC70301 LC74157 LV4906V LC786927 lv47006p LC71F7001 lv49152 PDF


    Abstract: photodiode dvd cd dvd photodiode -cd -laser blu-ray pick-up photodiode bluray Blu-ray servo blu ray Laser pickup blu-ray laser diode dvd photodiode photodiode dvd
    Text: T OP I C S Promotional Product Topics Front monitor photodiode ICs for Blu-ray devices High light-receiving sensitivity and reliability achieved! Ultra-miniature OEIC opto-electronics IC optimally suited to Blu-ray players and recording drives 405 nm wavelength UV light supported, original package technology used

    LA0225CV LV0220CS LV0220CS blu-ray photodiode dvd cd dvd photodiode -cd -laser blu-ray pick-up photodiode bluray Blu-ray servo blu ray Laser pickup blu-ray laser diode dvd photodiode photodiode dvd PDF