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    L64280 Search Results

    L64280 Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: LSI LOGIC L64281 FFT Video Shift Register FFTSR Preliminary General Description The L64281 is a high-speed Fast Fourier Trans­ form (FFT) video shift register. It is used to per­ form data formatting in real-time FFT systems using the L64280 Fast Fourier Transform Pro­

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    L64281 L64280 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: LSI LOGIC L64280 Complex FFT Processor FFTP Preliminary The L64280 Fast Fourier Transform Processor (FFTP) is a floating-point complex FFT proces­ sor and is designed fo r prim ary use w ith the L64281 Fast Fourier Transform Video Shift Register (FFTSR) in real-tim e FFT systems. It

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    L64280 L64280 L64281 PDF


    Abstract: doo47 DI45 L64281
    Text: LSI LOGIC L64281 FFT Video Shift Register FFTSR General Description The L64281 is a high-speed FFT (Fast Fourier Transform) video shift register. It is used to per­ form data formatting in real-time FFT systems using the L64280 FFTP (Fast Fourier Transform

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    L64281 L64280 D045/MPCR0SS0 D046/MPSTART0 DI47/ENDI DI45/MPCR0SSI D047/END0 DI46/MPSTARTI 132-Pin d0147 doo47 DI45 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: LSI LOGIC L64280 Complex FFT Processor FFTP Preliminary D e scrip tio n T h e L64280 F a s t F o u rie r T ra n sfo rm P r o c e s s o r In ad dition to p erfo rm in g F F T s , th e d e v ic e ca n (F F T P ) is a flo a tin g -p o in t c o m p le x F F T p ro c e s ­

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    L64280 L64280 L64281 144-Pin PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: LSI LOGIC L64280 Complex FFT Processor FFTP Description The L64280 FFTP (Fast Fourier Transform Processor) is a floating-point complex FFT pro­ cessor and is designed for primary use with the L64281 FFTSR (Fast Fourier Transform Video Shift Register) in real-time FFT systems. It can

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    L64280 L64281 144-Pin MIL-STD-883C PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: L S I LOGIC CORP M2E D • S3[mfl04 0007507 1 ■ LLC L64281 FFT Video Shift Register FFTSR Preliminary General Description The L64281 is a high-speed Fast Fourier Trans­ form (FFT) video shift register. It is used to per­ form data form atting in real-tim e FFT systems

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    mfl04 L64281 L64280 LM281 MIL-STO-883C 132-Pin PDF