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    L468001 Search Results

    L468001 Datasheets Context Search

    Catalog Datasheet MFG & Type Document Tags PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Prelim inary Inform ation This docum ent contains inform ation on a product under developm ent. The param etric inform ation are target param eters and aie subject to change. D istinguishing Features 200, 170 M H z O peration 8:1 M ultiplexed Pixel Ports 256 x 24 C olor Palette RAM

    OCR Scan
    RS-343A 145-pin L468001 PDF


    Abstract: Bt468 BT468KG200 BT468KG170 R14 P1F sxxxx
    Text: Preliminary Information This docum ent contains inform ation on a product under developm ent. The parametric inform ation contains target parameters and is subject to change. Bt468 Distinguishing Features 220, 200, 170 MHz Operation 8:1 Multiplexed Pixel Ports

    OCR Scan
    Bt468 RS-343A-Compatible 145-pin Bt468 50-percent 10-percent 90-percent Cr4401 BT468KG200 BT468KG170 R14 P1F sxxxx PDF


    Abstract: rso p2f
    Text: P relim inary Inform ation T his docum ent contains inform ation o n a p ro d u ct u n d er developm ent. T he param etric inform ation contain s targ et p aram eters and is subject to change. D istin gu ishin g Featu res A p p lica tio n s 200, 170 M H z O p eratio n

    OCR Scan
    S-343A 20etw Bt468 145-pin Bt468 rso p2f PDF

    diode P2F

    Abstract: BT468
    Text: Prelim inary Inform ation This document contains information on a product under development The parametric information contains target parameters and is subject to change. D istinguishing Features 200, 170 MHz Operation 8:1 Multiplexed Pixel Ports 256 x 24 Color Palette RAM

    OCR Scan
    RS-343A 145-pin Bt438, Bt439 Bt468 Bt468KG200 Bt468KG170 diode P2F BT468 PDF