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    On-Shore Technology Inc EDSTL956-6

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    DigiKey EDSTL956-6 Bulk 50
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    • 100 $3.1388
    • 1000 $3.1388
    • 10000 $3.1388
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    L9566 Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: A10014-50-0110
    Text: Spot light source Lamp warranty: Guarantees a long operating life of 4000 hours Light guide is sold separately. Computer is provided by the customer. Two new functions for making photocuring simple and reliable! 1 Operate it from your PC via the RS-232C port.

    RS-232C SE-164 TLSZ1008E04 B1201 L9566-01 A10014-50-0110 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: スポット光源 ランプ保証:4000時間の長寿命を実現 ライトガイドは別売です。 コンピュータは付属しません。 光硬化をより簡単に確実に行う2つの新機能を追加 1 RS-232Cにより、コンピュータ制御可能

    RS-232Cã TLSZ1008J06 E5147 PDF

    UV LED 365 nm

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Spot light source Lamp warranty: Guarantees a long operating life of 4000 hours Light guide is sold separately. Computer is provided by the customer. Two new functions for making photocuring simple and reliable! 1 Operate it from your PC via the RS-232C port.

    RS-232C SE-171-41 TLSZ1008E02 UV LED 365 nm PDF


    Abstract: uv led 365 L9566 hamamatsu lc8 AC Photonics L9610 UV source led 200 nm peak uv tube lamp circuits L9613-2
    Text: UV-LED SPOT LIGHT SOURCE OVER VIEW The LC-L1 is a UV-LED spot light source that emits UV light at 365 nm. This monochromatic light source causes no thermal damage or harmful DUV deep UV effects to objects being irradiated. Its low power consumption makes it an energy-saving and environmentally

    SE-171-41 TLSX1047E04 UV-LED uv led 365 L9566 hamamatsu lc8 AC Photonics L9610 UV source led 200 nm peak uv tube lamp circuits L9613-2 PDF


    Abstract: L9566 L9610 L9613 UV-LED UVLED 200 nm uv LED C961 L9613-220 E9615-020
    Text: UV-LEDスポット光源 概要 365 nmのUV-LEDを搭載した光源です。 単色光源ですので熱やDUV光による照射物への影響・ダメージがありません。 低消費電力ですので、環境にもやさしい光源です。 LEDの寿命は20,000時間と長く、ランプ交換によるライン停止時間を少

    LED20 TLSXB0162JA TLSXB0163JB L9610-011 L9613-210 L9613-210) TLSXC0051JB L9613- TLSXA0114JD L9588 L9566 L9610 L9613 UV-LED UVLED 200 nm uv LED C961 L9613-220 E9615-020 PDF