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    KBPC1010P Search Results

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    Bridge Rectifier; 1000V; 150A; 700V; 10A | HVCA KBPC1010
    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    RS KBPC1010 (ALTERNATE: KBPC1010P) Bulk 125 1
    • 1 $2.23
    • 10 $2.11
    • 100 $2
    • 1000 $2
    • 10000 $2
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    KBPC1010P Datasheets (8)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Curated Datasheet Type PDF
    KBPC1010P Unknown Single-Phase Full-Wave Bridge Rectifier Original PDF
    KBPC1010P Won-Top Electronics 10A HIGH CURRENT BRIDGE RECTIFIER Original PDF
    KBPC1010P Collmer Semiconductor 10 AMP SILICON BRIDGE RECTIFIER Scan PDF
    KBPC1010P Collmer Semiconductor Over 600 obsolete distributor catalogs now available on the Datasheet Archive - Rectifier, Si, Bridge, 1000VRM, 10A @ Ta=50C, Pkg Style Square Plastic Scan PDF
    KBPC1010P High Voltage Power Systems 10 AMP SILICON BRIDGE RECTIFIER Scan PDF
    KBPC1010PW Unknown Single-Phase Full-Wave Bridge Rectifier Original PDF
    KBPC1010PW Won-Top Electronics 10A HIGH CURRENT BRIDGE RECTIFIER Original PDF

    KBPC1010P Datasheets Context Search

    Catalog Datasheet MFG & Type Document Tags PDF


    Abstract: KBPC10005 KBPC1010
    Text: KBPC10005PT CHENMKO ENTERPRISE CO.,LTD THRU SINGLE-PHASE PASSIVATED SILICON BRIDGE RECTIFIER VOLTAGE RANGE 50 - 1000 Volts CURRENT 10.0 Amperes KBPC1010PT FEATURES * * * * Surge overload rating 200 amperes peak Low forward voltage drop Small size : simple installation

    KBPC10005PT KBPC1010PT KBPC-10 KBPC-10 MIL-STD-750, 300uS 100oC KBPC10 KBPC10005 KBPC1010 PDF

    bridge rectifier ic

    Abstract: 10A bridge KBPC1002P
    Text: KBPC1000P/W KBPC1010P/W W TE PO WE R SEM IC O ND UC TO R S 10A HIGH CURRENT BRIDGE RECTIFIER Features ! Diffused Junction A ! ! ! Low Reverse Leakage Current Low Power Loss, High Efficiency Electrically Isolated Epoxy Case for Maximum Heat Dissipation

    KBPC1000P/W KBPC1010P/W E157705 MIL-STD-202, bridge rectifier ic 10A bridge KBPC1002P PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: KBPC1000P/W KBPC1010P/W W TE PO WE R SEM IC O ND UC TO R S 10A HIGH CURRENT BRIDGE RECTIFIER Features ! Diffused Junction A ! ! ! Low Reverse Leakage Current Low Power Loss, High Efficiency Electrically Isolated Epoxy Case for Maximum Heat Dissipation

    KBPC1000P/W KBPC1010P/W E157705 MIL-STD-202, PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: KBPC1000P/W KBPC1010P/W WTE POWER SEMICONDUCTORS 10A HIGH CURRENT BRIDGE RECTIFIER Features ! Diffused Junction A A ! ! ! Low Reverse Leakage Current C Low Power Loss, High Efficiency Electrically Isolated Epoxy Case for ~ Maximum Heat Dissipation D ! Case to Terminal Isolation Voltage 2500V

    KBPC1000P/W KBPC1010P/W E157705 MIL-STD-202, PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: KBPC10P SERIES WTE POWER SEMICONDUCTORS Pb 10A SINGLE-PHASE BRIDGE RECTIFIER Features  Diffused Junction A    Low Reverse Leakage Current Low Power Loss, High Efficiency Electrically Isolated Epoxy Case for ~ Maximum Heat Dissipation D  Case to Terminal Isolation Voltage 2500V

    KBPC10P E157705 KBPC1000P PDF


    Abstract: kbl104
    Text: C o l l m e r Semiconductor Bridge Rectifiers Silicon Bridge Rectifiers 13 Dimensions Ñ inches millimeters Mfr.Õs Type Fig. VRM VRRM VRWM Vr (RMS) IFSM Io VFM DF005M DF01M DF02M DF04M DF06M DF10M W005G W01G W02G W04G KBP01G KBP04G KBL01 KBL02 KBL04 KBL08

    DF005M DF01M DF02M DF04M DF06M DF10M W005G MP3502* MP3504* MP3506* MP3508 kbl104 PDF


    Abstract: mt2502 KBPC606 ASEA+EG+10 B250C500 b40c3700 B40C500 B500C1000 B80-C zener+diode+phc+10
    Text: BRIDGE RECTIFIERS SENSITRON SEMICONDUCTOR OPERATING TEMPERATURE –55°C TO +125°C STORAGE TEMPERATURE –55°C TO +125°C TYPE Maximum Peak Reverse Voltage PRV VPK Maximum Average Rectified Current @Half-Wave Resistive Load 60Hz Io @ T A AAV °C Maximum

    B40C800 B80C800 B125C800 B250C800 B380C800 B500C800 45osed KBPC5000GS KBPC5001GS KBPC5002GS mt3514 mt2502 KBPC606 ASEA+EG+10 B250C500 b40c3700 B40C500 B500C1000 B80-C zener+diode+phc+10 PDF

    Square Bridge Rectifier

    Abstract: KBPC10 KBPC1000P KBPC1000PW KBPC1001P KBPC1001PW KBPC1002P KBPC1002PW KBPC1004P KBPC10P
    Text: KBPC10P SERIES WTE POWER SEMICONDUCTORS Pb 10A SINGLE-PHASE BRIDGE RECTIFIER Features ! Diffused Junction A ! ! ! Low Reverse Leakage Current Low Power Loss, High Efficiency Electrically Isolated Epoxy Case for ~ Maximum Heat Dissipation D ! Case to Terminal Isolation Voltage 2500V

    KBPC10P E157705 Square Bridge Rectifier KBPC10 KBPC1000P KBPC1000PW KBPC1001P KBPC1001PW KBPC1002P KBPC1002PW KBPC1004P PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: PRODUCT SELECTION GUIDE Bridge Rectifiers 1 WON-TOP ELECTRONICS 2 Contents Introduction 4 Selector Guides 5 Bridge Rectifiers 6 SMD 6 Dual In-Line 7 Single In-Line 8 Round Type 14 Square Type 15 Three Phase 22 3 Introduction Constructed with both glass passivated die and silicon open junction die, Won-Top Electronics manufactures a


    irf 064

    Abstract: irf 480 irf 814 IRF 544 irf 2248 IRF 534 irf 157 irf 260 irf 345 IRFP240 814
    Text: Semiconductor Directory ManufacturerÕs Code Log AGT ADI AMD AVX COL CRY Agilent Technologies Analog Devices Inc. Advanced Micro Devices AVX Collmer Semiconductors, Inc. Crydom Company DLS EPC FSC GIS IRF INT Dallas Semiconductor Epcos Fairchild Semiconductor

    IRFP044N IRFZ14S IRL2910S IRU1015010-33CY KBL10 IRFU420 IRKT92/12 IRU1010-CD KBP01G IRFU5305 irf 064 irf 480 irf 814 IRF 544 irf 2248 IRF 534 irf 157 irf 260 irf 345 IRFP240 814 PDF


    Abstract: MP3508 KBPC25-04 KBU808
    Text: 1961-2012:QuarkCatalogTempNew 9/11/12 9:09 AM Page 1961 25 Silicon Bridge Rectifiers Fig. 3 Fig. 1 _ + 0.255 6.5 0.245 (6.2) 0.350 (8.9) 0.300 (7.6) 0.388 (9.86)Dia. 0.348 (8.84) 0.034 (0.86) 0.030 (0.76) 0.102 (2.6) 0.095 (2.4) 0.063 (1.6) 0.173 (4.4) 0.161 (4.1)


    kbpc 36

    Abstract: 1004P KBPC10005P KBPC1010P KBPC1001P
    Text: KBPC10005P Thru KBPC1010P 10 AMP SILICON BRIDGE RECTIFIER • FEATURES • • • • Rating to 1000V PRV Ideal for printed circuit board Surge overload rating to 150 Amperes peak Reliable low cost construction utilizing molded plastic technique results in inexpensive product

    OCR Scan
    KBPC10005P KBPC1010P E106441 MIL-STD-202, KBPC10-P kbpc 36 1004P KBPC1010P KBPC1001P PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: KBPC10005P Thru KBPC1010P 10 AMP SILICON BRIDGE RECTIFIER I FEA TU RES • • • • Rating to 1000V PRV Ideal for printed circuit board Surge overload rating to 150 Amperes peak Reliable low cost construction utilizing molded plastic technique results in inexpensive product

    OCR Scan
    KBPC10005P KBPC1010P KBPC10-P MIL-STD-202, 10005P 1001P 1002P 1004P 1006P 1008P PDF


    Abstract: KBPC10005P KBPC1010P
    Text: KBPC10005P Thru KBPC1010P 10 AM P SILICO N BR ID G E REC TIFIER • FE A TU R ES • • • • Rating to 1000V PRV Ideal for printed circuit board Surge overload rating to 150 Amperes peak Reliable low cost construction utilizing molded plastic technique results in inexpensive product

    OCR Scan
    KBPC10005P KBPC1010P E106441 MIL-STD-202, KBPC10-P 2E337T2 1004P KBPC1010P PDF


    Abstract: DF005S Diodes
    Text: BRIDGE RECTIFIERS & DIODES Standard Recovery Bridges DFM 1 DF005M DF02M Voltage 400 QFOltl:. DFS 1 DF005S DF02S DF04S DF06S W0G 15 W005G W01G KBP01G W02G iMafc' ‘ W06G KBP02G KBP04G KBP06G . 2W005G 2W01G 2W02G 2W04G , 2KBP005G 2KBP01G 2KBP02G KBL005 KBL01

    OCR Scan
    DF005M DF02M DF005S DF02S DF04S DF06S W005G KBP01G KBP02G KBP04G KBPC604 DF005S Diodes PDF


    Abstract: 1n4000 sERIES DIODES AW04M 1N5402 DIODES DF04 KBPC2506 DIODES INC 2KBP005 kpbc1500 general semiconductor DF005 Collmer Semiconductor kbpc3510
    Text: BRIDGE RECTIFIERS & DIODES Standard Recovery Bridges Series DF DFM DFS WOM KBP 2W0M 2KPB l{AV 1 1 1 KBL KBU4 KBPC6 KBU6 KBPC8 KBU8 KBPC10P KBU10 KBPC1S KBPC25 KBPC35 MP 1.5 1.5 2 2 4 4 Voltage 50 DF005 DF005M DF005S W005M KBP005 2W005M 6 8 2KBP005 KBL005

    OCR Scan
    KBPC10P KBU10 KBPC25 KBPC35 DF005 DF005M DF005S W005M KBP005 2W005M 2kpb 1n4000 sERIES DIODES AW04M 1N5402 DIODES DF04 KBPC2506 DIODES INC 2KBP005 kpbc1500 general semiconductor DF005 Collmer Semiconductor kbpc3510 PDF