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    L6 SOD 23 Search Results

    L6 SOD 23 Result Highlights (5)

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    CEZ36V Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation Zener Diode, 36 V, SOD-523 Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    CEZ24V Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation Zener Diode, 24 V, SOD-523 Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    CEZ30V Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation Zener Diode, 30 V, SOD-523 Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    CEZ20V Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation Zener Diode, 20 V, SOD-523 Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    CEZ16V Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation Zener Diode, 16 V, SOD-523 Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation

    L6 SOD 23 Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: LESHAN RADIO COMPANY, LTD. General Purpose Transistors Pb-Free packkage is available L2SC1623*LT1G 3 3 COLLECTOR 1 1 BASE 2 2 SOT– 23 EMITTER MAXIMUM RATINGS Rating Symbol Value Unit Collector-Emitter Voltage VCEO 50 V Collector-Base Voltage VCBO 60 V Emitter-Base Voltage

    L2SC1623 330mm 360mm SOD223 PDF


    Abstract: RD5A RD5B rx6b 3RP10 HDR40RAM RX9b RD6A RD6B RD11A
    Text: AD9860: DUT Left/Right Symbolic DNI C23 0⍀ J5 R103 OP184 0⍀ R102 1 N1 –IN 2 4 –V 7 +V 5 N2 +IN 3 6 OUT U11 U11 5VA JP78 JP77 JP76 1 DNI 5VA 3 C19 2 0.1␮F 0⍀ AVDD_DAC R27 0⍀ R101 DNI DNI + C6 10␮F 10V TxN_B TxP_B TxP_A TxN_A 4.02k⍀ C96 0.1␮F

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    Abstract: C11j LPD7720 OP Amplifier A30 ao37 7474 D flip-flop circuit diagram nec operational amplifier terminology
    Text: OBS OLE TE Yoo= +5V :t5%, vss= -15V SPECIFICATIONS unless othelWlsenoted. :1:5%,fCLK=1.28MHz. All SpecificationsTminto Tmax Parameter K,B Versions' L Versionl C Version' ACCURACY Resolution Integral Nonlinearity @ 25°C T,runto T=x Differential Nonlinearity

    28MHz. Condi0000000 PD7720 C11j LPD7720 OP Amplifier A30 ao37 7474 D flip-flop circuit diagram nec operational amplifier terminology PDF

    Solar Charge Controller mppt ic

    Abstract: mppt Charge Controller design and circuit solar charger schematic 12V Solar Charge Controller mppt Solar mppt schematic schematic diagram 12V solar charge controller mppt Solar Charge Controller driver circuits mppt charge controller schematic mppt solar charger schematic 12V smd 3528 led strip
    Text: UM0512 User manual STEVAL-ILL022V1 solar-LED streetlight controller with 25 W LED lamp driver and 80 W battery charger based on the STM32F101Rx Introduction The solar-LED streetlight controller consists of one 80 W battery charger and one 25 W LED driver. During the daytime, when there is sufficient sunlight, the charger converts the

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    diode smd ED 17

    Abstract: smd diode ED diode smd ed 02 ersa rds 80 ST SMD SCR diode smd ed 25 smd diode ED 47
    Text: PRODUCT DATASHEET AAT2610 7-Channel PMU for Digital Still Cameras Ge n e r a l D e scr ipt ion Fe a t u r e s The AAT2610 is a highly int egrat ed power m anagem ent solut ion specifically suit ed for Digit al St ill Cam era DSC syst em s, feat uring seven DC- DC swit ching regulat ors for

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    Abstract: rogowski coil integrator SFR05 STPM01FTR VF82423 0603X7R Iskra SFR0518 470n 275v rogowski coil digital integrator
    Text: STPM01 USER MANUAL Single Phase with Rogowski coils Release 1.0 This is advance information on a new product now in development or undergoing evaluation. Details are subject to change without notice. “Partnership with ISKRAEMECO” ISKRAEMECO d.d. R&D-Microelectronics

    STPM01 UM0127 rogowski coil analog integrator rogowski coil integrator SFR05 STPM01FTR VF82423 0603X7R Iskra SFR0518 470n 275v rogowski coil digital integrator PDF


    Abstract: BC8578 220V transformerless power supply STPM01E 103k varistor E4622-X503 AN2317 varistor 22n Z 1N4148 SOD-80 AI12299
    Text: AN2317 Application Note STPM01 Programmable, Single-Phase Energy Metering IC External Circuits Introduction The STPM01 is implemented in an advanced 0.35µm BCD6 technology. It is designed for active, reactive, and apparent energy measurement, including Root Mean Square V RMS

    AN2317 STPM01 AN2317 DIF60 BC8578 220V transformerless power supply STPM01E 103k varistor E4622-X503 varistor 22n Z 1N4148 SOD-80 AI12299 PDF

    microphone speaker 2

    Abstract: BIC 105 Motherboards laptop layout telephone line interface circuit RS56L-PCI rs56 rockwell SoftK56 rockwell r12 modem SoftK56 RS56
    Text: 56/3&, +RVW3URFHVVHG9.IOH[ 0RGHP'HYLFH DPLO\IRU0RELOH$SSOLFDWLRQV Introduction The Rockwell RS56L-PCI SoftK56) Host-Processed V.90/K56flex Modem Device supports high speed analog data up to 56 kbps, 14.4 kbps fax, voice/TAM, cellular phone, and speakerphone (optional) operation.

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    Abstract: gk105 1SS216 GK104 SMD Transistors w06 D20SB80 SMD marking 5As D25SB80 LRB706F-40T1G 2x062
    Text: Leshan Radio Company, Ltd. 2008 PRODUCTS CATALOGUE 目 录 CONTENT 开关二极管 SWITCHING DIODES. 1 1. SOD–923 Surface Mount Switching Diodes. 1

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    Abstract: a6w 46 C98Z 1114 sod l28 A6W 43 DELTA sma 1n C-98Z
    Text: DECEMBER 3, 1996 TEST REPORT #96282 QUALIFICATION TESTING SQT/TMM SAMTEC CORPORATION PROGRAM MANAGER CONTECH RESEARCH, INC. 1 Contech Research , CERTIFICATION This is to certify that the evaluation described herein was designed and executed by personnel of Contech Research, Inc.

    10012-l 96292RF 96282 a6w 46 C98Z 1114 sod l28 A6W 43 DELTA sma 1n C-98Z PDF


    Abstract: ISD-T360SA AABV
    Text: ISD-T360SA VoiceDSP Digital Speech Processor with CID, CID on Call Waiting CIDCW , Full-Duplex Speakerphone, Master/Slave CODEC Interface and Multiple Flash Support —Advance Information— The VoiceDSP™ product family combines multiple digital signal processing functions on a single chip



    Abstract: W88CD ISD 1720 M76 switch R73 KP S5 T360SA
    Text: ISD-T360SA VoiceDSP Digital Speech Processor with CID, CID on Call Waiting CIDCW , Full-Duplex Speakerphone, Master/Slave CODEC Interface and Multiple Flash Support —Advance Information— The VoiceDSP™ product family combines multiple digital signal processing functions on a single chip

    ISD-T360SA TC58V16BFT W88CD ISD 1720 M76 switch R73 KP S5 T360SA PDF


    Abstract: 79lo5 s35kh raxon dSO01
    Text: ANALOGDEVICES fAX-ON-DEMAND HOTLINE - Page 28 LC2MOS ANALOG LIllIDEVICES VoicebandReconstruction andAntialiasing FilterSet AD7341/AD7371 I I FEATURES AD7341 Transmit Reconstruction Filter for 14-Bit DAC (AD7840) Programmable Attenuation (OdB to -38dB) AD7371 Receive Filter for 14-Bit ADC (AD7871)

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 9NIMVaO ÌJBNOISnO a 5 0 '^ Oh‘ OE S¿ 9£ 0 l'E i- St1"51* ES~*S Si 'ZS ^3'>¿ =s*¿ s OS ‘ £6 SO ire 0> 0£ -¿'3Ç Dl'Zir St 5i" e = î “S c ¡ -^g = 3 ‘ í-¿. S2 '¿S U SO’ T-? Oî^*C£ S¿*2£ OL '£t 'SV SS *í"S Si Z9 i/i i/i N 00 sa*>¿

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    Abstract: tag l9 transistor 2222 030 capacitor philips ITT 2222 A 4312 020 36642 Philips 2222 capacitor electrolytic capacitor 47 capacitor j63 c9 38478 philips ceramic capacitors
    Text: PhHip^emiconductor^^^ _ bbSBIBl 003G12b TD7 H AP X ^Pjoduc^pecjficatjon UHF power MOS transistor ^ BLF544 N AMER P H I L I P S / D I S C R E T E bTE D PIN CONFIGURATION FEATURES • High power gain • Easy power control • Good thermal stability / • Gold metallization ensures

    OCR Scan
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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: P r e lim in a r y a Am29C983/Am29C983A Advanced Micro Devices 9-Bit x 4-Port Multiple Bus Exchange DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS • ■ ■ ■ ■ Four bidirectional I/O ports with latches - Replaces several bidirectional latches and transceivers - Permits multiple bus communication

    OCR Scan
    Am29C983/Am29C983A sy9C983A 9485-007A 09485-008B 09485-009B 9485-011A 09485-012B boxcar PDF

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    Abstract: ic cd 6283 diagram am29c983
    Text: a Prelim inary Am29C983/Am29C983A Advanced Micro Devices 9-Bit x 4-Port Multiple Bus Exchange DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS • Four bidirectional I/O ports with latches - Replaces several bidirectional latches and transceivers - Permits multiple bus communication

    OCR Scan
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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: — —— z — LSH32 - 32-bit Cascadable Barrel Shifter D h V I C t S IN C O R P O R A 111' FEATURES □ 32-bit Input, 32-bit O utpu t M u lti­ plexed to 16 Lines □ Full 0-31 Position Barrel Shift Capability □ Integral P riority Encoder for 32-bit

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    Abstract: amd k10 09485-012B
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    OCR Scan
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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: a P re lim in a ry Am29C985 9-Bit x 4-Port Multiple Bus Exchange with Parity Advanced Micro Devices DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS • Four bidirectional I/O ports Power-Up/Down disable - Replaces several bidirectional latched transceivers - Permits multiple bus com munication

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    Am29C985 11996-OMA 29C985 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: a P re lim in a ry Am29C985 9-Bit x 4-Port Multiple Bus Exchange with Parity Advanced Micro Devices DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS • Four bidirectional I/O ports - Replaces several bidirectional latched transceivers - Permits multiple bus communication - Allows two independent communication channels

    OCR Scan
    Am29C985 1996-014A PDF

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    Abstract: 7441N ic 7441 7441 7441 IC sanyo S.E. 60 WF capacitor LC7441 LC7441N LC7480 WD02
    Text: Ordering number: EN ?0941 B _CMOS LSI jfT No. _LC7441N, 7441 NE Picture-in-picture Controller for TVs and VCRs Preliminary Overview Features The LC7441N, 7 4 4 1NE are picture-in-picture PIP sys­ tem controller ICs for use in NTSC, PAL or multi-system

    OCR Scan
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    Abstract: block diagram of AMD K10 AM29C983 AM29C983JC
    Text: a Am29C983/Am29C983A Advanced Micro Devices 9-Bit x 4-Port Multiple Bus Exchange DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS • ■ ■ Four bidirectional I/O ports with latches Glitch-free outputs during power-up/down - Replaces several bidirectional latches and transceivers

    OCR Scan
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    amd k10

    Abstract: 29c983 AM29C983JC block diagram of AMD K10 09485-002B 363S 09485-013A AM29C983AJC
    Text: a Am29C983/Am29C983A Advanced Micro Devices 9-Bit x 4-Port Multiple Bus Exchange DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS • ■ ■ Four bidirectional I/O ports with latches Glitch-free outputs during power-up/down - Replaces several bidirectional latches and transceivers

    OCR Scan
    Am29C983/Am29C983A 09485-008B 09485-009B 29C983/ Am29C983A 9485-011A 29C983/Am29C983A amd k10 29c983 AM29C983JC block diagram of AMD K10 09485-002B 363S 09485-013A AM29C983AJC PDF