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    JUPD77230A Search Results

    JUPD77230A Datasheets Context Search

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    STK and STR integrated circuits

    Abstract: STK 402 120 Y SICK WT 4-2 TSDW1 ic2398 PD77230 4431b uPD77230A
    Text: DATA SHEET NEC E LECTRON DEVICE À MOS INTEGRATED CIRCUIT //PD77230A D IG IT A L S IG N A L PRO CESSO R The juPD77230A is a Digital Signal Processor DSP developed fo r digital signal processing requiring high ac­ curacy. This unit processes 32-bit floating-point data or 24-bit fixed-point data at the rate o f 150 ns/instruction.

    OCR Scan
    uPD77230A 32-bit 24-bit itPD77230A X68R-100A-1 b427525 D07bfl3S STK and STR integrated circuits STK 402 120 Y SICK WT 4-2 TSDW1 ic2398 PD77230 4431b PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: jW /X V ^ 1^1 M -J NEC Electronics Inc. pPD77230A, 77P230 32-Bit Floating-Point Digital Signal Processor Description □ Eight-level stack accessible to internal bus The juPD77230A Digital Signal Processor DSP is the high-end mem ber of a new third-generation fam ily of

    OCR Scan
    pPD77230A, 77P230 32-Bit juPD77230A The/JPD77230A pPD77230AR) /L/PD77P230R) 49-001d50B PDF


    Abstract: S3ML-6888A uPD77220 GG33 upd77p220 JUPD77220
    Text: N E C ELECTRONICS INC blE ]> • ^27525 JUPD77220, 77P220 ’•■vv,., 24-Bit Fixed-Point Digital Signal Processor NEC Electronics Inc. Description The /yPD77220 is a highly accurate digital signal pro­ cessor DSP . The pPD77220 has a mask ROM; the /JPD77P220 has a one-time program mable (OTP) or an

    OCR Scan
    uPD77220 uPD77P220 24-Bit /yPD77220 pPD77220 /JPD77P220 10-MHz 47-bit S3ML-6888A GG33 JUPD77220 PDF

    stk ic 5.1 circuit diagram

    Abstract: uPD77220 uPD77220-10 l txr
    Text: NEC ELECTRON DEVICE DATA SHEET r MOS INTEGRATED CIRCUIT / ¿ P D 7 7 2 2 - 1 D IG IT A L S IG N A L P R O C E S S O R The n PD77220-10 is a Digital Signal Processor DSP developed for digital signal processing requiring high ★ accuracy. This unit processes 24-bit fixed-point data at the rate of 100 ns/instruction.

    OCR Scan
    uPD77220-10 24-bit juPD77220-10 El-1207) FC-70 68-pin VP15-162 D07b7 stk ic 5.1 circuit diagram uPD77220 l txr PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MEC pPD77220, 77P220 24-Bit Fixed-Point Digital Signal Processor NEC Electronics Inc. Description The /JPD77220 is a h ig h ly a c c u ra te d ig ita l sig n a l p ro ­ ce sso r DSP . T he ¿JPD77220 has a m ask ROM; the /JPD77P220 has a o n e -tim e p ro g ra m m a b le (OTP) o r an

    OCR Scan
    pPD77220, 77P220 24-Bit /JPD77220 JPD77220 /JPD77P220 10-MHz 10-MHz fiPD77220 //PD77220 PDF

    scr fir 3d

    Abstract: 1S114 full 18*16 barrel shifter design PD77230 G0331 77P230 UPD77P230 pPD77230
    Text: N E C ELECTRONICS INC LIE D • L.427525 GÜ331S1 DS7 « N E C E fiPD77230A, 77P230 32-Bit Floating-Point Digital Signal Processor NEC Electronics Inc. Description o Eight-level stack accessible to internal bus The pPD77230A Digital Signal Processor DSP is the

    OCR Scan
    uPD77230A uPD77P230 32-Bit pPD77230A PD77230A /L/PD77230AR) /PD77P230R) fiPD77230AR-003) scr fir 3d 1S114 full 18*16 barrel shifter design PD77230 G0331 77P230 pPD77230 PDF

    STK and STR integrated circuits

    Abstract: all stk ic diagram PD77230 stk 200/300 TI42 sick WL AXPD77230A JUPD77230 JUPD77230A A1H10
    Text: DATA SHEET SEC MOS INTEGRATED CIRCUIT ELECTRON DEVICE //PD77230A D I G IT A L S I G N A L P R O C E S S O R The //PD 77230A is a Digital Signal Processor DSP developed fo r digital signal processing requiring high ac­ curacy. This u n it processes 32-bit flo a tin g -p o in t data or 24-bit fix e d -p o in t data at the rate o f 150 ns/instruction.

    OCR Scan
    uPD77230A 32-bit 24-bit LtPD77230A -100A b427S55 STK and STR integrated circuits all stk ic diagram PD77230 stk 200/300 TI42 sick WL AXPD77230A JUPD77230 JUPD77230A A1H10 PDF