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    SMK Corporation JPS1110-1011

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    Quest Components JPS1110-1011 5,200
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    JPS1110 Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: 03N50
    Text: DETECTOR SWITCH DSI Series • Features 1. Input from 2 directions,either vertical or horizontal to the switch, possible. 2. Only 3.9 X 3.3 X 1 mm high, the smallest in the industry. 3. Operation force as small as 0.3N. 4. 90 degree operation angle due to the employment of a

    JPS1110- JPS1110-53F JPS1110-54F JPS1110-55F JPS1110-56F JPS1110-57F JPS1110-58F JPS1110-59F JPS1110-60F JPS1110- jps1110 03N50 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Detector Switches DSC Series • 特 長 ■ Features 1. セルフクリーニング構造のため接触信頼性に優れています。 2. 検出用スイッチの他にリセット用スイッチとしても使用 できます。 1. It is of self-cleaning construction, showing a high level of

    JPS1110-21 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Detector Switches DSJ Series • Features 1. Ease in switching during rotation while folding/unfolding due to the use of a lever-shaped shaft. 2. Size is measuring only 2.2mm W X3.4mm(D)X1.5mm(H). 3. As light as 0.3N force sufficient to operate this small

    JPS1110-43 1F/62 JPS1110-61 1F/63 1F/61 JPS1110-62 1F/6211F) PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: DETECTOR SWITCHES DSI- Series • Features 1. Input from 2 directions, either vertical or horizontal to the switch, possible. 2. Only 3.9 X 3.3 X 1 mm high, the smallest in the industry. 3. Operation force as small as 0.3N. 4. 90 degree operation angle due to the employment of a

    JPS1110F JPS1110- PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Detector Switches DSI-Ⅱ Series • 特 長 ■ Features 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 1. Input from 2 directions, either vertical or horizontal to the switch, possible. 2. Only 3.9mm W x3.3mm(D)×1mm(H), the smallest in the industry. 3. Operation force as small as 0.35N.

    5V10mA AC100V JPS11101F JPS1110- PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Detector Switches DSI-Ⅱ Series • 特 長 ■ Features 操作方向は縦・横の 2 方向からの検出が可能です。 業界最小サイズの 3.9mm W x 3.3mm(D) × 1mm(H) です。 操作荷重 0.35N と軽作動力です。 レバーシャフトの採用により、操作角度は 90°

    5V10mA AC100V JPS11101F JPS1110- PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Detector Switches DSI- Series • Features 1. Input from 2 directions, either vertical or horizontal to the switch, possible. 2. Only 3.9mm W X3.3mm(D)X1mm(H), the smallest in the industry. 3. Operation force as small as 0.35N. 4. 90 degrees operation angle due to the employment of a

    JPS11101F JPS1110- PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: DETECTOR SWITCHES DSC Series • Features 1. It is of self-cleaning construction, showing a high level of contact reliability. 2. It is available in either push-on or push-off type. 3. It is serviceable as a reset switch in addition to the detector. 4. It can be supplied in embossd tape packing.

    JPS1110-0901 JPS1110-2201 JPS1110-21 JPS1110-2111 JPS1110-2201 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Detector Switches DSC Series • Features 1. It is of self-cleaning construction, showing a high level of contact reliability. 2. It is serviceable as a reset switch in addition to the detector. ■ Specification 1. Rating : 0.1 to 5mA, 5V DC 2. Contact Resistance

    JPS1110-2201 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Detector Switches DSJ Series • 特 長 ■ Features 1. Ease in switching during rotation while folding/unfolding due to the use of a lever-shaped shaft. 2. Size is measuring only 2.2mm W x 3.4mm(D) × 1.5mm(H). 3. As light as 0.3N force sufficient to operate this small

    JPS1110-43 1F/62 JPS1110-61 1F/63 PDF

    C 34 F

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: DETECTOR SWITCHES DSJ Series • Features 1. Ease in switching during rotation while folding/unfolding due to the use of a lever-shaped shaft. 2. Smallest in the industry, measuring only 2.2x3.4x1.5 mm high. 3. As light as 0.3N force sufficient to operate this small

    JPS1110-43 JPS1110-62 JPS1110-43 JPS1110-61 C 34 F PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Detector Switches DSC Series • Features 1. It is of self-cleaning construction, showing a high level of contact reliability. 2. Two types are available of push-on and push-off. discrete type only 3. It is serviceable as a reset switch in addition to the detector.

    JPS1110-0901 JPS1110-2201 JPS1110-21 JPS1110-21 JPS1110-2201 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Detector Switches Detector Switches DSC Series • 特 長 ■ Features 1. セルフクリーニング構造のため接触信頼性に優れています。 2. プッシュオン・プッシュオフタイプの2種類があります。 (ディスクリートタイプのみ)

    AC100V JPS1110-0901 JPS1110-2201 JPS1110-21 JPS1110-21 JPS1110-2201 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MULTI-WAY SWITCH ROTARY SWITCH • DETECTOR SWITCH JXS 0000-0401 15 7 11 • • JXS 0000-0301 35 MULTI-WAY SWITCH 8 WAY MULTI-WAY SWITCH (4 WAY) • • JXS 0000-0101 c z ’is /lW . = >.|X |.1^ . (4 ^ |6 ]) Rating: 10mA 5V DC Operating Force: Lever SW:60—180gf

    OCR Scan
    180gf 650gf 550gf 200mQ 10Ogf JPS1110-2201H JPS1110-21 1110-0901H JPS1110-10DDH PDF